Event Gift and Trade: June 2024 Offers and Requests

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by Farmers.Almanac, Jun 21, 2024.

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  1. Farmers.Almanac

    Farmers.Almanac Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Howdy Farmers,

    Please use this thread to post your wishlists, requests, give-aways, offers, trades. Please stick to one post, and update it or repost it updated, if you wish. Please use IGMs to discuss offers and agreeing on gifts/exchanges.

    Please be sure to check before agreeing to a gift exchange if the items are giftable / tradeable. A guideline can be found in the FAQ, but please double check the availability of the items in game to avoid disappointment.

    Happy gifting and trading!

    Note: If you farm name is different to your forum name please indicate this so other players may contact you

    Best regards,
    Your Farmerama Team
    MeadowCrossing likes this.
  2. CliffFarmer1

    CliffFarmer1 Someday Author

    Hello fellow Farmers,

    I would like the following items please:







    for The Heart of the Sea V2 Stalk row; DEEP SEA SELFIE, OCEAN JEWEL
    Thank you, CliffFarmer1
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2024
    BellaMary69 and Raelyn like this.
  3. gardengal

    gardengal Forum Commissioner

    Hello all, happy Gift and Trade!

    I'm looking for the following (if they are allowed to be exchanged/gifted):
    • chestnut trees
    • candlenut trees
    • tupelo trees
    • hawberry trees
    • longan trees
    • plane trees
    • chequer trees
    • bladdernut trees
    • breadnut trees
    • wild pear trees
    • wild privet trees
    • filbert trees
    I have a lot of trees, tree upgrades, animals, and animal upgrades to trade. Please let me know what you need and I'll see if I have it.

    Thank you!!!!

    BellaMary69 likes this.
  4. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Count Count

    Dear fellow farmers,

    I would appreciate these items. I realize givers are unlikely, but listing them anyway :)

    Yak stable - received, thank you!
    Kingfisher stable - received, thank you!

    Inutep's Curse CR: Treasure Trove

    Catmania CR: Don't Play It Again, Paws (unlikely, I know)

    Hope everyone gets their wishes and I will help as many as possible with extra trees and stables. Happy farming!
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2024
    BellaMary69 and Carnationblossom like this.
  5. Carnationblossom

    Carnationblossom Forum Greenhorn

    Hi, fellow farmers ~
    I would appreciate the following items:
    Medlar Berry Tree - received -
    thank you!
    Cow Milk Tree - received - thank you!
    Beehive II Orange - received - thank you!
    Frog Pond II Orange - received - thank you!
    Mole Stall II Orange - received - thank you!
    Mouse Stall II Orange - received - thank you!
    Pigsty II Orange - received - thank you!
    Robin Nest - received - thank you!
    Cheese Factory - received - thank you!
    Mouse Stall III Red
    Rooster Coop II Orange

    Any help would be greatly appreciated ~ thank you so much!
    Wishing you a wonderful weekend! :music:
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2024
    farmingfreebird and BellaMary69 like this.
  6. Raelyn

    Raelyn Forum Apprentice

    Happy Farming everyone!
    I am missing the following Items. Does anyone know if these items are available to get from the farmers society's quests?
    Rake workshop
    Air Bubble machine workshop
    Safety cone workshop
    Have blessed day! !
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2024
    BellaMary69 likes this.
  7. cat_71

    cat_71 Forum Apprentice

    happy gift & trade all​

    if possible could use (single item unless otherwise noted)

    chestnut tree (any upgrade)
    bouganvila tree (any upgrade)
    yew tree (any upgrade)
    scented tree (any upgrade)
    lepidodendron (any upgrade)
    pomegranit tree

    crow hoard


    any help is greatly appreciated
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2024
    Carnationblossom likes this.
  8. pedrofish31

    pedrofish31 Forum Greenhorn

    Hello, if anyone has spare following, i would really appreciate it:

    -Salt cedar
    -Tulip tree
    -Silver leaf - received, thank you!
    -Judas - received, thank you!

    -Ceiba (several for quests)
    -Acacia- received, thank you!
    -Ylang ylang

    -Dormouse - received, thank you!
    -Bison - received, thank you!
    -Snail - received, thank you!

    -Mantis- received, thank you!
    -Octopus - received, thank you!

    Thank You!
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2024
  9. -Niknar-

    -Niknar- Padavan

    Hi I am looking for the following



    Rainbow Trout Pool
    Pleco Fish


  10. farmingfreebird

    farmingfreebird Exceptional Talent

    I am hunting for ;):

    - 2 pink chickens Received, thank you!!

    Please do mail me first to see if I have what you would like in return.

    Last edited: Jun 22, 2024
    Carnationblossom likes this.
  11. AniE

    AniE Board Analyst


    I'm looking for plane tree and longan.
  12. rivak

    rivak Forum Baron

    Hi everyone!

    This is what I am looking for this time around:

    Red Peanut Butter Factory
    Red Bat Guano Workshop
    Pink Truffle Farm

    Red Chameleon
    Red Tortoise
    Red Shark
    Orange Robin Nest
    Newt Habitat

    Otter Den
    Hyena Habitat
    Komodo Dragon Habitat

    I've got a few extra stables for trade and lots of trees. Send IGM if there is something you'd like to get in trade and I'll be happy to send it if I have it. Happy G&T!

    Last edited: Jun 24, 2024
  13. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    Hi Everyone ;):D

    I would like the Following Items:

    • Wild Privet Tree
    • Cedar Tree
    • Solar Power Plant Workshop
    • Black Belt Tailor Workshop
    • Pangolin Stable
    I am seeking Two CR Items;

    • Impressive Horse
    • Ribben Me This
    I am will to trade couple items for so i can complete these two CR ;):p

    I am many items in my barn to Trade for them please IGM to Ajjg1966
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2024
  14. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Hello fellow farmers :)

    I'm looking for:

    Bearded Reedling
    Neon Raccoon
    Neon Scorpion
    Pink Ostrich Egg farm
    Pink Peanut Butter factory (Received, Thank you!)
    Floral Tunes

    Please send an IGM to request items for trade :) I do have all sorts of things to offer.
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2024
    sanddollar15 likes this.
  15. Nordais

    Nordais Count Count

    Here's what laying around gattering dust in my inventory that I can gift. Please send your message to my main farm Northy.

    Main land base trees:

    Albino redwood (21), Aspen (20), Bayberry (3), Birch (8 ), Bitternut (3), Bristle pine cone (28 ), Chapel oak (6), Chequer (13), Cork (2), Cucumber tree (24), Dappled willow (2), Dogwood (4), Elm (5), Filbert (3), Franklinia (10), Hawthorn (6), Ice fir (10), Larch (3), Magnolia (7), Methuselah (3), Mountain juniper (4), Pecan (2), Persian silk (2), Red Alder (1), Red Anjou (6), Silk tree (6), Silver leaf (5), Silver Wattle (9), Slope point (3), Strawberry tree (1), Sweet chestnut (3), Sweetgum (9), Tilia (9), Toromio (13), Tule (5), Weeping willow (5), Wollemina (3), Yellow Elder (32), Yellow Trumpet (4), Yew (10), Yggdrasil (12)

    Bahamarama base trees:

    Abiu (9), Acacia (6), Ahuehuete (3), Bird of Paradise Palm (36), Boojum (4), Bottlebrush (21), Cannonball (12), Cashew (4), Desert rose (10), Grapefruit (10), Helena olive (9), Ice-Cream-Bean (1), Jacaronda (3), Jackfruit (12), Jujube (4), Kapok (9), lepidodendron (18 ), Mahogany (5), Mangosteen (10), Mangrove (3), Mongogo (12), Myrrha (5), Nutmeg (2), Pawpaw (3), Pitanga (15), Pomelo (5), Ponytail Palm (8 ), Potato tree (34), Raffia (29), Rambutan (8 ), Ravenala (8 ), Salak Palm (3), Scarlet Wisteria (26), Shavingbrush (32), Sigillaria (4), Soapberry (7), Soursop (3), Star Apple (10), Tiki (8 ), Tree Fern (6), Wood’s Cycad (4), Ylang-Ylang (5)

    Main land animals:

    Anthill (13 base), bat roost (1 red), bear habitat (1 red, 2 pink), beaver dam (2 red), beehive (8 red), bison ranch (14 base), blue jay (3 base), boxfish (24 base), butterfly (2 red), chameleon (38 orange, 9 red), chamois (5), chicken coop (122 red, 5 pink), chinchilla (19 base), cowshed (5 red), crow roost (5 red), dog kennel (3 red), dormouse (6 base), dovecote (10 base), duck shelter (2 red, 4 pink), eagle (9 base), falcon (28 base), fish pond (5 red, 1 pink), fox stall (6 base), frog pond (2 red), gecko terrarium (13 base), goat pen (2 red, 4 pink), goose stable (5 red, 2 pink), guinea pig (25 base), hamster stall (21 base) (10 orange, 2 red), hedgehog (14 base), horse stable (3 red, 1 pink), ladybug (5 base), lynx stall (2 base) (5 orange, 6 red), mole stall (13 base), mouse stall (1 red), ostrich pen (3 red), owl park (5 base), peacock cage (5 red, 1 pink), pheasant roost (21 base), pigsty (2 red), poodle moth (6 base), porcupine stable (10 base), rabbit hutch (131 red, 1 pink), roadrunner (12 base), robin nest (39 base) (10 orange), rooster coop (4), salamander (7 red), secretary bird (15 base), sheep pen (4 red), spider hut (1 base), stag beetle (10 base) (10 orange), stork nest (19 base), toad (4 base), tortoise (89 red), turkey (6 red, 3 pink), walrus (4 base), wolf den (12 base)

    Baha animals (some stalls require an opened statue in the Monkey temple):

    Agama (22 base), anaconda (4 orange, 12 red, 3 pink), anteater (19 base), axolotl (10 base), camel (3 orange, 14 red, 4 pink), classic anaconda II (2 base), classic parrot II (19 base), classic sloth II (19 base), crab pool (21 base) (11 orange, 4 red), crocodile (36 base), dolphin pool (2 orange), eel aquarium (28 base), elephant (1 orange, 11 red, 2 pink), flamingo lake (25 base), giraffe range (24 base), hippo hollow (10 base), hummingbird (6 base), jellyfish (24 base), kakapo (15 base), koala (7 base), lion (12 base), lobster (2 base), manta ray (27 base), mantis (10 base), meerkat (33 base), monkey (1 orange. 7 red, 4 pink), ocelot (18 ), octopus (59 base) (22 orange), okapi (5 base), panda (2 orange, 7 red, 4 pink), parakeet nest (14 base), parrot (8 red, 4 pink), penguin (11 base), red panda (30 base), rhino (27 base), sea pony (17 base), seal pool (15 base), shark lair (35 base) (11 red, 2 pink), stick insect (2 base), tarsier (19 base), toucan habitat (9 base), zebra (41 base)

    Happy G&T!
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2024
    BellaMary69 likes this.
  16. donkey50

    donkey50 Forum Apprentice

    Hello fellow farmers, I am looking for the following

    Hottest Hot Tub
    Sakura Hot Tub
    Freezing Sheeplets
    A Painters Tragedy
    Piroutte the Red Carpet
    Its Coffee Time

    Cupuacu Fruit

    Bearded Reedling
    Trout Farm

    Any Help is appreciated
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2024
    BellaMary69 likes this.
  17. upa70

    upa70 Forum Expert

    i don't normally post on here for wants but times are hard on the gift and trade , nobody wants to trade anything for what i want.
    a long shot but i need..... "how to become a unicorn" to finish a CR
    i'm willing to trade anything i have that's not already on a cloud row or stable/upgrade or tree/upgrade if i have it...and its trade-able.
    if anyone can help...name your price:)

    item received.... cloud row up and running....OCD is relaxed :D
    many thanks to a very kind farmer.
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2024
    BellaMary69 likes this.
  18. .Sneezer222.

    .Sneezer222. Forum Apprentice

    I've never done trade and gift, so I am not 100% sure how it works. But I would LOVE an otter den. I do have things to trade, just let me know what you'd like. thanks! RECIEVED thank you so much
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2024
    farmingfreebird likes this.
  19. BlackCaviar

    BlackCaviar Forum Overlooker

    Looking for Campfire Friends deco item. IGM me to discuss what you want for it.

  20. SONER1111

    SONER1111 Someday Author

    Hello everyone!

    Edit: I will delete that are gifted! And thanksss <3

    I am missing LOTS Of decorations for Stalk Row because I never paid any attention to them. If you guys got any of them I would actually be super happy! Here the decos I need for stalk rows:

    Treasure Trove(Very hard one) (Inetup's Curse)

    Skull Candle, Cerberus, Cauldron Cat, The Dracula Bunny, Spider Web (Moonlight Mania Magic Stalk Row 2)

    Frog Fountain, Photobomb, Bucket Ball, Scare Goat ( Holiday Gift Magic Stalk Row 3)

    Seasons Magic Stalk Row 2 items( Yeah I figured it is going to take so much time if I write down every item :D )

    Other than Magic Row thingies, I need Moonlight Mania Treesi Stables

    Demonic Oak Tree
    Ghostly Willow Tree
    Twilight Catkin
    Midnight Tree
    Spinalwood Blossom Tree
    Trollophant Stable
    Squidling Stable
    Grave Candle Tree ( If you have spare, I would be sooo glad)

    And lastly If you have any spare: (If only you have LOTS of them, I already have honey, goat, feather tree and some neon stables I have listed below. So if you gonna give it give it to someone who dont have them. THANKS IN ADVANCE!)
    Honey Tree
    Goat Milk Tree
    Milk Tree
    Feather Tree or
    any neon, pink, red upgrades that you have spare that is not pig, goose, cuckoo, tortoise, rabbit, Duck, Crow, Hamster, monkey, shark, camel and parrot I would be happy to take any.
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2024
    BellaMary69 likes this.
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