Suggestion FSQ categories

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by Avienne_1, Feb 5, 2015.

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  1. Avienne_1

    Avienne_1 Active Author


    I think it would be nice to have an addiional "Product quest" category in addition to those already in existence. With more and more breeding animals more products are added and my "normal quests" fill up hopelessly :). With that one more category it would be more easier to browse to the normal stuff.

    Just my 2 cc,

    -Mir85- likes this.
  2. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    Can you clarify what you mean? Are you looking for something that would just give regular quests aside from the breeding quests?
    The farmerama team might understand what you mean, but I suspect I am not the only player to be confused. Its hard for us to get on board an idea we don't understand.
  3. Avienne_1

    Avienne_1 Active Author

    Sure woody:
    I mean a tab like "Breeding quests" just for product quests like for paint palettes, etc. So that when I click on "normal quests" they do not appear there anymore (as the quests there are quite numerous)but on their own tab. If you wll to seperate the product quests from the others. They are getting more which each new breeding animal, so we do not have to scroll that many pages. Hope this is clearer, if not, I will try again :)
  4. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    Yes, that is clear.. and a good idea.
    farmerumf likes this.