Feedback Frisbee Dog Competition

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by shooger.sweet, May 16, 2017.

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  1. -matselleste-

    -matselleste- Forum Duke

    I love these events with the little animals that give their own prizes, and lead on to the bigger prizes. I thought the drop rate was great, the longer crop suits me very nicely, there is no one time frame that will make everyone happy, so I like that the time for event crops has been different for each event.

    Three grow and throw events back to back to back was grueling. Please do not repeat. Having events going on while there are mini events that require some time put in, like the train or GandT, really detracts from all of the events that are happening simultaneously. When I think "oh jeez I have to farm" instead of "I get to harvest!" it's a bad thing.

    I liked that the top 200 was related to your level. I do think, in the interest of fairness, that if there are competitions involved, there should not be ANY way to pay your way through. I don't mind that there are ways offered to get through an event faster, I don't personally make use of them but I am ok with people being able to - but when you have a competitive aspect to it, it takes away the fun knowing that the playing field is not very level.

    Graphics were great, as always, and the mechanism was fun, with good prizes - these are the things that matter to me, so two thumbs up and hoping for at least two weeks with no event that requires growing!
    joanc123, farmlily3, elena516 and 5 others like this.
  2. Moraine

    Moraine Forum Demigod

    @-matselleste- you said it so well, I totally agree with you. Please listen BP
    joanc123 and farmlily3 like this.
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