Feedback: Chestnut Festival Event

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by teddy.bear, Nov 20, 2014.

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  1. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Howdy Farmers,

    Please post your constructive comments, positive and negative, regarding the Chestnut Festival Event in this Feedback thread.

    Please be sure to bring arguments for supporting your statements, simple comments saying you like it or hate it will not help the Team understand what goes great, and what needs to be looked into, when planning future events.

    The FAQ of the Event can be found here. If you have any questions, please use the General Issues section or the Technical Issues section for technical problems - this thread is for feedback only. Thank you for understanding.

    Don't forget: You are also more than welcomed to join us and give your Feedback, or ask your questions in Chat!

    We are looking forward to your feedback!​

    Your Farmerama Team
    IVANCICA30 likes this.
  2. NanaLyn

    NanaLyn Active Author

    The only feedback to give is to say Good Luck To All who choose to participate.

    My choice is to set this one out. Donation requirements are way, way too much even for a level 95 player.
  3. TCRooster

    TCRooster Forum Demigod

    I'm out - 7 days only and a ridiculous quantity of animals and crops? No thanks, not even the lure of a Baha cloud can tempt me.
    IVANCICA30, DBAYES, Avienne_1 and 2 others like this.
  4. marlenef24

    marlenef24 Forum Expert

    WOW! How poor will you get after this event?! I will participate, I just did my maths with all the requirements and I can do it, up task 7. I will not participate in Top 1000 that is too much for me, as NanaLyn said too.
    I would like to know what BP was thinking when they set the requirements, really I would like to get a reply from one of the mods, if possible.
    And now to my feedback, this event is way too costly and the rewards do not justify the spending; so not a happy vegemite, am I?!:mad:
    IVANCICA30 and DBAYES like this.
  5. jennifersiegel

    jennifersiegel Padavan

    Dear teddy.bear,
    please specify in the FAQ that we need indeed tree fruits for step 3 (as mentioned in the German FAQ). Just calling them fruit is very misleading: it would mean crops like strawberries or blueberries to most people.
    IVANCICA30 and saturnia22 like this.
  6. spotsbox

    spotsbox Forum Demigod

    This event is going to be very, very expensive to finish. I know that many of us have expressed desires for events that were perhaps a bit more challenging for higher level farmers, but this seems over the top. I could bite the bullet and make the required donations of regular crops/tree fruits/animals, despite the fact I would rather donate them to unfinished trophies. But the level 7 breeding animal requirements are way beyond reason, to me. The potential prize of 8 Sweet Rose Jams just isn't cost effective when you consider that I can currently purchase 8 SRJ for less than a fifth of the breeding animal exchange values being required for that level. Not to mention that it is the exchange value that is being counted towards the level, not the actual market value of the breeding animal, so I stand to lose a substantial amount of CC by donating towards the event rather than selling. That being said, I haven't decided how far I'll go with this event, whether I'll donate my precious breeding animals or sell them. That is the one thing I do see this event doing is motivating the market, so those with higher breeding animals in stock stand to make huge profits. Decisions, decisions...FOCD or CC?:wuerg:xD I do know that I also will sit out the top 1000, as I just don't think I can bring myself to empty my barn that way, and I just don't have the CC needed to buy my way in. Good luck to those who decide to go for it!

    p.s. - please, please, please, enough of the 8 hour crops already:p
  7. omadon

    omadon Junior Expert

    In all recent events, I see BEXP coulds or BEXP giving deco. Personally, I appreciate that. It shows that developers listen to community, and try to provide what people are asking for, on forums.
    Now, when that is said ... 2.450.000 value of breeding animals ... that's crazy. :eek:

    I have ~1/4 of that and even if I spend all my time just on breeding, I won't have enough by the end.
    I remember we had "donating" event last year as well, but not this tough.

    Rewards are fine, not question about that.
    2x48h harvester and 6 CAC could be a fine help to players with lower levels (relatively speaking).

    I just notice that cloud row is on 3rd step. Ridiculous.
    I'm sitting this one out.
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2014
  8. VickyB71

    VickyB71 Someday Author

    I would like to say in honest thoughts and opinions of myself about this event that there is no way i can even imagine doing number one since the requirements are above my standards. For those who are going to participate, Best wishes and luck. This will be one event i won't touch. The Values needed are high not just in animals but breeding animals especially. I rather use my breeding animals for upgraded pens and production pens. I believe that Big Point needs to remember considering the low and new players. Many Wishes to all. Namaste' with love, truth, light and peace. ~VickyB71~
    IVANCICA30 likes this.
  9. pickles60

    pickles60 Forum Connoisseur

    I am with Vicky. good luck everyone who will attempt this (in my opinion) unachievable quest, I will pass this time!!
    IVANCICA30 likes this.
  10. pepsi52

    pepsi52 Forum Apprentice

    I also will pass on this event. i have been playing since just after the game started and this will be the first event i have passed on.
    Good luck to all who decide to give it a go.
    IVANCICA30 and piskica like this.
  11. mindy1701

    mindy1701 Count Count

    Could I do the event - yes, even the breeding animals
    Will I do the event - no, the benefits don't equal the costs, much less exceed them. Bragging rights don't amount to anything. Have fun all who venture forth.
  12. LambLamb

    LambLamb Forum Apprentice

    I agree absolutely. Not with me - its very very seldom I pass on an event but this time - no way!
    IVANCICA30 and farmer_broke like this.
  13. daisy

    daisy Forum Apprentice

    Good luck to all who decide to participate in this event. I definitely lack the resources to attempt joining in.
    IVANCICA30 likes this.
  14. Brookeham

    Brookeham Forum Freak

    I'm going for it!!!!:music:
    But I will need some help!! Pretty please, will some people post in my strategy thread for the Chestnut festival!!! :pI need some advice!!!;)
  15. deepchord

    deepchord Forum Greenhorn

    This sums it up.
  16. jennifersiegel

    jennifersiegel Padavan

    Well, people wanted challenges...

    I agree with most of the strategies suggested here, but as usual it is up to you if you play an event or not!
    And I think that it is worthwhile for really high level players (did I think I was one of them at level 88? no, not at all). I am okay to have an event gearing to the "old folks" once a year or so. And the harvest event used to ask for all sorts of stuff before and had the top player list last year too if I remember correctly.

    When new players post their disappointment about not being able to complete a quest, I keep reading in the forum how none of us was able to complete a quest at the beginning, that we all had to go through that, that it is just logical that high level players are able to complete it easier and newbies can not, etc.
    What it mostly comes down to is, that you either are rich in CC's or have a really well stocked barn (things that I believe are more likely to be the case the longer you play and at farm level 200 the cloud row is a lot more valuable than at level 88 ).

    Step 1-3 are worthwhile for me and achievable even for my "youngsters", which I really appreciate.
    Hopefully another good thing about this event is that prices in the market will go up considerably, allowing low level players (me included) to earn some serious CC's. And that is why it might be a very valuable event for low level players after all, because being able to earn CC's is especially important early in the game.

    Unfortunately if the rewards don't seem worth the challenge, nobody will be able benefit of this event.
    At the same time the less people even attempt the top 1000, the more likely it will be to get there for the ones that do: less competition... so looking at all your comments, it might actually become worth trying after all.
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2014
    IVANCICA30 likes this.
  17. djh99

    djh99 Regular

    I'll do level 1 for the powerfeed, maybe level 2 &3, but I'm not wasting my breeding anumals. I used to think at almost level 89 I was a higher level player but not any more. Too much for me!
  18. steph2014

    steph2014 Forum Pro

    I'm sitting this one out...I'm only level 79 (my other farm is level 70), and there is no way I can afford this one :oops:. I might do the first level for the PF, but after that I think I'll just try to sell stuff in the market (which will surely have inflated prices). I wish everyone who attempts this one the best of luck! And even though this event is too difficult for me, I do want to commend BP for trying different things. This is how they figure out what works:) ...and what doesn't. :wuerg:;)
  19. Tinni

    Tinni Padavan

    I am definitely sitting this one out as I do not have the resources to participate.

    Good luck to everyone who participates.
  20. chookie

    chookie Exceptional Talent

    I would like to thank BP for this one. As a a very poor farmer it will be nice to earn some cc's. I will not take part in this event as I don't have the resources yes, maybe in 12 months, but not now. I would of course love to have the cloud row but that's the way life goes.:music:
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