Game won't load

Discussion in 'Help Archive' started by MimmiMagia27, Nov 23, 2023.

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  1. MimmiMagia27

    MimmiMagia27 Forum Apprentice

    The "vine" and "givers" have been collected and are again wasted when the game stopped. Familiar actions done. They are of no help. The problem has already lasted a couple of hours.
    Help grateful!

    ID: 26438798

    The time I spent accessing the Forum and writing the text with the translator made my situation easier. I managed to collect at least the "continent". Of the others, I don't know yet.
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2023
  2. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Hello MimmiMagia27,

    There were problem earlier with slow loading of the Game. The issue has been resolved and you should now be able to play smoothly again.
    Please close your browser/standalone client and then reopen them.

    Can I assist you further?
  3. MimmiMagia27

    MimmiMagia27 Forum Apprentice

    The game has been problematic almost all evening. The charging flower must have been looked at in vain. Exit from the game has not been successful. The attempt to completely shut down the game has stalled the entire browser. Frustration! Of course, the game has not progressed as hoped. (Text written late yesterday night. apparently left unsaved.)

    Problems persist
    Today I tried logging in - has not succeeded.
    After many attempts, I managed to log in. That is all that has happened. The charging flower just spins, spins.
    When you try to close the game, nothing happens.
    All recommended measures have already been taken many times today.
    Grateful if anything could be done for me!
  4. Farmers.Almanac

    Farmers.Almanac Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    I am sorry you continue to have difficulties.

    If the browser remains stuck, you may need to shut down your computer and restart it. Then try to log in again. You can try a different browser or the Standalone client.

    You can also try to clear your cache and cookies. Your server cache has been cleared.

    The game underwent DDoS attacks today, but that has been fixed, so we can just ask that you try again.

    I've sent your information on to the Team to inquire about anything else we can suggest as all that I know to tell you has been relayed. Please try again. I know it is frustrating and I sympathize.

    May I assist you further?
  5. MimmiMagia27

    MimmiMagia27 Forum Apprentice

    Thank you!
    I left the charging flower spinning and by the time I got back to the machine, the game had opened. I have just collected all the fields.
    What a nice feeling when the game worked like it once did!
  6. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    You are welcome.

    I am glad you have been able to access the Game again.

    ~problem solved, closing thread~
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