Golden Banana Challenge

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by sumacke, Sep 4, 2014.

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  1. lilahvale

    lilahvale Forum Apprentice

    Great ideas.
    farmlily3 and TERRIE like this.
  2. shetaz71

    shetaz71 Active Author

    I don't know if the game developers even read these posts or if someone else does and gives feed back in a meeting, but something needs to be done about getting GB's. The higher level u are, the longer it takes to level up. U need 30-40 GB's just to OPEN a 'door' and them u still need the required amount for what u really needed to get. I wasted 40 GB's by opening up a 'level' in the temple. I could have used those to purchase the pepper seeds that I've needed to get for 2 yrs! At the rate the level climb is going, I won't get any GB's for another 6 months!! I don't know about the rest of the players here, but I don't always have the luxury of playing this game all day every day. Do these game developers know this? We do have lives outside of Farmerama.. loosen up the GB purse strings!! Knowing that it will take so long to get these doesn't make the game so much fun anymore..

    OK..... I just figured this getting GB's out here. In order to get ALL the statues, tree's, breeding, etc.. I will have to level up 150 times (!) to get it all. If I decide not to get the starter breeding packs and gift packages, I only need to level up 130 times! NOW, what makes me angry here is the big + and after that has 2 more 'buttons'... If I'm reading it correct, I have to give 40 GB's to that plus before I can enter those other 2 buttons. Well... I gave those 40 GB's and still wasn't able to get the cactus, hibiscus, coffee, persimmon tree, mate tree or the harbor. I wasn't able to get green tea, lemongrass or ginger, either. So, I just lost 40 GB's cuz it opens up nothing for me!!! At a level 93 here, I will either have to be a level 223 or higher to achieve everything in the temple. C'mon guys!! Make it a little easier to get the GB's! It's going to take me YEARS to get some of this stuff. And what happened to my 40 GB's??
    Last edited by moderator: Sep 27, 2014
    penguilnz, farmlily3, TERRIE and 2 others like this.
  3. lilbayberry

    lilbayberry Forum Apprentice

    :sleepy:I agree with everyone else! It should not be so hard to get these GBs, I mean come on...we play this game to have fun not to get frustrated. I love a challenge but sheesh, this is ridiculous>:(
    farmlily3 and bygo_cris like this.
  4. Mr_Grumpy

    Mr_Grumpy Someday Author

    You obviously don't play very much at all. I don't get online every day, and usually only for less than a hr when i do. I normally manage to level on the island about every 2 weeks and doing a few quests today actually leveled the island 3 times today.
    A few more GBs might seem nice, but I'm already finding the island too easy and like the difficulty of what to spend my GBs on when I get them.
    farmlily3 likes this.
  5. smiley2emc

    smiley2emc Someday Author

    Mr_Grumpy can i please ask what you do on the island to level up so quickly as i would love to level up a bit quicker and i normally play at least once a day lol i also need heaps of GB's as i dont have everything opened as yet on the island
    TERRIE, farmlily3 and Arielh like this.
  6. FLOWER59

    FLOWER59 Forum Apprentice

    I agree that we need another avenue in which to get GB's. But 10 stars is too much. How about 1 star equals 1 banana? If it's to difficult to achieve, then it's too discouraging and people will quit playing.
    penguilnz, farmlily3 and TERRIE like this.
  7. FLOWER59

    FLOWER59 Forum Apprentice

    I second that motion!!!!!
    farmlily3 likes this.
  8. Malki68

    Malki68 Forum Greenhorn

    I agree that Golden bananas should be added at least to SOME challenges. I also agree that stars are becoming useless to me as I have all from the tree of wisdom that I care to have. Challenges based on goods raised in Bahamarama should include those that are rewarded with golden bananas. Either too many are required to open items OR they are too hard to acquire to meet those numbers needed. Something has got to change as the frustration level is too high. Malki68
  9. kyliesilvers

    kyliesilvers Forum Apprentice

    It'll take me 114 years to get the amount of Gold Bananas required to complete the current temple chambers on offer. Maybe I can pass it on to my son when I die and he can do the same to his son also. Maybe thats what the game designers had in mind, after all, its a way that generations of the one family can pursue the "endless gold banana dream".

    I tried painting an actual banana gold and rubbing it all over my computer but that didn't seem to help either. I would appear there is no gold banana ozmosis effect boo hoo hoo. It took ages to clean up too............
  10. ortrud_oc

    ortrud_oc Padavan

    Who would like to play Poker with me. I am sitting at the table with 3,224 stars and am ready to gamble them all?
    TERRIE, BlackCaviar and Arielh like this.
  11. neily35

    neily35 Regular

    How about 1000 Regular Banana's for 1 golden one?
    farmlily3 likes this.
  12. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    I can't say it's a bad idea but these would have been the results of it. We would never see bananas in the market ever again. And everyone would place bananas trees in all his bahamarama.
    Last edited by moderator: Apr 7, 2015
    farmlily3 and BlackCaviar like this.
  13. BlackCaviar

    BlackCaviar Forum Overlooker

    Banana trees would be discontinued, just like scented trees, cow milk trees, sugar trees......
    farmlily3 and Arielh like this.
  14. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    My poor starving monkeys!:cry:
  15. neily35

    neily35 Regular

    Not if players would like brahama exp from the quest. and it also would take 1000 banana's and 20 hours to make 1.
  16. fifitrixiebell

    fifitrixiebell Forum Veteran

    I definitely second this!!!

    And this!!!

    Really Bhodho...which giver is this please??

    I definitely agree that GB's should be offered a little more in events/rewards and that the amount of GB's required to not only unlock the chambers but to unlock another animal/tree/plant is rather :eek: but I can also understand that the game isn't designed so that we can just whizz through it then end up completing the game and being like "so, what now?". It is supposed to take time to get through levels and basically, keep us playing!!! The devs are looking to add to the game to keep things progressing otherwise we'd be off elsewhere. There must be players that have been playing this for years and are at level a zillion on Baha that have unlocked everything that must be clinging on, hoping that Coral Reef is it's on way because there's nowhere else to go. Yes, give us more options to earn GB's here and there but don't make it too easy! Just my opinion! ;)
    farmlily3, -Mir85- and labmommy30 like this.
  17. neily35

    neily35 Regular

    There is a GB quest right now. I just like to buy these gb's.
  18. fifitrixiebell

    fifitrixiebell Forum Veteran

    @neily35 , could you point me in the direction of the GB quest please, I must've missed it somehow!
  19. neily35

    neily35 Regular

    Do you have a quest called Castles in the Sand? This is a new quest everyone should have it.:)
  20. fifitrixiebell

    fifitrixiebell Forum Veteran

    Ah yes of course, I totally forgot about it neily, thankyou for reminding me! This is also the quest that a lot of people said that even though there are GB's offered as part of the reward, they thought it asked for way too many breeding animals. You can check out player's responses in the thread 'Castles in the Sand' in Chit Chat..(the thread was actually started by me so why I'd forgotten it has GB's is rather amusing but there has been a lot going on since then!lol)
    bygo_cris likes this.