Fright Night of the Geeks

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by *WisdomTree*, Oct 25, 2023.

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  1. Nuubi-Joonas2210

    Nuubi-Joonas2210 Forum Commissioner

    Tremendous accuracy from my fellow countryman and my farm neighbor. What's the point of wasting time, "it won't be long here..." and the Finnish saying can't be said about the end, but you can imagine it yourself, you know!

    Take comfort in the fact that, with less luck, the three Bonus-crates wouldn't have turned out to be anything valuable, as the other bum would have turned out.

    After all, we don't know how valuable those 10 new coins will be in the future, even if you could get dozens of additional seeds for initial breeding or something with them! That remains to be seen! Also, NEXT time you will know :)

    Above is a LOT of HUMOR and the player "jp" is already known to me for 10 years, don't be upset!

    p.s. others too of course, but especially Finns, you can entertain the Easterners by putting my text on the translator, the jokes hardly open in Finnish, so you have to understand them in English!

    SMILE :inlove::D:)

    p.p.s uups, it was here acsitentally couple of seconds in finnish before translating that p.s. I mean...
    jäniksenpelätti and Moraine like this.
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