Feedback: Producer's Newsletter September 2014

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by teddy.bear, Sep 4, 2014.

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  1. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Howdy Farmers,

    We would love to hear your feedback regarding this month's Producer Newsletter.​

    We hope you enjoyed "meeting" our new producer!
    Your Farmerama Team
  2. Rockowa**

    Rockowa** Forum Greenhorn

    A very big thank you for the very much awaited newsletter :) It’s great to hear that at last something might be done about the very annoying lack of space on the farm and no challenges for high level players. Many of those who were on levels 90+ already left their farms or visit them just from time to time as the game become too boring. It’s very sad, as Farmerama used to be our addiction when we first came here. So keep my fingers crossed for Varun and the whole team.

    Just one question if it is not a secret of course ;) Is nice to hear that Varun will be active here, but is there any specific time and place when/where we can meet him on the board?
  3. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Hello Rockowa**,:)

    Thank you for your feedback, and thank you for stepping by, it's a lovely surprise seeing you around!

    At the moment we don't know when we will have the chance of seeing our new producer, Varun, on the English Forum, but we are sure looking forward to that! As soon as we have any information, we will let you all know. ​
  4. farmerumf

    farmerumf Forum General

    New things are being planned - can't wait! More space would be lovely, we get new pens, crops and trees but have run out of space for them all. If I had wanted to be a juggler, I would have joined the circus lol. xD
    fifitrixiebell likes this.
  5. birdiesaunt1951

    birdiesaunt1951 Padavan

    Very interested in this idea of "Storage Quarters" for stables that are sitting in inventory. Would it also include workshops? Love the artist's conception of the new reef at the island - beautiful! :)
  6. Banjoman

    Banjoman Forum Ambassador

    Anyone notice the pink lizard lounging in front of the team ? :p Wonder when she's making her debut.
    The Storage Quarters sound nice but it would also have been nice if there was a dedicated Orchard.
    The Coral Reef looks to be a complex almost 3D atmosphere... looking forward to it once I can get enough Golden Banana's >:(
    Nice to see some transparency with BP and the players, hopefully we'll see more in the future.
    fifitrixiebell likes this.
  7. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    I look forward to see the "Storage Quarters" and understand how this will work.
    Very interesting is the Coral Reef...
    I believe it is good that they want to uptade the game with changes. We will see if they are good, we hope that they will.:)
  8. Bhodho

    Bhodho Count Count

    I hope the Coral Reef does not see the light of day. Manual harvesting is tedious at the moment. What more with this?
    And I will continue benefiting from the broken Mentoring System.
    Happy to see Shokena (lady on the right with hands in pocket) and teddy.bear (lady on the left of the tallest guy in the centre back). The guy with pink lizard is the GrapeVine Wizard.
    The others I am yet to identify...
  9. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    Very much enjoyed meeting you all!

    Any chance of putting names to all those hard working people who make our farming days good ones??
    Last edited by moderator: Sep 5, 2014
  10. Farmerama_Producer

    Farmerama_Producer Development Team Team Farmerama EN

    Thanks for your feedback everyone!
    Arielh likes this.
  11. lilbayberry

    lilbayberry Forum Apprentice

    :DOh I am so very excited about the coral reef! Not only is it visually stunning, but the idea of going on expeditions sounds exciting. And the Storage Quarters is a much needed addition as well. :D
  12. SylvanasW

    SylvanasW Someday Author

    A post I've been waiting to read for a while now. There were many reasons for which I stopped playing this game, and the boredom was one of them. As a long-term player I couldn't find anything interesting in the game anymore, the same repetitive events, the same useless prizes over and over again. Though the concept of Storage Quarters is not new in the farming games, I welcome such a feature, especially if it is easy to implement and is it not likely to have a lot of bugs. I'll be happy to return to the game if something new and challenging is launched, instead of seeing useless features added almost monthly, while old bugs are still plaguing the game. Best of luck to the Devs, QA, and the entire FA Team to rejuvenate this great game!
  13. sunshineaz

    sunshineaz Forum Great Master

    I still play after more than 4 years and am not really burned out, as I still enjoy it.

    I really wish you would shelve the poor implementation of the TPC and the mentoring system as it creates division and dissonance in the community. It effectively gives us players a group who has the benefits and a group who do not. There are no known reasons why some are included and others are left out as it does not matter how much money you spend, how long you have played the game or anything else. I remember many posts from some players that were very hurt by the selection process you played in picking those who have benefited much over all the other players. I remember some wanting very much the few exclusive recipes given to TPC members that have never been offered to the rest of the players.

    I am not sure if I am looking forward to either the storage system or the island expansion and I really don't want more of a challenge just because I am over level 90. I play the game to relax, not to work. So, I guess we see what the future brings to the game.
  14. msmeow

    msmeow Junior Expert

    Hello Vara, Teddy and all the rest of the Team...happy wave icon here;)
    I only just started the game, but was really glad to see you are going to give those loyal long term players some extra Cheers!

    Long term players and OC Farmers of any level can enjoy the challenges and long and short and relaxing mode farmers can choose I hope?

    These types of issues are very familiar on any multi-player games from my experience...but hey I can be a little Wonky at times. :music: from tom's diner
  15. rauclaudia

    rauclaudia Forum Apprentice

    Well, lots of promises,I have to say i believe it when i see it .
    But to be fair i am very happy that Varun told us "at last" whats happend with the mentoring system.
    18 month i was told lies and now at least I know where I stand.
    Thank you for that Varun.
  16. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    The most informative communication from any farmerama/big point rep yet.
    Technical complications are frustrating, but understandable. That said, now that you have mentioned these features, people will be expecting them, eventually. Its hard to balance-- share information too soon and people await things that wind up impossible, but keep saying "we are working on new features", without any details and folks become disbelieving and jaded. I hope the coral reef feature comes to pass.

    I almost forgot about the mentoring feature. At a minimum, you need a better way to notify people when someone is either a mentor or "mentee". Maybe an "air mail" type banner or an icon similar to the "you have mail" icon? I also think you need better criteria for who can be a mentor. I had one mentor who actually helped me, but another just wanted gifts. At that point, I did not even know what the whole "gift" business was about! I wanted an explanation, but the person with whom I was hooked up could no be bothered. I got another mentor who helped a great deal. Its not possible to completely prevent all such issues, of course, but it could be improved.

    Per the space issue... sure, we would like more space, but when you add more space, the requirements need to be upped as well. It winds up being a "relief" for a time, but before long its just a bigger batch to juggle. People who stay like that. That is, right now, I we have so many animals and crops that it is hard to juggle them all. However, the truth is it is a "battle" that is never truly "won"... and that challenge is part of what makes the game attractive. So, basically, some improvement, sure...but don't try to "fix" everything.

    PS if you need any help with the coral reef feature... I can help.
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2014
  17. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Thank you all for your feedback :) This thread can be closed now, this month's newsletter arrived!

    ~ Closing thread ~
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