Fire breathing dragons and wild fire flowers

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by 1msech2006, May 6, 2017.

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  1. 1msech2006

    1msech2006 Forum Inhabitant

    Event where we hatch fire breathing dragons' eggs and grow fire flowers to make wild fire in the mill. We could earn the eggs in quests and then set them on the fields to mature. When the dragon comes out of the egg it could breathe fire into the air above our fields and have a prize paracute out of the fire with a prize hanging on it. Good event row would be one where we placed dragons on the clouds and received CCs. The wild fire we make could be used to win things we can choose sort of like with the shop-o-rama event. Having golden crowns in the event too would be great but I haven't been able to think how to use them or make them...any ideas out there? Lately I believe the quests are boring. I do not like the quests where we have to add up the points for each animal or plant before putting them into the event. I have lost tons of animals that way because I do not add to great. Also an event that may just be finishable for me. I am unable to finish most of the events because of manure or else I just loose interest in it. Boring planting same things over and over again. It could be a Game of Thrones event type theme. Go Jon Snow! Be well Jorah!
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