Halloween 2014 Strategies.

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by -Niknar-, Oct 25, 2014.

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  1. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    HI Blessed Lady, Sorry you are having PC troubles that is seem your system is running slow to it got bugs or viruses or both. I know about about PC....First Things First Try and Do System restore to go back to when it was last working properly. Sorry to say Norton Antivirus is not that great I Prefer to us Kaspersky Anti Virus Software. Also you need to check if your pc is overheating as they slows down your computer as it not all software to blame it is Hardware too.

    I got over 9000 Creepy Creepers and Over 3500 Glowshrooms and 371 Ectoplasm. Almost done with Creepy Creepers, so just get the remainingg Glowshooms to get. Will have got all of the Event Crops by tomorrow Morning. :p
    JJenks and Sweet_Cassiopeia like this.
  2. river2008

    river2008 Someday Author

    As i've saved up some SG I put all my fields into comfort and planted the Glowshroom + water + SG for overnight and when i harvested them i got about 85 Ectoplasm. I know a lot of people found the delayed start a problem, and hope that you all can catch up.
    I'm between 10 & 12 hours a head of Germany and always find the start and finish of events happen in the middle of my night, so when i do events like this (as i managed to catch FOCD i have to do events) i try to have them finished at least 8 hours before the timer runs out. I'm working my way towards level 3 and hopefully will be working towards level 5 before bedtime (about 12hrs away)
    Good luck to everyone who are working hard to do this event:music::oops:
    JJenks likes this.
  3. JJenks

    JJenks Forum Ambassador

    Having some sleepless nights so this event is working out perfectly for me. :p Just finished up Level 5 and unless something changes should have all crops done tomorrow.

    Good Luck everyone :)
  4. dnin21cent

    dnin21cent Forum Baron

    finsihed L5o_O
    wow, that's really speedy, JJenks, How could done so fast
    Oh, overlook thus: some sleepless nights. Must respect you for capable doing this.
    One night maybe OK, over 2 night look impossible for me.
    I finished Lv 2, due to RL schedule , I had to plant more glowshroom before I turn to plant
    Creepy Creepers for LV3, Glad that I got enough glowshroom for LV4, So, I could plant Lv3
    & Lv 5 Creepy Creepers at one lot, thus I could change back to plant glowshroom at bedtime.
    JJenks likes this.
  5. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Congrats JJ. I had sleepless nights during MM and that was how I got Cerberus. This event finds me sleepy....In bed at 8:30 last night! LOL
    JJenks likes this.
  6. Brookeham

    Brookeham Forum Freak

    pnp - Maybe the cauldron cat put a spell on you? :pMaybe on me tooxD....I've been so tired these past few days. I'm so jelly of your Cerberus!!! Congrats!!!;)
    JJenks - Well at least you're putting your sleepless night's to good use. Congrats on finishing so early! Usually, when I wake up in the middle of the night, my long term crops still have hours until ready for harvest.:wuerg:
    This event is relatively easy going for me. During the day, login, harvest, re-plant creepers, log off. Then at night,I put in glowshrooms. I know I'm going to have to grow the shrooms during the day from now on. Drops seem ok...and thanks to my generous neighbors.:inlove:
    farmingfreebird, JJenks and Arielh like this.
  7. solotime

    solotime Count Count

    I am as well on part 6.
    Will be getting 2000+ creepy creepers, I already have 1800.

    My plan for today is to max out the creepy creepers and next grow the glowshrooms.

    I been waking up at 5:20 AM USA East Time to harvest my crops.
    I can do like six harvest a day.

    The best part, I don't even use an alarm clock :)
    If you tell yourself what time, you wake up at that time.
    Arielh and JJenks like this.
  8. Bhodho

    Bhodho Count Count

    Onto L6. Bottom part of it...

    JJenks likes this.
  9. JJenks

    JJenks Forum Ambassador

    Well I got all the creepy creepers done and planted glowshrooms to harvest early morning....but.....I fell asleep...:p
    Oh well, should still have them finished today. The sleep was nice ;)
  10. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    If I say myself a time... I wake up 2 hours later:p
    You must have a talent and succeed waking up the time that you want:)
    Level 6? I haven't even completed the first...:eek: Yesterday was a lost day for the event didn't have time to harvest:(
    solotime likes this.
  11. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Level 6? Wow! Congrats! I am waiting on glowshrooms for level 5.

    solo - I may tell myself what time to wake up, and possibly I do wake up close to that time, but then I must hit the 'snooze' part of my brain because I have been falling back asleep.:p It may take me a little longer, but I am confident there is still plenty of time to finish.
    SuzeeRabbit, Arielh, baw815 and 3 others like this.
  12. Banjoman

    Banjoman Forum Ambassador

    I've got the chicken pens out (when I'm not at work). Manure is at 200CCs !
    I am not participating in this Quest, The extended MM took it out of me as I was setting my clock for every harvest right up to the end.
    I love reading about your struggles and successes though !
    hatzeva, steph2014, Arielh and 3 others like this.
  13. sunshineaz

    sunshineaz Forum Great Master

    I am okay on crops, seem to be waiting on the ectoplasm for level 5. Have enough crops to finish 6 and all my animals are done.
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2014
    Arielh likes this.
  14. Sweet_Cassiopeia

    Sweet_Cassiopeia Forum Overlooker

    I've completed step 3 and I'm about halfway on step 4. Day one I used SG, SSG, White Innocence, PJ, manure and water. Day 2 I switched to CAC, water and manure if I had it. 1x1s on Magical Glade and 2x2s everywhere else. I'm not going to worry about if I complete or not, don't like to stress out. Drops have been okay but could be better as I'm behind at the moment. My CAC supply is limited so I only apply it after I run out. Saved myself some time overnight. Planting glowshroom on MG, Creepy Crawlers everywhere else during the day. Glowshroom everywhere at night.

    Edit: Completed all animals by the end of day one.
    Arielh likes this.
  15. BlackCaviar

    BlackCaviar Forum Overlooker

    I've got 12 ducks and 15 turkeys to go to complete all my animals. Have crops and ectoplasm through step 3. :)
  16. solotime

    solotime Count Count

    Haha, probably just need to practices some more and maybe you'll get better?
    I went to bed at 1:30 AM, so I only had like maybe 4 hours and 30 minutes of sleep.
    But after harvesting I went back to sleep and got back up at 9:20.

    Sorry to hear that!!

    The first day I wanted to wake up at 6 AM but woke up at 5:20.
    So it's not 100% on time but at least I wake up.
    And I couldn't remember if I watered my crops or not. But lucky I did :)

    You make me want to sell some :(
    Arielh likes this.
  17. Aluntino

    Aluntino Board Analyst

    A couple of suggestions/reminders to consider, aimed at optimizing your time spent in the event and its overall output, that may be of help for someone:

    * if you manually run your farm, still have the 24 hr harvester and happen to be pretty frequently around, concentrate while it's active in creepers for as much of that time as you can: it'll save you loads of harvesting clicking afterwards, the most cumbersome of manual actions;

    * for all, try to avoid using Bahamarama altogether for event crops, but, if you do -like me- to speed up finishing, try to stick Bahamarama to creepers (if you happen to be frequently around, also like me -because I mostly work from home-): they yield a not so awful B-EPs output as compared to the longer growth time glowshrooms; you'll thus minimize B-EPs loss due to the event (if it may seem difficult to fit different crops in different fields, remember 3 creepers rounds = 2 glowshrooms rounds -in time terms-).
    Arielh likes this.
  18. dnin21cent

    dnin21cent Forum Baron

    still need half hr for my Creepy Creepers to mature. then go for glowshroom.

    off topice: just see next month calender on OA
    I rub my eye twice cause: November 4th: Moonlight Maniao_O

    We had just finished MM few days ago, How come we got MM next week.
    Then I look back & check the Chinese lunar calender, Oh, it's the oct MM delay 2 week's time.
    O.K. at least It will help us to got the MM cloud row/cerberus quickerxD
    Arielh likes this.
  19. CaliChrome

    CaliChrome Forum Baron

    Step 3 complete. Step 4 just need glowshrooms (have about half). All animals done by first day. Planting both crops at the same time.
  20. baw815

    baw815 Forum General

    I haven't posted in this thread because I was bad and missed most of the first day of the event. I am on room 3 waiting for my Creepy Creepers, I just love the names they sometimes come up with. :p I seem to be doing fine on drops, didn't have the issue with the delayed start time, sometimes it's good to miss I guess. I think I'm on track to finish based on what I'm reading here. Not using SG except for the starter seeds, because of both seeds took longer than I expected to finish and just plant, harvest and repeat. :cry: I know I'm behind, but not too far I hope. ;) xD o_O

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