Feedback Friendship Event: Party Animals!

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by teddy.bear, Jul 22, 2015.

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  1. nm56

    nm56 Forum Duke

    I would have to agree with BP that this was of Medium Difficulty. I usually don't have time to access the computer to compete in the Timed Events but this time I did and I was able to complete it ahead of time. In addition since I don't normally complete the Events I don't have the experience of which craft items to use or what size field and when to use Super Grow, etc. I normally just play to finish the rows that I can so that I can get the items that I want. I usually don't get the good prizes at the end (cloud row items, mystery stables or mystery trees) but can sometimes get some of them or at least some Power Feed.

    I have to admit I made some mistakes at first and was worried about whether I would receive enough drop items to complete the event but:
    I was able to complete the event for more than one farm and at the end of this event (combined with the Gift and Trade):
    I now have a new Cloud Row (with all the EP givers) Tortoise pen, Kowhai tree, Amherstia trees, Blackthorn tree and some other items.
    SillyGuy likes this.
  2. labmommy30

    labmommy30 Forum Duke

    Thank you for bringing the stars!
    Thank you for the harvester functions COUPONS!
    The other rewards were great as well!
    The drop rate seemed appropriate. The event plant was pretty. The required numbers didn't require a complete destruction of the farm. It was nice to be challenged enough to obtain high numbers of uncommon items from the market and find my niche to make my money back elsewhere.
    No complaints here! Another success for BP!!
    Arielh, SillyGuy and Clashstrummer like this.
  3. Jools

    Jools Forum Pro

    nicely paced event. the drops were rather poor with event crops, but as the crops could be cleared quite easily with amplw time left, returning to regular crops enabled the drops to get better. The mill time was rather long considering the number of cakes required, but not really an issue.
    Sweet_Cassiopeia likes this.
  4. [FannyGirl]

    [FannyGirl] Forum Greenhorn

    I enjoyed this event so much!:inlove: I couldn't finish last step but I did like the challenge, struggling and trying my best :p:p can't wait for the next one :D
    Arielh, Jossie319256 and SillyGuy like this.
  5. Doc425

    Doc425 Exceptional Talent

    I agree with everyone else about the time allotted to grow the crops required and the ability to use both mills to make the cake required.

    The things I have a problem with are the requirements for so many Mirabella plums and walnuts, and the drop rate. By setting the number of Mirabella plums so high you eliminated any chance of lower level players successfully completing that level of the event. I am level 62 and I had to empty my bank buying plums and walnuts, and even then I was unable to complete the diamond level of the Mirabella plum stage. I also thought the drop rate was too low. I farmed all the way through and was unable to get enough friendship potions to finish the event. Maybe I didn't use the correct strategy. I don't mind not being able to complete an event because I was unable to produce enough items for it is one thing, but to be unable to complete it because I didn't get enough drops is really annoying. Judging from the number of people SOS'ing for friendship potion I was not alone in this area.
    I know it might make it really easy for the higher level players, but gearing a couple of events towards the lower level players would really be nice. Thank you.
  6. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    It's been a good event. I liked that we only had to grow one 4-hour event crop.
    The rewards were very nice too:).
  7. Shimmer

    Shimmer Forum Veteran

    The event was relaxed and the prizes were good. I liked that the cloud row had the highest requirements and wasn't bundled with any must-have prizes, so it was an obvious choice to do last and not terrible if you didn't make it (I did).
    I didn't like the tree fruit requirements. If you didn't have it there was not nearly enough time to grow it, so the only choice was to buy, and bad luck if you couldn't afford it. I don't really like events to encourage hording - asking for crops would have been better, then people could grow more in the spare time.
    puppiesnponies likes this.
  8. bygo_cris

    bygo_cris Count Count

    Great event :inlove::inlove:
  9. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Greetings lovely farmers!

    Thank you all for your feedback - it has been forwarded to the game team.
    Best regards,

    - closing thread -
    bygo_cris likes this.
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