Fright Night of the Geeks

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by *WisdomTree*, Oct 25, 2023.

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  1. *WisdomTree*

    *WisdomTree* Exceptional Talent


    When the event starts we will receive these:

    10 x Virtual Pumpkins
    Time: 5 hours and 30 minutes
    Plantable on the event playfield only!

    5 x Pixel Tree Time: 10 hours
    Rewards: 6 x Pixel Fruit Size: 1x2

    3 x Arcade Cabinet Time: 24 hours
    Rewards: 1 x Pixel Heart
    Requires to be fed: 1 x Pumpkin-Man Cartridge Size: 1x2

    Mill item:
    Pumpkin-Man Cartridge
    Ingredients: 50 x Virtual Pumpkins + 6 x Pixel Fruits
    Each player will receive 6 x Pumpkin-Man Cartridges at the start of event.

    Players receive 2 x free Games to play each day.
    The 2 free games awarded each day do not store!

    There are 3 special buff items to be earned from mini games.

    Arcade Speed Booster
    reduces the Arcade Cabinet production by 50% for 1 hour

    Pixel Harvest Booster
    increases the revenue of Pixel Trees by 6 for 1 hour

    Pixel Grow Booster
    reduces the growth time of Pixel Trees by 50% for 1 hour

    Using multiple Boosters of the same type, the time will stack only.

    For this reason, you need to play mini games first to get special buff items.
    I'll choose Arcade Speed Booster.

    The mini game is simple. Fill the empty spaces on the bookshelf by placing appropriate books. You have 1.5 minutes.


    Let's calculate:
    183,500 for CR, 224,500 barn value of event items required to complete the event

    3 x Arcade Cabinet x 1 Pixel Heart = 3 Pixel Heart
    If we use Arcade Speed Booster we can harvest them 2 times per day.
    To feed:
    Will receive 6 x Pumpkin-Man Cartridges.
    Needed 6 x 4 = 24 x Pumpkin-Man Cartridges
    24 x 6 = 144 x Pixel Fruits
    24 x 50 = 1,200 x Virtual Pumpkins

    3 x 2 = 6 x 5 days = 30 + 3(started) = 33 Pixel Heart x 4084 = 134,772 barn value of event items.

    5 x Pixel Trees x 6 Pixel Fruits x 2 x 6 = 360 Pixel Fruits - 144(for mill) = 216 x 67 =14,472 barn value of event items.

    Required event crop:
    For CR;
    134,772 +14,472 = 149,244 barn value of event items
    183,500 - 149,244 = 34,256 barn value of event items
    34,256 : 28 = 1224 + 1,200 (for mill) = 2,424 x Virtual Pumpkins

    To complete;
    134,772 +14,472 = 149,244 barn value of event items
    224,500 - 149,244 = 75,256 barn value of event items
    75,256 : 28 = 2,688 + 1,200 (for mill) = 3,888 x Virtual Pumpkins

    The event playfield consists of 150 1x1 plots. Only water and manure and the Event buffs can be used on the event playfield.
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2023
  2. Nordais

    Nordais Count Count

    Thank you *WisdomTree* for all this!

    The new event will reward Panda Coins (step 10 out of 12) which will be spent in the Event Shop during the next event with the same mechanic.

    The Event Field will not be 150 1x1 plots to grow event crops if we need to substract the space for the 5 Pixel Trees (10 1x1 plots) and 3 Arcade Cabinets (6 1x1 plots)! That means 134 1x1 plots. To fasten crop productions, go for the maximum 2x2 plots, 1x2 and then 1x1 plots to fill the 136 spaces.
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2023
  3. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Sounds complicated but perhaps it will all come together once we try it. It also sounds like there is no room for error, no missed harvests, no accidentally harvesting before playing mini games to get buffs. The sun, moon and stars have to align just right.

    I'll give it a try as it is on the event playground and so doesn't interfere with my other fields, but I have some appointments coming up that I cannot miss so I will just have to see how it goes.

    Kudos to the Team for something new :)
    xiop, joanc123, Moraine and 4 others like this.
  4. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    I am so confused! My brain cannot get wrapped around this whole event. I am hoping, as PnP also notes, that once I see it on the event field, that I can figure it all out.

    Sometimes, I will do these event field events on the baby farms...but I think this one is just too too complicated so will only attempt it on the usual 3 farms.
  5. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Count Count

    I'm with PnP...sounds complicated for my ancient brain, but I'll give it a try. Also have some appointments, but will do the best I can.

    Thanks WT and Northy for figuring out the needed items and field arrangement advice. I'm sure I'll be back here frequently for guidance.
    Good luck to all :)
  6. Nordais

    Nordais Count Count

    I think to sum it up:

    first thing will be to harvest what we can and start sowing crops to extend the field. We cannot mill the Pumpkin-Man Cartridge yet because we need at least 50 event crops and 6 event tree fruits to do so.

    After we're able to mill 1 Pumpkin-Man Cartridge, we can go like this:

    play the first mini game and choose the Arcade Speed Booster
    play the second mini game with a selection of other boosters (50% faster Pixel Tree growth or +6 fruits)
    activate 1 Arcade Spee Booster + 1 booster of the second set
    harvest Virtual Pumpkin crops, Pixel Trees & Arcade Cabinets & feed the Cabinets some Pumpkin-Man Cartridges
    harvest crops inbetween + mill 3 new Pumpkin-Man Cartridges
    activate the second booster of the second set when possible (50% faster Pixel Tree or +6 fruits)
    after 12h go back and activate the Arcade Cabinet Speed Booster, harvest and feed the 3 Arcade Cabinets the 3 milled Pumpkin-Man Cartridge,
    restart from the beginning.

    This will work fine once we can mill and time the 3 Arcade Cabinets together, else we'll have to just got for only Arcade Cabinet Speed Booster and spread out the 3 cabinets with different 12h cool time and keep up with havesting after 12h each cabinet.

    It will be mind numbing but this should work.
    xiop, joanc123, dumbunny and 2 others like this.
  7. Jarrow

    Jarrow Forum Apprentice

    I just checked the FAQ on this event and the Pixel Trees and Arcade Cabinets are 1x2 in size. This means we invest 32 spaces to these items giving us a total of 118 1x1 spaces for the Virtual Pumpkin growth. :eek:

    I do agree that with only water and manure available, using as many 2x2 plots first then 1x2 and 1x1 last is the best strategy. :inlove:

    I will attempt this as I definitely have FOMO, but not sure I will be able to consistently hit the 12 hour harvesting. I may have FOMO, but I won't set an alarm to get up to harvest. xD
  8. Nordais

    Nordais Count Count

    It's only 16 1x1 lost: we get 5 Pixel Trees, that's 5 (1x2) = 10 1x1, and 3 Cabinets that's 3 (1x2) = 6 1x1 for a total of 16 1x1 plots occupied by these trees and cabinets. That will leave us with 134 1x1 plots (I made a mistake earlier with 136). The best thing is to place them 1x2 where they'd fill ordinary land plots when filling the entire land with 2x2.
  9. *WisdomTree*

    *WisdomTree* Exceptional Talent

    Of course there are 6 x Pumpkin-Man Cartridges to reserve when the event starts. To shorten the time, you need to play one of the mini games and activate the Arcade Speed Booster before feeding the Arcade Cabinets.
  10. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    Thank you *WisdomTree* for helping unfuddle my brain (a little anyway) by starting this thread. :p
    I'm in, nothing to lose using the Event Field and only using water and manure! :D

    I vaguely remember this event from before - though I didn't do it ... probably travelling or something! But I am also confused so will just wing it - no change there then! :music:
    Good luck everyone! ;)
  11. Moraine

    Moraine Forum Demigod

    The hamster running my brain has fractured two of her legs, so despite the FAQ and all the useful tips and sums here, I have no clue. Thank you all for trying :inlove:

    I will ofc give it a go and hopefully some brain fog wil lift enough for the one bright cell to spot the plot.
  12. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    Thank You WisdomTree for starting the thread and posting all the great faqs and numbers! I see most of you don't understand this event eitherxD but are bravely going to give it a go! I am wishing you all the best of luck and hope you reach your goals! I on the other hand do NOT have the patience or the time for this event, so I am going to do regular farming on all lands and hope to sell some manure!:music:;)
  13. *WisdomTree*

    *WisdomTree* Exceptional Talent


    Also this rune is effective on Arcade Cabinet.

    31[​IMG]Stable master

    Faster stalls!
    Animal stable times are reduced by 10%
    Does not work on the production and breeding pens!
    50 Stars
  14. farmerumf

    farmerumf Forum Ambassador

    Lots of lovely advice - thank you. Like others I am completely befuddled but am sure it will all work itself out. Here we go.
  15. istanboy

    istanboy Forum Inhabitant

    Like many of you - I don't get this event! I have used a buffer for the Pixel trees, but it doesn't appear to have worked.

    I will continue with Moonlight World missions and sit this event out I think.
  16. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    I have had a go at the mini-game and cannot work out what I am supposed to do - went back to the FAQs but really not a Scooby how it goes! Maybe I will get a light bulb moment ... or maybe not! xD
    MeadowCrossing and sanddollar15 like this.
  17. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Forum Overlooker

    There is gaps in bookshelf, your task is to fill those gaps by placing suitable book drawer with books in those empty spaces beneath it. If you get green ones in bookshelf, it means you succeeded. If there is red ones, you have wrong drawer or you'll need another one to get those red ones green.
    It is best to start with the one, where is only space for one drawer beneath.
  18. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    Thanks, that makes sense but I don't have any book drawers which get rid of the red ones and I can't move on. Can we turn the drawers? :(:(

    I did manage to get one shelf sorted but no matter what I do, the others all have red books or spaces. :cry:
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2023
    MeadowCrossing likes this.
  19. *WisdomTree*

    *WisdomTree* Exceptional Talent

    You must activate buffs before harvesting.

    Nala777, Flower and MeadowCrossing like this.
  20. istanboy

    istanboy Forum Inhabitant

    The buffer says that the time will be reduced by 50% - how can you do that if the tree is ready to harvest?
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2023
    _Hollister_ and MeadowCrossing like this.
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