Good game

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by Lea2191, Dec 28, 2016.

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  1. Lea2191

    Lea2191 Forum Inhabitant

    I've been doing farmerama for quite some time. I dropped the game for over a year more than once, but came back to it. since I had spent real cash on the game, they were loathe to delete my farm. I remember the game when it was simple. Then as they added new things like the artisan village, and the research area for crops my initial reaction was that I wasn't impressed. However, as time has gone on, I have come to appreciate the things I initially didn't. Obviously the changes helped keep the game interesting for more experienced farmers. Initially there were only products for chickens (egg) and rabbits. There were few if any of these unusual animals that keep popping up.

    The game works for those who spend real dollars as well as those who don't. The players that don't ever spend dollars support the game, and make it better with a better market experience.

    The graphics are amazing, and I never get tired of the creativity of the graphic designers.

    Generally, they do a good job with the inevitable bugs that develop.

    The Germans are known for developing great cooperative games. It's not surprising that this game came out of Germany.

    This is really the only game I plan that has kept my attention over the years.
    I just wanted to say how appreciate I am, and to the other famers that support the game, and make the game possible.
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