Game's ongoing crashes - compensation suggestions.

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by buttons210, Aug 21, 2023.

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  1. buttons210

    buttons210 Forum Apprentice

    Please do not take this as criticism as I know you all work very hard to keep this game fun. I just need to express my reasons for considering quitting this game after 13 years (I think) and thousands of dollars invested in Farmerama. The "compensation" packages do NOT adequately compensate for all that is lost to your dedicated players. Many of us use 400+ units of Supergrow on two fields of Event crops...only to be locked out of the game until long after the Event crops would have been ready WITHOUT having spent those 400+ units (that is a real cost to the player of several dollars for just one game delay...not to mention this happening over and over). The same applies to Suzy's Supergrow, Turbo mulch, Power feed, Barnyard Bills, and... As it does not cost BigPoint anything to give us a much larger compensation package, it seems good business sense to significantly increase the value of these compensation packages (again, costs BP nothing) in exchange for keeping players who actually spend a great deal of their hard-earned cash to stay active on your game.
    loyajova likes this.
  2. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Hello buttons210,

    I appreciate your feedback and frustration. As the issues are not due to issues with the game, it is due to the DDoS Attacks. There is nothing further the Game Team can do other than try to get the Game back up and running as soon as possible.
    We can only hope the people responsible for the continued attacks give up and move along.

    Can I assist you further?
  3. loyajova

    loyajova Junior Expert

    Are you denying that there are a lot of bugs in the game after switching to unity? It's not just DDoS attacks. Also, there are bugs in the game. Are these our fault? Why is there no compensation package? It doesn't cost Farmerama, but it costs us dearly. The compensation package can make the players happy and wait patiently in the game, and Farmerama does not lose anything by giving a package. That way we just start to hate the game.
  4. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    I am sorry you are frustrated. If there is any news of any compensation, it will be announced.

    Can I assist with anything further?