FSQs with value amounts

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by jazzy22, Oct 12, 2017.

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  1. jazzy22

    jazzy22 Forum Mogul


    I'm wondering about the FSQs that want you to dump a certain value of crops and/or animals (like the one for the trophies) -- can a little be 'invested' at a time, or should I wait until I have enough to complete the quest?

    I thought I read somewhere that you should wait until you can complete it before adding any crops, etc. (but can't find it now). I'd rather progress a little at a time when I have the extra, rather than guessing whether I have enough to fill it. I don't want to add only a portion, then discover it's gone later.

    Thanks :)
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2017
    MARLYMAR, tlcmom and Jazac like this.
  2. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    yes, you can do partial donations to FSQs. They are not lost. :)
    MARLYMAR, Cassie101, Jazac and 2 others like this.
  3. jazzy22

    jazzy22 Forum Mogul

    Thanks, pups!
    MARLYMAR likes this.
  4. Jazac

    Jazac Forum Veteran

    I think I know what thread you may be talking about jazzy... but then can be more then the one too... Anyways if i remember right it was cause some have decided to donate and didn't finish it or something, but they needed the said items for something else.. so while you can donate in parts, i would be careful as to not to do to much as you may need them items. things like cress i wouldn't worry as you can get that easy.... but things like some animals that takes like a day to make... i would keep some in stock then donate rest.. or if you are able to buy things then use them also if you have some saved already.. Just thought i let you know.
    MARLYMAR and jazzy22 like this.
  5. littletinybit

    littletinybit Forum Connoisseur

    Sometimes you can put in event crops if you have any left over. Depends on whether the devs gave them any contribution values. Noticed the past few events have not been set so you could donate them I was using the event crops to help build up my trophy.
    MARLYMAR and -poppyseed- like this.
  6. jazzy22

    jazzy22 Forum Mogul

    I was previously using event crops toward the trophy as well, tiny -- but I noticed after a discussion about using them for trophies here at the forum, that stopped. Shortly after that thread discussion, the next set of event crops had no value at all. Now they have value, but you can't dump them.

    Guess we all should have kept it a secret. 8)
    MARLYMAR, swCactus1 and baw815 like this.
  7. swCactus1

    swCactus1 Padavan

    yep .... saw that as well Jazzy. it's puzzling why BP would make that change
    heh ~ also wondering if the discussion had taken place on the other forum if that would have happened .....
    Last edited by moderator: Nov 10, 2017
    MARLYMAR likes this.
  8. baw815

    baw815 Forum General

    Hate to burst your bubble, but people have been talking about using event crops in the trophy since the old forum. It's nothing new. It has only been recently that they have had a barn value. If they were dumpable was hit and miss, despite having a barn value.
    MARLYMAR, Cassie101 and -poppyseed- like this.
  9. swCactus1

    swCactus1 Padavan

    bubble not burst .... just having a conversation. have no knowledge of the "old forum" so thanks for sharing your knowledge ... I guess
    Last edited by moderator: Nov 10, 2017
    MARLYMAR likes this.
  10. -poppyseed-

    -poppyseed- Forum Connoisseur

    It's true that it's been hit or miss for years. Once, a long time ago, when Turkish Melissa was an event crop, they accidentally gave it a crazy high value and we were growing extra and throwing as much as we could into the trophy. They finally noticed, and changed the value-- but I always try to check event crops, just in case it happens again. No luck so far, but maybe one day.:music:
  11. jazzy22

    jazzy22 Forum Mogul

    Well, whether it was discussed before or on the old forum, I simply noticed that immediately after a discussion about it here, the very next event crop had no value at all (just '--'), so couldn't be dumped (obviously). Then, the event after that, the crops had a value but couldn't be dumped -- and it's been that way ever since.

    It's almost as if they discovered the event crop trophy dumps, then stopped it immediately using no value until they could program them to be dumpless. :p

    Just an observation. Maybe it's the first time someone from BP actually read the conversation (or maybe it was mentioned at a forum BP pays closer attention to -- who knows). ;)
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2017
    MARLYMAR likes this.
  12. -poppyseed-

    -poppyseed- Forum Connoisseur

    I wouldn't give up on event crop trophy donations just yet. Like baw mentioned, it's been hit and miss with them for a long time. Sometimes they can be donated, and sometimes they can't. Just keep checking to see which ones can be donated, then compare the trophy trade in value to the exchange value you get at the end of the event, and decide which is better. I still haven't completed the last level of my crop trophy. But, I'm working on it by just dropping in extra event crops when I can (and when I actually remember.:oops:)
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