Farmer's Society Farm Orders

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by woody, Oct 15, 2014.

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  1. Aluntino

    Aluntino Board Analyst


    Yours is exactly the way orders should be assessed: using a parameter that helps you tell if they are worth the expense or not. And the parameter you've chosen is perfect.

    I don't make the kind of calculations you wisely care to make, though. In this case (Bahamarama's nFHOs), I decide to fulfill them based, mainly, on my typical production practices there and the overall B-EPs output of each order package. That's why I fulfill those that include any fruit or crop and also those that combine them with only parrots, monkeys or elephants. I never fulfill any order including sloths, anacondas, camels or pandas (anacondas are tricky because they look like a crop.....: never fulfill them in a rush), no matter how much they may yield. [My today Van Ramme's orders yielded 28K B-EPs; I mean, those I decided to fulfill, 4 out of 5; the 5th one asked for anacondas and got automatically dismissed... LOL].

    Finally, yesterday, I leveled up again to 228. And I opened Tiger Doods. The first 3 orders it placed were pretty lousy for my taste: I fulfilled 2 out of 3, for a meagre total of 4,5K B-EPs. But what I see from poppy's orders today -poppy has been having Tiger Doods available for a pretty long time now-, tells me they'll go on being pretty lousy. So, all in all, I think I regret having spent those 15 GBs unlocking it. Anyway, it's already done and I'll go on fulfilling the ones I find reasonable for my production practices (for instance, of those in poppy's list, I would have only fulfilled the 3rd one).
    BlackCaviar likes this.
  2. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    Thanks poppy :) It seems to be the same thing, that it is the fruit making the orders worth completing (for me).

    Hi Aluntino :) My criterion is of course only good if one uses the market a lot (I am doing it more and more). If you want to produce a lot of it yourself then of course it makes sense to choose differently. On bahamarama I grow all the crops myself (and sell some), I raise parrots and pandas, usually buy monkeys, elephants and sloths (don't have anacondas or camels). And buy most of the fruit.

    I usually don't make the calculations that carefully. From having made calculations before, I know that if the order demand two fruits (or one fruit and one other thing) then it is very good, if it demands only crops and/or animals I don't bother with it at all, in other cases I make a rough calculation and maybe I consider my stock.
  3. Aluntino

    Aluntino Board Analyst


    Let me disagree. Your criterion is very good, no matter what. If a player uses or not market much doesn't matter at all: if this same player wants to establish a measure for comparison, s/he will have no better (no other, in fact) way than doing that by defining a significant item (like you did with Red Punch) and use market prices as the input. Mkt prices are the only factor in game that summarizes all the players community space/time usage patterns. So, no, your criterion is, in my opinion, perfect, for everyone....
  4. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    I almost agree completely Aluntino ;) The exception is if a player wants to grow and make everything themselves. Then growing time per plot matters more. I did this the first few months (not this farm).

    In the beginning I also thought that I had to fill the farm house orders. So every time I leveled up (very often in the beginning) I started growing the new crop as quickly as possible, so that I could mill the new feed, so that I could raise the new animal, so that I could fill the order before time ran out... xDxD
    bygo_cris likes this.
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