Fright Night of the Geeks

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by *WisdomTree*, Oct 25, 2023.

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  1. marymac50

    marymac50 Someday Author

    I'm also in the US on Eastern time and was getting ready to play my 2 free games and they're gone...I was so proud of myself for figuring out the books and now I've messed up something - I used 2 of the cabinet boosters but didn't reduce the time on the cabinets and my 2 freebees were gone....have no idea....I'm with the rest - I don't like this event and wasn't even going to do it but since it wasn't messing with any other fields I thought what the heck....
    MeadowCrossing likes this.
  2. Solatido

    Solatido Forum Master

    I also did not get the two daily free games, or the ticket available to purchase once a day. So, it's a known issue that they are going to look into tomorrow, but what do I do now?

    Do I wait to feed the arcades until tomorrow, losing the time between now and then? Or do I feed the arcade and have it take 17 hours instead of 8?

    Neither seems to be a great alternative, but I guess I'm going to go ahead and feed them. . . hopefully they will extend the game to make up for this extra time needed for those arcades!

    EDIT: My progress: I completed level 7, so 2 more to go for the cloud row. I stopped making the pumpkin-man cartridges ahead of time since I could see that I would not have enough time to produce the maximum number of pixel hearts. I still have 4 and I'll only make enough that can be used right away.

    I have had enough "extra" crop and pixel fruit to use for donations. 61 pixel fruit = about the same points as a pixel heart, or 146 virtual pumpkins. I'll make sure that I keep enough to mill the pumpkin-men that I'll have time to use for the arcades.
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2023
    MeadowCrossing likes this.
  3. ctindaldavies

    ctindaldavies Forum Baron

    They are already into "tomorrow" as we all started posting just after the date rollover. So they should be looking at it when they start work today. I agree that it wont be enough to just fix it. We need some sort of compensation with extra pixel hearts, and the other coupons to make up for the loss of everything
    MeadowCrossing likes this.
  4. istanboy

    istanboy Forum Inhabitant

    I thought it was just me have a senior moment! I could have sworn I was due 2 free games, but the timer is still going!
    MeadowCrossing likes this.
  5. Moraine

    Moraine Forum Demigod

    On my main, I don't get my free games, but on my second farm they not only stack, but I get more than 2 per day. Really strange. Did the switch from summer time to normal time mess things up? I forgot to switch my alarm clock, so I have complete understanding if so:cry:
    sanddollar15 and MeadowCrossing like this.
  6. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    Wow! You struck lucky Moraine! I haven't checked my other farms cos they weren't participating but I will just out of curiousity. :inlove:

    I am plugging on, nothing to lose, but I am doubtful if I will get the CR - will probably make it to the step before. My maths is a little lacking so I am hoping I have miscalculated, a farmer can dream. :music:
    Hope you all meet your targets! ;)
    MeadowCrossing and dumbunny like this.
  7. Nuubi-Joonas2210

    Nuubi-Joonas2210 Forum Commissioner

    Do someone say "event time is not that 58 left now 30.10.2023" but something ELSE = longer ?!

    HINT BEGINS here!!

    English (=Google) search, it is NOT what Our brains tell to us... it is searching BACKwards...

    When using google maps etc. and search Streets and house numbers, the english way is FIRST tell to the maschine house number then street. IF IF IF my house is in the "Highstreet 123 C 87", do not use search: Highstreet 123 C 87 but use "123 C 87 Highstreet" and then choose your city if same street is in the other countries as well!

    I´m not sure, but think that it search "Number 123 house OF highstreet" not the other way.

    So FARMERAMA use same method, not always write the first word of what you are cherching first, use for exsample tactic second, third and i not finding 4th word. All (maybe not) crates You find word "crate" but if You want to find crates with S-letter, you have to write all!

    In this event the is "crate o farm bonus" ---> use "farm bonus" not crate of, if You want only find "Crate o farm bonus 1" or "crate o farm bonus2" !

    ABOBE is helping, now MY thinkings :) :) :)

    Level6 completed, aiming at least LVL8. Asking help is GOOD advice --> I ask and played only 100% games 10 to 25 seconds, that method of using ONE piece/book "thing" first to make it green, then "be only quick to change" is GOOD ADVISE!

    p.s. there is the same that in HINT, in Finnish that date today is 30.10.2023, english people use 10.30.23...

    lode99 and dumbunny like this.
  8. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Count Count

    It's morning here in the Central Time US and yesterday's tickets were booked and the countdown clock is set to the 'correct' time for the next free tickets. Thanks everyone for sharing helpful comments - especially reminder to not mill more game cartridges than needed! No idea how far I'll get, but not worrying; better to enjoy what I can do. Hope things are sorted out for all players.
    dumbunny and Nordais like this.
  9. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Forum Overlooker

    It is late afternoon here and no sign of today's tickets, they are already over 16 hours late :(
    Nuubi-Joonas2210 and Nordais like this.
  10. Jarrow

    Jarrow Forum Apprentice

    I too had no tickets until I just refreshed a few minutes ago. Poof, they were there.

    We also have gotten an extension on the game until Thursday. Seems the time change caused this according to the update. Glad to have that extra time since I didn't use a tree booster on yesterday's second crop and have to wait 17 hours for those to grow. :cry:
    Nordais and MeadowCrossing like this.
  11. Nordais

    Nordais Count Count

    Something strange happened... I had no problem with the 2 daily tickets, got them and played them each morning... But today on my baby farm 3 out of 5 Pixel Trees had a different harvest time and I do all my harvesting with the harvester helper (who'd want to harvest all that manually... blech). Not by much mind you, 12 minutes, but still...
    dumbunny and MeadowCrossing like this.
  12. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Count Count

    @Northy, a wrinkle in time perhaps? ;)
    -matselleste- and Nordais like this.
  13. Nordais

    Nordais Count Count

    MeadowCrossing likes this.
  14. Nuubi-Joonas2210

    Nuubi-Joonas2210 Forum Commissioner

    About 18 our time, timer show me 5h 23min... to next free games... and now, 6 hours later - zadammm!!! wait 23 hours more!!!

    sorry but... --->

    "Hello Farmers,

    The Fright Night of the Geeks event has been extended due to technical issues from the changing time. The event now ends on Thursday, 2nd of November at 22:00 CET.
    Best Regards,
    Your Farmerama Team"

    ---> and NOW, I have no nothing possibilities to get even to the CR ! Maybe LVL8 to get that Pixel-tree+
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2023
  15. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Count Count

    @NJ2210, mine showed the same, but after the game clock reset (an hour later than usual for me here on US Central Time), the tickets were booked and the clock reset as it should. Think it's the time change that's causing this. Hopefully, your game is also 'fixed' as well.
    Nordais likes this.
  16. farmerumf

    farmerumf Forum General

    Don't forget to put the 'Beneath the Pixel Tree' and 'Pumpkin Man Arcade' on your fields to use the charges. Only then will you be able to put them on the cloud row - if you get that far. Got the Piccolo Box today. Slow but sure.
  17. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    Me too, I got the Piccolo Box - starting to think that I will get the CR ... as long as I remember the buffs! :p

    Halloween Bonus Code: HALLOWEEN23
  18. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Got the CR with this morning's harvest. :)

    If you got the Piccolo box, I think there is still enough time for the CR especially with the extra day extension.

    I will be glad to have this one done as I have mental fatigue right now and trying to keep up with the different harvest times for Baha, mainland, MM fields and 3 event items has been difficult. I have ignored Edelweiss Valley this entire event. It is just too much for this tired old dog.
  19. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Count Count

    From the Forum Official Announcements: Happy Halloween!

    Bonus Code: HALLOWEEN23
    farmerumf, Nordais and sanddollar15 like this.
  20. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    SL's farm and PM23's farm have the CR. Cleaned out the barn of event items on PM23's farm, but it has the CR and that's what counts!

    Extension of this event should help us all in getting to the finish line.

    Edited to add: Denied. Remember in the beginning when this farm didn't get the buffs activated? Yeah, it's a harvest behind the other two because of that. Should have the CR with this afternoon's harvest of pixel hearts.
    Nordais likes this.
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