Event Gift and Trade: June 2024 Thank you notes

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by Farmers.Almanac, Jun 21, 2024.

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  1. Farmers.Almanac

    Farmers.Almanac Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Howdy Farmers,

    Please use this thread to post your "Thank you" notes for the Gift & Trade deals and gifts :) . Please do not use this thread for posting requests / giveaways or other deals.

    Happy gifting and trading!

    Best regards,
    Your Farmerama Team
  2. CliffFarmer1

    CliffFarmer1 Someday Author

    Thank you Farmerumf for the trees and snail upgrade. CliffFarmer1
    BellaMary69, Nordais and farmerumf like this.
  3. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    Thanks to my wonderful neighbor Raelyn for the Komodo Dragons who are now happily living on the island!:music:
    BellaMary69 and Nordais like this.
  4. SONER1111

    SONER1111 Someday Author

    Last edited: Jun 25, 2024
    BellaMary69 and Nordais like this.
  5. cat_71

    cat_71 Forum Apprentice

    many thanks to mc, pnp , gg & wolfey for the trees & habitats
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2024
    BellaMary69 and Nordais like this.
  6. rivak

    rivak Forum Baron

    Thank you puppiesnponies, gardengal, MeadowCrossing, and wolfeyesone for your kindness and generosity!

    And an extra big thanks to Northy for the plethora of gifts, especially the pink salamander den!

    All of you rock! :inlove::inlove::inlove::inlove::inlove::inlove::inlove::inlove::inlove::inlove:
    BellaMary69 and Nordais like this.
  7. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    Hi I just want to say thanks all those send me kind gifts Sorry as i am busy on Holiday atm;):D
    BellaMary69 and Nordais like this.
  8. Nala777

    Nala777 Forum Overlooker

    Thank you upa70 and sanddollar15 for your generosity and kindness. :inlove::inlove::inlove::inlove:
    sanddollar15 and Nordais like this.
  9. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Count Count

    No idea whom to thank, but tonight as I was placing an expired limited giver on Shipwreck Bay, I noticed the long sought "Treasure Trove" among my givers. May I send a belated, but very heartfelt 'thank you' to my Secret Santa for this delightful treasure which allows me to complete the CR.!!!
    I don't know how I could have missed it during G&T and can't imagine any other way it found its way into my inventory! :inlove:
    BlackCaviar and Nordais like this.
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