Event Gift and Trade: June 2024 Offers and Requests

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by Farmers.Almanac, Jun 21, 2024.

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  1. Nala777

    Nala777 Forum Overlooker

    Hi fellow farmers,
    I am looking for the following trees:
    Wild pear
    Wild Privet
    Desert Poplar

    Need some deco items to complete a couple of CRs.
    Impressive Horse, (received)
    Kid-friendly Mantis, (received)
    Beautiful parrot, (received)

    Chasing the Letter,

    Shiny and Silver,
    Home on the range,
    Relax and unwind,
    Wanna Slice,

    Confused Pathfinders,
    Oh, fish!, (received)
    Avid Birdwatcher, (received)

    Firewood. Chop-chop.

    Please IGM for a possible trade.
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2024
    sanddollar15 likes this.
  2. RowSie

    RowSie Regular

    Hey there, fellow farmers. I am looking for the giver "Treasure Trove" for a cloud row. I have all sorts of things in the inventory for trade, so just let me know what you may be interested on exchanging it for.
    Happy farming! RowSie
  3. jmwzingzang

    jmwzingzang Someday Author

    I have a number of workshop upgrades to give away:

    Egg farm pink
    Egg farm orange
    2 Goat dairy red
    2 Goat dairy orange
    2 Cow dairy orange
    2 Apiary orange

    If anyone has extra chestnuts, I would love some. But the workshop upgrades are free to anyone; no trade needed.
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