Football Game Night

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by Nordais, Jul 3, 2024.

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  1. Nordais

    Nordais Count Count

    Game board event that's offering the last 4 Golden Tokens for the fishing event!

    Here are the event's crop/drop/mill item:

    Event crop:Event drop:Event mill item:
    Wild Card
    Time: 6 hours
    Gives (2x2): 240 EP

    Plantable on the Main field and Green Meadow only!
    Fizzy Drink
    You will get these drops when harvesting the main field and green meadow from crops and trees.
    Football Deck
    Ingredients: 557 x Wild Cards, 50 x Fizzy Drinks + 6 x Sunflowers
    Milling time: 15 seconds
    It can be produced in the main and tropical Mills - Events feed tab
    To get the "Heart of the Sea" Magic Stalk Row + its 3 givers in the Event Shop for Star Coins (SC), players will need to get 76 Star Coins (22 SC for the Cloud row + 54 SC for the 3 givers). That means playing 38 board segments.

    Each player will get 1 Football Deck to try the mini-game, meaning that players will need to mill a minimum of 37 Football Decks.

    Minimum numbers for the event:

    20609 Wild Cards
    1850 Fizzy Drinks
    37 Football Decks + 9m 15s mill time

    Along the way, players will need to collect at least 20 Trivia Points (TP) that can be won by answering trivia questions on the "?" tiles on the different board segments. The 20 TP is to get 2 of the Golden Tokens needed to complete the fishing event.

    The other 2 Golden Tokens can be won as prizes on 2 of the board segments:

    Jungle Board Game (Monkey) - Segment 2 - Tile 4
    Campground Board Game (Bear with orange shirt & blue hat) - Segment 2 - Tile 15

    They're both marked with a red contour just like a few other major prizes.

    This can be played over and over to get more Trivia Points to unlock other prizes like 1 Piccolo Wonder Box and some Wonder Trees & Stables.

    Good luck everyone!

    Edit: prices for Golden Tokens have gone up, now it's 10 Trivia Points each!
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2024
  2. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    Thanks Northy, I had figured for 31:p mini games BUT your numbers are correct! I will attempt to grow all the crops and play all the boards needed to get the Cr's! Good luck everyone and I hope the ? are easy! xDxD
  3. Flower

    Flower Regular

    Thanks, Nordais, for the usual so helpful math and tips. Although this type of event is not one of my favorite ones, I'm definitely in to get those last tokens and that piccolo :p

    I guess drops will be a very serious issue, so we will need to have strategie and tons of SSG :oops:xD

    Anyway, hope we all (at least) grab those last fishing coins and that we all have a great weekend.
    Raelyn, Jarrow, Sue46 and 8 others like this.
  4. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    Yay! I like these events - the mini-games are so well done with the graphics, etc.

    Northy - thanks for starting the strategy thread!

    Flower - put out all your howies and amaranth overnight - put it in your fields right now, it'll be done in time to start the event tomorrow. That and any other boosts you have (the 20% drop rat that goes in your gold slot - if you have any of those crates to open, open 'em now, and check your inventory, you may already have one in reserve). Plus there are cloud rows and givers that boost drop rate.

    I'll check my drop rates in the morning, and usage after the first day and generally if I find the drops lacking, I'll switch to a longer crop overnight - something in the 12 to 14 hour range that with water and poo will be ready when I get up and get moving in the morning.

    Anyway, y'all know I'm in on the 3 usual farms. Off to plant the amaranth.
    Raelyn, Flower, Sue46 and 8 others like this.
  5. gardengal

    gardengal Forum Commissioner

    I'm in because I like the mini game.
    Thanks for the stats, Northy.
    Good luck everyone.
  6. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    I will do what I can but not home till Sunday so sowing/harvesting will be iffy - will aim for the tokens and trivia points, the rest, quoting Dumbunny, is gravy!. :p
    Good luck all - think some of you will be with me in looking forward to the end of the fishing game. :D
  7. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    @dumbunny, yes, I have planted Amaranth on 2 fields and placed 4 howies on each!:music:
    @illy1996 , YES I am now sooo done with fishing!
    Reminder: to harvest the crates to get your fishing lures!;)
  8. Nala777

    Nala777 Forum Overlooker

    Thank you Nordais for the numbers and useful tips. This is one of my favorite events, count me in.

    Credit: @12ss12
    Quiz table

    QuestionCorrect answer
    What do you get when you eat a flame?750 TEP
    Which of these products reduce the yield of full moon plants?demonic bouquet
    Why is the Happy Harvest special?When harvesting double EP for crops
    What is a manufactory good for?For storing workshops
    What did the players build at the 2019 Christmas event?3 snowmen
    How many hammers do you need to build a fishpond Level 4: Pink?20
    Which of the following plants was first in FARMERAMA?rose hips
    Available from the Ballerina toy watch ...1 white innocence + 1400 EP
    What is white innocence?florist product
    Which animal plays basketball?Giraffe
    Count Dracula is a ...Vampire
    What could have been done with the event results for the 2016 Valentine’s Day event?Sell in the market
    Which cat is needed to build Cat Cat Level 5: Neon?Siamese cat
    From which box can the golden breeding animal be obtained?Golden animal chest
    The Easter season is ...Spring
    Which plant is affected by the Winter Jam Bonus?Vanilla
    What subject did the Advent calendar give you in 2017?Cold-blooded athlete
    Which reward box hides EP / TEP Harvest Bonus Lt?manure box
    Which farm building is missing on Falls Island?Farmhouse
    Which customer requested manure?Vuk Viki
    Which of these jams exists?I have a honey banana dream
    Fur, the gargoyle, also has two brothers. How are they called?Shale and Borax
    Angora wool is not made elsewhere than ...In an angora petting
    Which animal plays the guitar?Shark
    Which animal did not participate in the Snow Crystal Cup?Shoot
    Where can you get melon magic?cloud rows
    Which of these butterflies exists?Gorgeous king butterfly
    Which animal has mango trees in your area?Toucan
    To which event is the miracle fruit related?Fruit market
    Which event plant was featured in the Valentine’s Day event in 2015?Heart flower
    What does fruit cake give?5% Super Grow efficiency
    Which animal produces potions?None of them
    Who is the oldest animal FARMERAMAN?Orla, the wise owl
    Which event did the float rod and float flower need?Pool shark stories
    How many 1x1 areas can be exposed to the Falls of the Falls?156
    Which animal is karate?Panda
    How many trees grow on top of the shrine of the Mayan monkeys?2
    The most famous ornate Easter egg is ...Fabergé eggs
    What kind of animal is Baba Mau?Black cat
    In the Full Moon world, which animals sometimes fly around the Haunted Mansion?bats
    What is the harvest bonus for a butterfly’s pet?3 potions
    How Much EP does a Honey Banana Give?9000
    Who is Mefi?The weasel of darkness
    Where does the chameleon live?main farm
    Which bonus place does jasmine bubble tea go to?Gold
    How long does it take for a flying reindeer to give a star?168 hours
    Which animal in FARMERAMA makes eggs in its workshop?Hen
    How to write correctly?Pinkie Pie
    What gives a butterfly a pet favorite?Potion
    What day of the week do we celebrate Easter?Sunday
    Which of these developments cannot be done in the workshops?Sweater tie level 2
    Which tree is not in FARMERAMA?candleájusi-játéknap-csevegő.22391/page-5#post-1262628
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2024
  9. upa70

    upa70 Forum Expert

    just a thought....
    concentrate on growing your crops for milling and accumulate your decks ready.
    wait until this thread has lots of answers to questions...there's always one or two tricky questions from bygone years and then play the board games whilst having this thread open with the there is no time limit on answering the trivia questions, take your time and find the right may make all the difference come the end of the event.
    that's what i always do for these kind of board games and it never fails me.
  10. NinaBoBina

    NinaBoBina Forum Apprentice

    Thank you upa70 for the helpful thread and secondary advice to watch it for help with the trivia! As a relative newbie it's advice I'll certainly be taking!
    I'm going to give this one a good shot, I had a couple of short trips in June so missed all the tokens from the Catch Me! event so my fishing could use a boost from this one.
  11. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Count Count

    Thanks, Northy, well done with the charts and info. I shall be cheering on from the sidelines and will send y'all drops, but please do not send me as I'm sitting this one out, too! Good luck to all the players!
  12. Tarsis63

    Tarsis63 Forum Apprentice

    FYI my neighbors. I'm going to Lapland for a few days to see my newborn grandson.

    There is hardly any internet connection there, so I don't need neighbor gifts.
  13. Nuubi-Joonas2210

    Nuubi-Joonas2210 Forum Commissioner

    OK, poor droprate, not even close to every Amaranth-plot - I have 176+176 and Trees in edges - get only 172 from Main and 175 drom Green. That´s poor because last event there are overnights that give 183+185 drops. But "all-in" !
    Jarrow, luciana1949, Nala777 and 6 others like this.
  14. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Forum Overlooker

    What was used first to unlock BAHAMARAMA? Air Miles
    Jarrow, BlackCaviar, Nala777 and 9 others like this.
  15. SONER1111

    SONER1111 Someday Author

    Chris G question is 2018
    Jarrow, ticuss, BlackCaviar and 9 others like this.
  16. Flower

    Flower Regular

    @dumbunny thank you, Amaranth has been a good friend for a long time, i always get 404 drops from start without any trees or howies (they are on the tree of wisdom) ;)
    Although I have 1 rat, guess i'll have to give up that piccolo. Anyway, it's still early to start worrying xD
    Jarrow, Nala777, Nordais and 3 others like this.
  17. PrairieMaiden23

    PrairieMaiden23 Padavan

    Nuubi's right - drop rate from amaranth on SL's farm (that one has all the bells and whistles for moar drops) was 168 and 176. Ick poo. Doesn't bode well for this farm which does not have all the CRs and givers.

    I keep trees around the edges so, SL's farm put some tree food on them - hoping that helps.
    Jarrow, Nala777, Nordais and 3 others like this.
  18. Nala777

    Nala777 Forum Overlooker

    Credit: @upa70
    Which giver item was given out one Christmas Eve event? Under the mistletoe
    "Mistletoe Lovers hands out 40 EP"
    What is a Horror Tomato? An Animal
    Which tree has the second longest production time? Midnight Oak
    The Magic Tree handed out Christmas hats in which year? 2014
    An XXL Pine Tree is available at level ..? 56
    What does Fruit Cake hand out? 5% Super-grow efficiency
    Which crate contains a full moon harvest booster? Crate of Witchy Goods L
    Where can you plant mistletoe? You can't plant mistletoe
    100 Dolls eyes to make Zombie sheep feed.
    3 snowmen were built in 2019 Christmas event.

    Which snow globe is the biggest? Winter Magic
    How many stars does the Flying Reindeer hand out? 1 star.
    How many fields are there on the Mushroom Forest? 202
    winter jam affect which plant? Vanilla
    which crate hands out 1 parrot feather among other things? Crate of parrots
    Santa's Helper house pet was introduced in? 2018
    Which product reduces Full Moon plant? Terror Bouquet
    Which animals doesn't have ice in it's stables/workshop? sharks
    In which year could you help in Santa's workshop during Christmas? 2013
    Animal that can't be bred anymore? Reindeer
    Growth time of red currant? 9 hours 15 min
    Weekly quick pack available per season? 4
    Carrot Apple Chutney doesn't have? Wheat
    Item not available in Crate of Delicacies? Tools
    In the past which product can extend CAC? Pumpkin Jam
    Specter Trapper gives extra EP/TEP to? Trees
    Giver Item not from Christmas Eve 2018? Chaotic Kitchen
    Cooldown time for NYE's cloudrow? 21 hours
    Dec 20202 event is? Wintertide Lalapalloza
    Besides EP, what else does 'Holiday Sprit' hand out? : 3 crates O'Treats
    which product extended the Carrot-Apple-Chutney bonus? Pumpkin jam.
    Who is the master of Cerberus the hellhound? Count Bracula.
    Animal that does not have ice in stable or workshops? Sharks
    Animal that you can see skis in the stable? Bear
    Sonny is a? Swallow
    Santapalooza was in? 2014
    Which item hands out Crate O' Batty Treats? Fright Night Bat Eggplant Pet
    What kind of animal is Suzy the pilot? Ostrich
    Which winter sport has its own minigame? Ice hockey
    The Eerie Elm hands out ...? EP
    At which level is Poinsettia available? 240
    Count Dracula is a ...? Vampire
    In Moonlight World, which animals sometimes fly around the Haunted Manor?Bats
    How many albino bats are required to build a Bat Roost I - Yellow? 5
    what animal was on the new years event sticker in 2011 ? sheep
    Who won the Snow Crystal cup 2018? : Turtle
    Happy manure Day you get? 25% more manure from stables and workshops
    the animals held a snowmobile race in which year? 2018
    Reindeer stable II: Orange hands out - 2 reindeer 2 manure
    Happy Discount Day gives you a discount on...Plant cultivation
    Which animal sports an ice-rink as part of it's pink workshop? Ostrich
    100 Dolls eyes to make Zombie sheep feed.
    3 snowmen were built in 2019 Christmas event.

    1How often is the Weekly Quick Package available per season?4 times
    2Which product reduces the growth time of creepy plants?Terror bouquet
    3What does the winter feast box contain?Handicraft products and fruits
    4How long is the cooldown of the "New Year's Festivities" cloud rows?21 hours
    5How many stars does the Flying Reindeer bring?1 star
    6Which sport has its own event at Farmerama?Ice Hockey
    7Which animals sometimes fly around the haunted house on the night of the full moon?Bats
    8What rewards could you receive as a daily login bonus in December 2020?Typing sounds
    9Which plant does the winter jam affect?Vanilla
    10The animals once held a snowmobile race. What year was that?2018
    11Which ingredient is not in carrot and apple chutney?Wheat
    12Which workshop was a reward in the same event as the "Nutcracker" item?Cheese factory
    13What is the name of the newest full moon world?Mushroom forest
    14What percentage is the bonus of the terror bouquet?20%
    15Which giver item was NOT given out during Christmas 2018?Chaotic Kitchen
    16At what level is the poinsettia available?240
    17Which tree has the 2nd longest life?Midnight oak
    18Which workshop could you win at this event (SantaCon 2014)?Cheese factory
    19What does the bat tree give?EP
    20How many albino bats are needed to build the yellow bat roost?5
    21Count Dracula is a ...?Vampire
    22What else does the item "holiday mood" give besides EP?3 crates O'Treats
    23What do you get from the Fruit Cake?+ 5% super grow effect
    24How many fields does the mushroom forest have?202
    25Which snow globe is the biggest?Winter magic now globe
    26In what year did winter jasmine become a permanent item?2011
    27In which year was it possible to help in Santa's workshop during the Christmas season?2013
    28What year was the "Santa's Little Helper" pet introduced?2018
    29What is a horror tomato?One animal
    30What has extended the term of KAC in the past?Pumpkin jam
    31How long is the growing time of currants?9 hours 15 min.
    32Which box contains a horror harvest bonus?Crate O' Witches L
    33Which animal feed can be fed on the farm and full moon field?Firefly food
    34The pink workshop from which animal comes with an ice rink?Ostrich
    35The Santapalooza event "SantaCon" took place in the year ...?2014
    36What kind of animal is Suzy?Ostrich
    37Which animal can be seen on the “New Year's Eve 2011” sticker?Sheep
    38In Farmerama is the lighthouse ...?A playfield
    39The giveritem "Ghost Hunters" grants an EP / TEP bonus for ...?Trees
    40Which animal breeding was only possible in special events?Reindeer
    41When is a Pine Tree XXL available from ...56
    42Which box gives you 1 parrot feather, among other things?Crate O' Parrots
    43In which year did the magic tree grant Santa Claus hats?2014
    44When was the "SantaCon" event?2014
    45In the stable of which animal do you see skis?Bear
    46One of these animals can no longer be bred?Reindeer
    47What did the players build in the 2019 Christmas event?3 Snowmen
    48Who won the Snow Crystal Championship 2018?Tortoise
    49Which item is NOT in the Crate O' Delicacies ?Tools
    50The reindeer stable II: Orange awards ...?2x Reindeer, 2x Manure
    51Which of these items does the Night Flyer Party Box provide?Halloween party bat eggplant
    52Which of the following animals does not have ice in their stalls or workshops?Shark
    53Where can you plant mistletoe?You can't plant mistletoe
    54How many Doll's Eyes do you need to make food for the zombie sheep?100 Doll's Eyes
    55Which giver item was given out during one of the "Christmas Party" events?Under the Mistletoe
    56How much EP does the item "Love under the mistletoe" grant?40 EP
    57What kind of bird is Sonny?Swallow
    58Who is the Master of Kerberos the Hellhound?Count Bracula
    59On the day of manure, users receive ...?25% more manure from stables and workshops
    60On Happy Bargain Day you get a discount on: Farmwheel, Breeding, Mill and ...?Plant cultivation
    61One of the events in December 2020 was called ...?Wintertide Lollapalooza
    62What can NOT be harvested in the full moon world?Pink spider broccoli
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2024
  19. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    Thank you both upa70 and Nala777 This is just the help I was hoping for!:inlove:
    Good luck and I hope we all reach our goals!;)
    Jarrow, Nordais, BellaMary69 and 2 others like this.
  20. Nala777

    Nala777 Forum Overlooker

    Which chest hides a golden animal?
    Golden animal chest

    How many golden bananas can you get the pet panda with a bamboo hut?

    How many stars can be used to redeem the turf?

    When was the first soccer event?
    Where is the paw lollipop made? - Sugar Factory

    What does the dairy farm produce? - cow's milk​

    How many free wheel spins can be accumulated on the wheel?
    Value of science mouse (bred mouse) 350,000


    What are church degrees? - monkeys

    Who could Hajti and his son be?
    D- Alpine produce helpers​

    Which farm level is called the King of Lands? - 88

    How many golden bananas can unlock the avocado tree?

    Why is Happy Harvest special? - from double Tp plants
    Which animal produces diving equipment? - Platypus
    Who snoozes under the new game frame? Mouse
    Who are the beaver brothers - alpine helpers
    What kind of band does Rofi have? Ans. B. Soccer, Footballő.25126/page-6
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2024
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