GOOFS: Common ones to avoid (especially for newbies, but... also rest.. lol)

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by woody, May 4, 2015.

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  1. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    BIGGEST ERROR OF ALL: NOT ASKING HOW TO DO THINGS (hopefully, being here means you are avoiding this one... )

    BIGGEST early errors
    (other than not finding forum --lol):

    SPENDING BB RECKLESSLY (especially to buy CC ) save for things you cannot get with CC (wonder trees/stables, special cloud rows in particular)

    USING SUPERGROW and POWERFEED for ANYTHING other than needing to finish an event (NOT a permanent farm quest .. just a short-time event!). Even then, ASK first! Check this forum for the appropriate link before deciding to use these items.

    Getting cloud row from an event, but not the givers that make it work! Cloud rows are great, but need items to be activated. Themed rows need specific items, given in the applicable quest and once event is gone, your chance to get those items is mostly gone (Gift & Trade events are rare). Unthemed rows can take a variety (see FAQ) They can be filled with items you can get with CC.

    USING craft products (buffs) without asking how to use them and fully understanding first. (Carrot Apple chutney, pumpkin jam, pinkie pie, etc, etc....these items are VERY useful, but the uses can be confusing). And, while rarely offered, the same would apply to bonus codes and other specials.

    Failing to activate buffs (Carrot Apple Chutney or Pumpkin Jam, etc-- see other threads for specific items) and cloud rows prior to harvest and/or planting.
    Quick reminder -- activate those impacting harvest (increasing yields) before harvest, activate those decreasing grow time before planting.

    Using Super-grow (or manure, water) on ALL plots instead of just biggest/just event crops/etc. (more of an issue with auto-seeder than manual)

    Biggest error is not using it, not understanding that it can place plots/animals, etc

    Another error is to delete ALL plots, not just the empty ones (first click for respective categories deletes unfed stalls, empty plots of land. Second click will delete ALL pens/plots, including those you just fed, with few exceptions. Trees are all deleted with one click).

    Planting regular crops and not activating moonlight mania on main field.

    not paying attention to prices before producing items

    Not reading FAQs and strategy threads for event IN ADVANCE

    Not asking for gifts in SOS thread when needed

    buying items at very high prices because you did not plan or did not bother to check prices before buying.

    GIGANTIC EXPRESS: Be VERY VERY careful during these events. Definitely read the strategy section. Think before donating at all and make sure not to deplete your store of pens.
    Last edited: May 17, 2015
    alexis2112, 12ss12, meba091 and 11 others like this.
  2. TCRooster

    TCRooster Forum Demigod

    Not activating cloud rows before you harvest etc.
  3. Clashstrummer

    Clashstrummer Count Count

    Not posting to ask a question if you are unsure how a buff (CAC, PPP and so forth) works before using it. Some of the descriptions are vague to confusing especially on the Artisan products. Especially if you've just spent a chunk of CC's to buy a buff make sure you know how and when it's best to use it.
  4. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    good points!
    d5aisy likes this.
  5. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    And generally not posting a question about anything you are not sure. Don't be shy to ask for any help;)

    Not asking for help for drops in Illy's SOS treads.
    Last edited: May 5, 2015
  6. desi20

    desi20 Forum Pro

    ALWAYS write everything down before an event of what you need like CAC, any buffs, etc. Plant longer crops the night before to get better drops for events, oops forgot to do that a couple times >:( But most important never be afraid to ask for help, that is why we are all here, to help each other :) I was lost at first when I started but with help and watching stratagies I am now level 84 as of today 8)
    alexis2112, spotsbox, meba091 and 6 others like this.
  7. 100keltic

    100keltic Board Analyst

    Clashstrummer, Say it again!

    I am still figuring this out.
    the ones I have figured out I am lov'in.

    desi20, OOh, someone new to haunt.......

    I am aiming for lv 77, with help, I am getting them levels worked over, So far, I love them bats! we need more quests like the bats IMO.

    For me, the one I like, pretty sure Mir85 said, < could be someone else, I haunt more than one farmer here 8)> " how to figure out sell/buy/profit compared to grow it yourself eat up your time to buy it trade up save time and make the money. I looked at market a lot different after reading that and really looking at what I grow/need to better buy/sell crops.
    Every one is different depending on the farm you doing, but all the same by this math, buy price profit outcome, both your time and the money put out.


    Oh, And try not to forget as you build your stalls, factor in the added food you will use.......some of us forget that, no idea who....
    Last edited: May 12, 2015
  8. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    Don't forget animals (and sometimes workshops)

    THANKS everyone!
    Last edited: May 7, 2015
    alexis2112 and desi20 like this.
  9. LDCrow

    LDCrow Forum Baron

    Woody, I would add on to your part about using super grow that using it because you are impatient or think you have a large supply is a very big mistake.

    You are given quite a few things when you first start playing and once you've gone through some of the easy FSQ's you might think you have a lot of SG. However it goes very quickly and becomes expensive to replace either with RL money or BB's. It will become crucial to be able to have a supply on hand to use in order to finish an event at some point in the game.

    My personal thoughts are now that I will only use it in that situation, much like only using PF for breeding. As every other scenario I can come up with can be solved by simply waiting for the crop to mature. I would not even use it for the timed FSQ's as you can always try those a 2nd time if you miscalculate.

    Just this newbie's thoughts after having to shell out BB's to buy some during the last event. o_O
  10. TCRooster

    TCRooster Forum Demigod

    When putting stuff on the train - make sure you have at least 2 more in the inventory! *Hangs head in shame and heads off to build some chopstick factories.*
    alexis2112, bygo_cris, LDCrow and 4 others like this.
  11. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    LOL.. condolences. Actually my advice to anyone new would be to NOT do any trades, but that is just my opinion. I will add a cautionary note.

    I think I will leave it there, unless some one has some major notes to add. It is, after all supposed to be a highlight thread, not a complete list.

    THANK YOU to all who offered suggestions to date!
    Last edited: May 15, 2015
    alexis2112, TCRooster and Arielh like this.
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