Fave buffs?

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by elimeno, Jan 25, 2023.

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  1. elimeno

    elimeno Forum Overlooker

    Been playing this game for a bit. 12+ yrs. I am wondering what are your favorite buffs
  2. FarmerDelight

    FarmerDelight Forum Master

    CAC +2 crops per harvest
    sanddollar15, elimeno and farmerumf like this.
  3. rivak

    rivak Forum Baron

    Anything that gives me more items to harvest, or more animals from my stalls. :) The others are nice to have, but now that I'm past level 100 I'm worrying less about leveling up. I'm more focused on the FSQs.
  4. davidb1yth007

    davidb1yth007 Forum Ambassador

    I feel that I have graduated past CAC in that I only use CAC while there is an event with crops needed. Yes, this is a lot of the time, but when this is not the case, I co-ordinate Main and Island crops to make use of the +3 s available.
    Hibiscus Jam for Veges, Paradise Garland for flowers, Tropical Colada for 'Other', and Chocolate Croissant for Grains all give +3 for eighteen hours in the diamond slot.
    Grains is the most difficult as there are only three grains crops on the Island, and sugarcane is only fifteen minutes.

    But when we are trying to finish those mountains of Quest crop requirements, each +1, (or +3!) makes all the difference. :p
    Brookeham and sanddollar15 like this.
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