FAQ Halloween Calendar 2024

Discussion in 'Event FAQ's' started by shooger.sweet, Oct 11, 2024 at 3:00 PM.

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  1. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Halloween Calendar

    14th of October 2024 - 1st of November 2024

    *What is the Halloween Calendar?

    game layer.png
    The Halloween Calendar is a Halloween 'advent calendar' style giveaway. Every day, you can unlock new prizes, by simply logging in and revealing the prizes hidden behind the flames.

    Prizes can only be unlocked on their specific day, you will not be able to collect them for free at a later time if you miss a day. Missed flames can be unlocked with BBs should you choose to do so. However, if you miss one or more days, you can continue collecting the rewards on the days you log into the game.

    Logging in and collecting rewards consecutively will yield bonus rewards on the 6th, 12th and 18th day!
    After 6 days, you can collect one additional gift (I), if days 1-6 are unlocked (first row);
    After 12 days, you can collect one additional gift (II), if days 7-12 are unlocked (second row);
    After 18 days, you can collect:
    - one additional gift (III) if days 13-18 are unlocked (third row);
    - another additional gift (IV) if days 1-18 are unlocked.

    While each flame can only be unlocked for free on the day when it becomes available, the bonus gifts (I to IV) can be unlocked at any point until the giveaway ends.

    *How can I access it ?

    The Halloween Calendar giveaway can be accessed via the news page, event timer and the event place in the city:
    event entry.gif

    Special rewards you will win

    Event Stickers
    1173.png 1174.png 1175.png
    You'll find these stickers in your Sticker Album!

    River of Souls Magic Stalk Row II
    river of souls msr II.png
    Rewards: +1 extra revenue when harvesting workshops on the fullmoon playfields for 4 hours, 1 x Crate O' Moonlight Mania IV
    Cooldown Time: 36 hours
    Requires any three 1x2 deco items and any one 2x2 deco item

    "Specter" Eerie Wonder Tree
    Your special seedling will turn into one of the following trees:

    *How it works:
    • Starting on 14th of October at 00:00 CEST, you can access the Halloween Calendar Giveaway:
      • Accessible via event timer
      • Accessible via newspage
      • Accessible via event place in the city
    • Rewards can be collected every day. Starting the day after, they can be collected with BBs.
    • The giveaway ends on the 1st of November at 23:59 CET so you have one additional day left to collect the rewards.
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