Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by Nordais, Jun 26, 2024.

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  1. Nordais

    Nordais Count Count

    Third event that has tokens as prizes for the fishing event: 4 TV Tokens. To get all 4 tokens, players will need to entirely complete this event.

    There's 4 shows that require different items to move on from one TV stage to the other, either event crops, event drops or 1 of 2 event milled items:

    Event crop:Event drop:Milled item 1: Milled item 2:
    Film Roll Flower
    Time: 5 hours and 30 minutes
    Gives (2x2): 220 EP

    Plantable on the Mainland and Green Meadow only!
    Employee Badge
    You will get these drops when harvesting the Mainland and Green Meadow from crops and trees.
    Ingredients: 6 x Film Roll Flowers, 25 x Employee Badges
    Milling time: 15 seconds
    Ingredients: 500 x Film Roll Flowers, 15 x Employee Badges
    Milling time: 15 seconds
    2 of the givers are awarded by the number of opened options on the 4 TC stages and the 2 last givers are given by completing options on sets. Thus, filling 28 options on the 32 available will give out the cloud row and givers but NO tokens.

    TV Tokens are only available on the last bonus steps of the Wolf Kitchen and Lionel Show.

    The numbers are for cloud row only and complete event:

    Wolf's Kitchen
    Farm News
    Bear Bunch

    Lionel Show
    11700 Film Roll Flowers192 Film Roll Flowers
    800 Employee Badges
    32 Spotlights (mill)
    570 Employee Badges8500 Film Roll Flowers
    255 Employee Badges
    17 Microphones (mill)
    12700 Film Roll Flowers210 Film Roll Flowers
    75 Employee Badges
    35 Spotlights (mill)
    620 Employee Badges9000 Film Roll Flowers
    270 Employee Badges
    18 Microphones (mill)
    Total :

    Cloud row only20392 Film Roll Flowers
    1625 Employee Badges
    32 Spotlights (mill)
    17 Microphones (mill)

    Cloud Row + 4 givers needed
    Complete event21910 Film Roll Flowers
    1765 Employee Badges
    35 Spotlights (mill)
    18 Microphones (mill)

    Cloud row + 4 givers needed

    4 TV Tokens
    There's almost no difference between the numbers, so the last efforts to get the tokens are worth it. There's no mini-game this time around, so grow, mill & throw!

    Good luck everyone!

    EDIT: Players start on stage 1: Wolf's Kitchen, so to get the 4 tokens one needs to do it all.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2024
  2. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Count Count

    Thanks so much Northy for another great explanation and chart - and for adding at the outset that players need to complete the event to get all the tokens.

    I will also skip this event - yep, sure of that, absolutely! :D

    RL is just too busy now and I want to relax here and not worry about strategy, etc. I collect my three lure clocks every morning and fish sometime during the day. Truly relaxing and I get a good mix of lures and rewards. No complaints, no worries!

    Good luck to all doing the event.
  3. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    Thanks, Northy, for doing the hard work for this very addled brain! ;)

    Well, despite the last event, I'm in! Not sure if I will finish it as I am away for some of this "event" week but will do what I can and not sweat it if I don't get the tokens and other prizes. :p
    Good luck all! :)
    Nala777, Raelyn, BellaMary69 and 5 others like this.
  4. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    Ugh. I don't want to do this. But, I'm already halfway down the rabbit hole of the fishing event, so I'm in.

    Sorry about my lackadaisical drop sending - I keep forgetting to do it (among other farm things like edelweiss valley).

    Thanks for starting the strategy thread, Northy!
    Nala777, Raelyn, BellaMary69 and 6 others like this.
  5. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    Thanks Nordais, what a great strategy post! You put a lot of time into doing this for us all!:inlove: I am in and will attempt the whole thing using 2 lands to grow crops and get drops I think IS doable IF the drops are good!:oops:
    Reminder to us all, to harvest our crates to get our lures!:p Good luck everyone!
    Nala777, dumbunny, Raelyn and 3 others like this.
  6. Nordais

    Nordais Count Count

    A good prep of your field for drops will help with that. My baby farm just put out reeds. this should give me the advance I need to keep up with drops after the event starts!

    The numbers are not astronomical this time around, so it should be doable by even the newest players. With the TV Tokens, it will be possible to get the first cloud row from the fishing event! We'll see the end of it in 14 days... :music::D

    You might have been the wisest of them all! Yes, fishing is fun. I actually opened my crates o'lures S by accident on my main farm (I was just clicking to open 2 weeks worth of crates... ugh) and so I decided to fish. Didn't realize that it was also time consuming, so don't wait too much people and start using those lures! ;)
    Nala777, dumbunny, Raelyn and 3 others like this.
  7. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    @Nordais, You are sooo right, I have prepped both my fields with Amaranth my longest crop and 4 howies on each land.
    I hope that gives me a good start!;)
    Warning: Amaranth is a 30 hour crop with out water and manure!! 24 hours with water!
    Nala777, dumbunny, Raelyn and 3 others like this.
  8. rivak

    rivak Forum Baron

    I'm going to play, but my goal is to get two tokens. If I can get the other two, that'll be a bonus. :)
  9. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    I was a bit slow on the uptake and put out critters that weren't ready till the end of yesterday or this morning! :wuerg:
    I am hoping for good things from a mix of Hydrangea, Rubia and Willowherb so let's hope those drops are forthcoming! :music:

    Edit: With half a field of Willowherb still to go, I have 283 drops so I think I'm going to be okay. :D

    Seasoned farmer that I am, I activated the CR to speed up SG - but forgot to activate Fruit Cake and White Innocence! DOH! Lost me half an hour growing time.:cry:xD
    Second Edit: Add CAC to my list of omissions! :eek:
    I really am out of the event habit! What fun! o_O
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2024
    Nala777, BellaMary69, Sue46 and 4 others like this.
  10. Nordais

    Nordais Count Count

    Turns out that we can't chose which TV stage to start with, so getting the 4 TV Tokens means enteirely completing all donations for the event.
    If you only get the first 2 tokens, that means filling the bonus donation to Wolf's Kitchen which is a 1000 Fils Roll Flowers. To complete the 3 other bonus donations, you'd only need another 518 Film Roll Flowers, 140 Employee Badges, mill 3 Spothlights and 1 Microphone (these numbers include the event crops/drops to mill). Nothing much would be missing but about 1 more event crop harvest and activate one more Crate O'Lures S. Would be worth the effort in my opinion.

    I make the same silly mistake with my baby farm almost every day! o_O-.-xD
    Nala777, BellaMary69, rivak and 4 others like this.
  11. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    I'm the same, Northy, with this farm, the only farm that does events! I usually forget the CR so went there first, checked the event had started, harvested and sort of vaguely wondered why the 2x2 plots weren't showing as many crops as I thought and then it dawned on me! 8)

    Back to topic: 328 drops without Magic Trees or neighbourly gifts yet so I am happy with that. Think those of you who have planted Amaranth should be laughing! :inlove:
  12. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    Many Thanks for posting Stats for this event Nordais ;):D

    I got 404 Employee Badges on my harvest of Amaranth I did not need to use any Howie Donuts I use All CR that Boost Drops for events ;);)

    202 1x1 (x 2) = 404

    It Be Good two events will be running from Tomorrow ;);)
    Nala777, BellaMary69, Nordais and 3 others like this.
  13. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    @ illy1996, I got 390 from both fields! xDxD laughing WITH you my friendly neighbor!;)
    Nala777, BellaMary69 and Nordais like this.
  14. Flower

    Flower Regular

    Thanks, Nordais, for the usual big help. I'm in. Just grow and deliver will be excellent.

    Good luck everyone!
    Nala777, Mooboy, sanddollar15 and 2 others like this.
  15. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    I agree, grow and deliver is a good event to do after so many mini games, but BP has surprised us with Carnival Queen and another mini event. At least this one has chocolate!;):pxD:inlove:xD
    Nala777, Mooboy, Brookeham and 5 others like this.
  16. rivak

    rivak Forum Baron

    We can't??????????????? I assumed I could bounce betwee the two that give tokens if you go alll the way. Darn.

    I'm still gonna give it a shot. I like the fishing game.
  17. davidb1yth007

    davidb1yth007 Forum Ambassador

    "The event is bad.
    Worst event Ever.
    I'll ignore it."
    Cloud row activated!:D

    Note: These timers only yield ONE lure each! :wuerg::cry::(
    (Tight-fisted BP)
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2024
    Nala777, dumbunny, Mooboy and 4 others like this.
  18. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    How? o_OxD
  19. davidb1yth007

    davidb1yth007 Forum Ambassador

    3000 Green Goo (half for instant drops), 2 x 100%, 3 x 6hr +1 and 2 x Jack'o gift! That's all (I think):D
    Oh year, cloud rows and white innocence plus refined onions for instant drops. Plus I got 75,000 onions to make CACs... maybe more green goo + 400
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2024
    Nala777, Mooboy, BellaMary69 and 2 others like this.
  20. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    Wow, that's a lot of stuff but less than 24 hours to finish 21k+ crops, not counting 1700+ drops! Good going! ;)
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