Happy Farm News 2nd edition

Discussion in 'Game Related Chit Chat' started by Clashstrummer, Feb 28, 2018.

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  1. Eonn

    Eonn Someday Author

    c.ciftci you can always help me catch up with my FSQ's :p

    Ok it is my 11th day playing (again after a long absence) and things have been totally insane.
    I was thinking of leaving again after the first couple of days, seeing the state of the market, the disorder of the FSQ, and a couple of other small things, but I am staying.
    I have gained so much in so short of a time. With the end of birthday, end of season, g&t, the valentine etc, and all the wonderful players, and today with the Mega EP I have jumped another 9 levels on main. Like I said it has been insane, but I am loving it. It is time for me to get organised so that I can catch up the FSQ's to match my level.

    Happy farming all,
  2. Bisquitte

    Bisquitte Forum Expert

    I am so happy today. I continue the game from where I left off and I became level 98. I wanted to share this happiness with you. :inlove::music:

    Howie Donut unlocked in wisdom tree with 400 stars

    Crystal waterfalls 2nd area opened with 600 field silver

    Last edited: Feb 11, 2022
  3. rivak

    rivak Forum Veteran

    I finally started spinning like mad today with the new giver's introduction. 52 spins later, I got the Galaxy Shaker (at long last!), 2 Batwing Vengeances, a Spector Trapper and a Smooth Operator! :) I've been holding onto the 100 party spins I got from a gift crate for months, and today I put them to good use.
  4. ç.çiftçi

    ç.çiftçi Exceptional Talent

    I realized that it's been 3 years since I started playing this game. Sometimes I had to take a break, but I have to say that I enjoyed playing it. I'm not ambitious, it's just good to have a good time. I like to follow the forum. I don't know English, sometimes it's a problem. Translation is funny sometimes. I just love being here
    It's just nice for me to share this.
    I'm sorry if I was silly
  5. sueperkins

    sueperkins Forum Connoisseur

    My joy for today is that I just completed the Country Fair FSQ!

    Thank you for sharing this!

    It is simple. It is honest. It is definitely not silly.
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 2, 2022
    farmlily3, Bisquitte and ç.çiftçi like this.
  6. ç.çiftçi

    ç.çiftçi Exceptional Talent

    Thank you sueperkins.
    farmlily3 and Bisquitte like this.
  7. sueperkins

    sueperkins Forum Connoisseur

    My joy for today is that I have done my first Menagerie expansion!
  8. Bisquitte

    Bisquitte Forum Expert

    Congratulations dear @sueperkins Great progress :inlove:;)
    farmlily3 likes this.
  9. sueperkins

    sueperkins Forum Connoisseur

    Another day of Joy! Just paid my 600 Farm coins to open another section of Crystal Falls! Thank you farm coin day for your generous donation to a worthy endeavor.
  10. Bisquitte

    Bisquitte Forum Expert

    Congratulations dear @sueperkins you are making great progress :) I opened both areas of the crystal waterfalls with the coins I collected from the Recylc-O-Mat mission. I have 1 field left in FSQ
    puppiesnponies likes this.
  11. sueperkins

    sueperkins Forum Connoisseur

    I only have 2 left to open now, both are the FSQ.

    My joy for today is a BOGO on a golf course out of the pirate cove!

    Joy! I just unlock the last cloud row on the tree last night. I also just got another BOGO on a golf course in the pirate cove this morning! 21% discount on the one I bought too! Thanks to these BOGOs the cloud row is up and active.
    Last edited by moderator: Apr 2, 2022
    Nala777 and Bisquitte like this.
  12. rivak

    rivak Forum Veteran

    My happy news is that I completed my first event ever today! I did the Farm Work event and managed to finish without spending a single penny in real money. It took almost four years, but I finished!
  13. Nala777

    Nala777 Forum Ambassador

    Congratulations Rivak.
    Sister3 and Bisquitte like this.
  14. jäniksenpelätti

    jäniksenpelätti Forum Master

    A milestone of sorts: I've got 20 000 unused stars for the wisdom tree...
  15. Tabby22

    Tabby22 Forum Greenhorn

    I started a baby farm, and was about to moan being only level 13.... then I harvested some wheat with some buffs..... and I jumped 36 levels in one go! :D
    Edit to add:

    I figured out what happened. I got a crate on the new farm, and in it was Swimply Fun. It's a giver that gives you 750.000 ep, harvestable a few times.
    I had put it on my field without looking. "Oh, look, pretty blue pool! let's put it out!" Had not checked what it did! It skipped me all those levels in one go, and made the game nearly unplayable, due to ALL quests opening, and farmhouse orders now being level 36, when in all reality, I only just had chickens and rabbits, and level 13 on the farm.
    I then harvested that giver two more times before figuring it out.... So... that took the joy away of starting a new farm.
    So, what did I do? I started another one, lol. Where I DID enjoy the lower levels farming again. So now I have two baby farms and my main I'm farming... from the 14 farms I have.
    Addicted anyone? Or no, we just love the game :p
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2022
    jäniksenpelätti, rivak and Sister3 like this.
  16. sueperkins

    sueperkins Forum Connoisseur

    Today's joy is I just made LEVEL 100! a "Rainbow Ruler" I have as a part of that spent the stars to unlock the Lighthouse. I also have opened 3 of the 5 areas of the light house.
  17. Shimmer

    Shimmer Count Count

    'Swimply fun(+)' is harvestable only a few times, but when it's run out of charges you can delete it and you will get a 'Swimply fun' (without the +) in your inventory. That's also a good EP giver!

    My good news is that I've finished all of the mainland and Baha farmer's society quests except wonder stable/tree ones and the one that opens at Baha level 800. I'm currently going for Baha levels for the first time in years, to be able to do that last FSQ. I don't know what goals I will have after that!
  18. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    Wow, Shimmer - I have got 9 FSQs left (in my favourites) but that does include two which have Wonder Stables/Trees that I don't have yet. :p

    I have been working really hard to complete breeding FSQs (not in my favourites!) and my happy news is that I am one breeding away from finishing another - that makes 9 finished in total! Wahoo! :inlove:

    I have also, thanks to the extra Farm Coins from breeding, actually managed to open up all of the Pet Playground - that's a lot of Farm Coins! :eek:
    Now I can use them for other things ... PF comes to mind! xD

    Edit: I have just gone back to open my Wonder Stable won in the breeding event and voila - a Walrus! How spooky is that - spooky or not, I'm having that! :music:
    Bisquitte, farmlily3, hatzeva and 5 others like this.
  19. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Forum Overlooker

    I got my very first Barnyard bill tree :inlove::D:inlove:
  20. Shimmer

    Shimmer Count Count

    Bisquitte and -Päärynä11 like this.