Feedback: Farmerama Comic #5: The Storm

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by Voldemort, Sep 10, 2014.

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  1. elbo79

    elbo79 Forum Apprentice

    As soon as I learned that I'd need 6500 balloons for the first level, I didn't even bother with the event and even though I planted high value crops the night before the event started, I only received one paint tube and perhaps two comic books for my effort. Just not worth it. I preferred the last event which was at least doable and didn't require 24 hour a day planting. Also, because I live in the U.S., we have less time to complete anything.
  2. julie1013

    julie1013 Commander of the Forum

    How do you figure we have less time to complete anything? Just curious. o_O:p
  3. Sweet_Cassiopeia

    Sweet_Cassiopeia Forum Overlooker

    Comic drops were less than optimal. If I hadn't purchased baskets, I would not have been able to complete this one. Never did figure out the rhyme and reason to what got comic drops and what didn't. Not really interested in stickers as a reward.
  4. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    8) Glad you asked for feedback!
    I've been working this event since it started, planted what I could on ALL fields WITHOUT taking down my whole farm-(which I've worked too hard and too long to get it balanced where it is, to then turn around and destroy it)- have allowed all my cupcakes to completely mature, have loads of drops (because pens and workshops and jumbo trees give lots of drops,etc.), and still I will not even finish the FIRST level!! :cry: Why? Because of the impossible, unreasonable, enormous crop requirement: 6500!!! I will finish with 3-4,000 crops after all these days of planting and harvesting, and sacrificing the few pens and trees that could be spared. You have heard this same story time and time again - TOO MANY CROP REQUIREMENTS!! :mad: Well.....Why aren't you listening???-.-

    And now I see that ANOTHER event is starting as soon as this one is finished!! And of course, this is right before the breeding event...where we need all our BB's for power feed!! And of course, the Mill and Harvester mini events were crowded right in with all this other stuff that costs more BB's. All this back-to-back. And this has been happening more and more frequently.>:(
    Hmmmmmm...anyone else beginning to see a pattern here?? Using up all our BB's before THE major event of the month? Don't we all need most of our BB's for THE event of the month - Baby Boom?? So-of course, we will have to buy MORE BB's...-.- want feedback?? O.K., here it is: 1. LOWER crop requirements 2. SPACE crop-requiring Events over the whole month and not have them back-to-back. Please give us time to recover! 3. SCHEDULE the Baby Boom at the BEGINNING of the month-first or second week- when most of us have more money to spend! *(How is it that little detail was overlooked?)*;)8)

    P.S. I am level 86, and I play this game for fun., like so many others. What happens when it is no longer enough fun to overcome the stress and aggravation??
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2014
    morieta and Arielh like this.
  5. fbdesigns

    fbdesigns Forum Greenhorn

    I am having the same issue. Been done with the event crops and cupcakes for days. Been planting oyster mushrooms and roses as well as the highest ep crop on Baha. I still lacks hundreds of comic books. I've maxed out my 'helpers' such as CAC, zucchini apple bread (i think is what's called) carrot cake, susies, chocolate milkshake for ep on Baha. I was using the helpers with the event crops as well. I have never seen a drop rate this bad. I even started using comfort fields, plus super-grow, and all those helpers. Still not improving by much. I have 6 hours left and there is no way I will get the amount of comic books I need to complete this.

    The general idea of the event was nice but because of the drop rates and not going to be able to finish despite trying everything I give this event a 6 out of 10.
  6. muscaricat

    muscaricat Forum Pro

    This event was a nice challenge for a higher level player like myself. I have just finished this morning with six hours to spare. I don't use supergrow, except in the first sowings, as I don't buy it therefore with RL constraints this event took some thought - which I like. :)
    The mix of requirements was good too - I had no problem with the drops as I don't clear any fields except for the main one but I leave the trees on there - this means I get the drops from XXL trees and coloured pens.
    I think that BP is making a good effort to change the events so that they don't become boring. Although we needed 11000 balloon plants in the last stages for this, we did not have to grow many thousands of something else as well, 5000 of the giant rhubarb at the end was a good overnight crop number. I did use whatever pink frosting I got but, I don't buy such things, and it was not necessary to complete the event.
    The event prizes were good too - I always like secret stables and a cloud row for the deco items is very welcome too.
    This was not an event for newbies but when I started it was not possible to complete events and that was before the advent of CAC and other buffs - this is quite acceptable as any sensible player should realise. I used CAC and ZAB and could not have completed the event without them.
    All in all a fun event even though I personally hate cupcakes and any sort of icing, especially pink stuff !!! ;):D
    farmlily3 likes this.
  7. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    8) From all the comments read over numerous events, and from what I have experienced, I think you get much better drop rates from pens, workshops, trees,etc., especially higher-end ones, than you will get from most crops. When you clear all your fields and then plant only crops, it reduces the amount of drops. I think muscaricat has the right idea....clear only one field and leave the rest to earn drops.:)
    I currently have 980 comic books, but not nearly enough crops, (even with CAC and white innocence, both of which I make myself).....anyone want to trade?? (joking):wuerg:o_O8)
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2014
  8. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Overall, an ok event for me. I like the mixture of 4 and 8 hour crops rather than an event with all 8 hour crops. I like the cloud row as my park and Shipwreck bay are full so at least the deco items can still benefit my farm rather than sit in inventory. I thought the cupcakes were pretty but did not care for the 16 hours of idle time that was not producing EP nor drops. The cupcakes would be fine if they were more productive for the farm. The partial completion level was a level all players could do since we were given the cupcakes by Fuzzles. However, it did provide flexibility for those players that were away from the computer due to RL or had login problems. It appears we are having a similar event with the beer steins that we will have to grow through different maturation levels. Unless they have related EP/drops, they will continue to not be favored in events.
  9. fifitrixiebell

    fifitrixiebell Forum Veteran

    Hi, I completed level 4 on this event but the only reason I even bothered to do it was for the level 4 rewards. I thought the amount of balloons required was way too high(and I was using all four fields cleared of everything else), the rewards were rubbish aside from level 4. I had to use a ridiculous amount of supergrow to end up finishing on time as I couldn't be on the computer 24/7. I've not been playing this game that long and have really enjoyed the events so far but this was poor in comparison. If the rewards had been half decent it wouldn't seem so bad but getting useless stickers(do these have any other purpose than to be put in the sticker album??) EP, a few super grow(which was used straight away on barely more than one field) and frosting for the amount of time it all took was very disappointing. Couldn't do anything else on any of the fields while this event was on as everything had to be put back in inventory. My partner didn't even bother to do it as he wanted to be able to still grow other stuff and thought the rewards were rubbish too :-(
  10. CeeCeeSp

    CeeCeeSp Forum Greenhorn

    Was very disappointing, needed nearly 200 comic books when event finished, had everything else, so ended up with xtra cupcakes and 5000 rhubarbs, drop rates were awful, the only way to finish was to pay BBs for the comic books, and as i don't have cash didn't finish
  11. Sweet_Cassiopeia

    Sweet_Cassiopeia Forum Overlooker

    So you got more drops but were unable to complete growing the crops. Not a win either. I always have trees out around the edges of my fields. I don't remove them. I do remove the pens if pens are not needed for the event or if I have all the needed animals for the event. I think that if "crop" amounts are large, "crop" harvests should be where the majority of the drops should come from, not animal pens that were not a requirement for the event. Just my opinion.
    julie1013 likes this.
  12. T_rixy

    T_rixy Junior Expert

    Really disappointed in this one even tho the premise was great! I finished all of the crops and cupcakes with 30 hours of playing time left so I thought I was golden. But I was around 20 comics short when the event ended. I thought about buying the comics but was so annoyed I decided to go to bed instead. Then to add insult to injury got a couple of comics as gifts when I logged on this morning. I don't think anyone should fail because of drops!!!

    My suggestion -increase the drop rate for the last 24 hours of the event or have a 'magic' drop that gives everyone all the needed drop items. If you haven't done the crops it won't matter but if you've been farming hard it rewards you for playing.
  13. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    8) This sounds logical at first, but then they would have to keep changing the drop amounts at every Event...and that would not be fair to the many who choose not to participate. A good idea as far as it goes, and all ideas are most welcome - they make us all put on our 'thinking caps'.:)
    Perhaps the only real win is more land, or perhaps a new field dedicated to crop-growing only. Or perhaps a temporary answer will be in the new 'storage' that is coming. For me, my farm is permanent and the fields interdependent - what I have worked for these yrs.; Events are temporary. It is a choice that I am forced to make with each event until we do get more room.:(
    Questions: Why should players be forced to take down their farms in order to 'play' an event?? Isn't the original object of this game to build a good farm? Events are extras, and shouldn't have to have such a negative - and expensive in terms of lost income, etc. - effect on our hard-won farms.
    I like the Events, too. I like my farm better.8)
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2014
  14. porkchop1

    porkchop1 Junior Expert

    I have four farms. Each one has the ruin opened for trophies. Each one has trophies in 24 to 26 rates. I didn't get alot from neighbors. Worked hard to get grown and was disappointed that I stilled needed almost a 100 per farm to finish. Ended up buying baskets as I had so much done and didn't want to not finish. I have had this issue only a couple of times in the all the years I have been playing and again I complain but wonder if anything will come of it as nothing has in the past. I will ask as some others have, does anyone read these at Bigpoint. Does it do any good to complain. If you can finish everything three days early but drops something is wrong with someones figures. I know you don't want to make to easy but drops are something we really have no control over and when you are that short and are buying a basket 10 minutes before end something is wrong!!!
  15. lilbayberry

    lilbayberry Forum Apprentice

    I thought the requirements were way to high, especially for the rewards given. Only level 4 really had any good prizes, but I couldnt even get there due to the ridiculously high requirements; not to mention the fact that it is hard to want to put forth so much effort when the majority of the prizes were LAME. After trying for a few days I just decided I could do better by working on other quests. This event was a big flop in my book! -.-
    farmlily3 likes this.
  16. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    I have a lot to say on the topic :oops:

    For players like me, that wanted to and could, finish the entire event, I think it was a good one.

    - 4&8 hours crops work very well for me
    - Requirements were not unreasonably high (using harvester and CAC)
    Thank you for reducing the amounts from the all times high we had this spring
    - I like the cupcakes :) but wish they could give EP :(
    - Rewards were OK. I liked the 3 secret stables, 3 CAC and coupons :)
    I wish we had also gotten power feed :(
    - I wish the locked comic pages would show the requirements (as stated in the FAQ) not just the rewards. When I started playing I didn't even know about the FAQs and with the old farmer society the requirement of each new level was a complete surprise. Events are much more enjoyable when you can plan them well (unless it is meant to be a surprise :p).
    I think it was very bad for players that didn't want to or couldn't grow so many crops!
    - No nice rewards in the first two levels
    - Harvest helper and CAC which is essential to growing a lot of crops is rewarded at the end of the event, after you have grown almost all the crops o_O Why?
    - The cupcakes -.- This point will get its own discussion.
    - This event required more drops than the easiest events. I think this is perfectly alright, BUT not when 700 out of 950 are required for the last step. I think this is very unfair to players that were a little short on drops. If the second to last step demands 500 drops and the last step 200, then players a little short on drops can get rewards for most of their drops. If they know they are likely to end up a little short, they can decide not to grow the crops for the last step. I think it was very unfair that players growing 5000 rhubarbs in the hope of getting all the drops are not rewarded at all for that. And also no reward for the maybe 600 out of 700 drops they collected.
    Cupcakes -.->:(:mad::oops::inlove::inlove::inlove:
    - I like the general idea: Everyone gets the same number of cupcakes and you get the required points if you just leave them out full time. This is something everyone including very low level players can easily do (if they log in every day). BUT then you have to grow 17500 balloons in order to use the cupcakes o_O Why? That will exclude a lot of people including the mentioned very low level players. And if you don't grow all the balloons, the cupcakes are completely worthless o_O Why?
    - I see one good reason for not putting the cupcake page earlier. Simply because it is designed so that you can't finish it before Monday (without buying). So it would also not do to put this page in the beginning.
    - The only way I can see this cupcake thing work in a comic format is if it put quite early on. Leave the possibility to advance with partial completion, and add the option to complete at a later stage. I think that could work very well, and several players have been asking if that option exists.

    Personally I was quite happy with the event, but I see a lot of reasons why players might be unhappy with it and rightfully so (in my opinion).

    JJenks and Arielh like this.
  17. Sweet_Cassiopeia

    Sweet_Cassiopeia Forum Overlooker

    There are already temporary adjustments to certain things in the regular game (IE: The minus 5% on manure efficacy for lower level players). Something like this could be added to the event crops just for the event drops as the event crops and drops go away after the event. You should be rewarded for growing the event crops. You shouldn't be penalized for not growing things that are not part of the event when you need the space for the event crops.
  18. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Thank you all for your Comic #5 event feedback, your comments and suggestions have been forwarded.

    ~ Closing thread as it's time for a new event ~
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