Group messages...

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by possum13, Aug 19, 2015.

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  1. possum13

    possum13 Forum Apprentice

    Hello :D
    I think it would be nice if there was a way to send a message to all neighbors at once. For example: If you have been receiving sugar from almost everyone (because you asked for it) but you would like your neighbors to send toolboxes for a while instead. It would be so convenient to be able to send the same message to all at one time.
    *** Unless, of course, this is possible now and I have missed the memo?? :cry:

    Doc425, steph2014 and TCRooster like this.
  2. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    Hi possum:)
    Bigpoint won't approve of your idea. That's why it doesn't let us copy a message anymore (well with patience you may be able to copy it). The reason for this is that many players used this function to create confusion. They sent the same message to a lot of players and it usually was about threatening or spreading rumors.
  3. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    EDIT-- sorry, possum. This post was NOT a hijack. My separate thread was merged by a mod who felt my idea was identical to yours...and that the only reason I posted a new one was that I had not read your idea.

    EXCEPT: I do NOT agree with the group message suggestion. Sorry, but I do not. I think allowing group messages would just create too much potential for spam and abuse. The SOLE exception would be a one click "I am going on vacation" message to neighbors only. This is why I posted my idea separately, to just slightly increase the number of individual messages.

    Allow us to send at least the number of messages as the number of our neighbors. OR have a separate count for neighbor messages versus regular messages. That is, we should be able to send a message to each of our neighbors to convey important information such as vacations, event needs, etc.
    even if the regular message count remains. (if that is not possible, then just increase the count).

    I was just trying to quick check if my neighbors had any particular gift preference when I got a "you have reached your message limit" message. The same thing happened to me another time when I had to leave for an emergency and was trying to let my neighbors know I would be gone. Even though the account resets in a relatively short time, this still means extra time and inconvenience.

    I can definitely understand limiting the numbers, to cut down on spam. However, we ought to at least be able to send messages to each of our neighbors, even if it were JUST to our neighbors. This would be self-limiting, since anyone who sends way too many messages will quickly find they just don't have any neighbors (and that a lot of players have blocked their messages)... and a limit of 12 does not seem that excessive during G & T, other issues.

    If you need to increase the count for all messages, you can increase the wait time before the count resets. That would have roughly the same impact.

    Again, I am asking for a small increase, not a huge one.
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2015