Announcement Happy Mother's Day 2024

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by Farmers.Almanac, May 12, 2024.

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  1. Farmers.Almanac

    Farmers.Almanac Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Hello Farmers,

    mother's day.jpg

    Cheers to all the moms out there!

    Today we are celebrating Mother's Day in Germany, just like in other countries.

    Use the code WOWMOMS24 to receive the following items added to your account:

    3 Party Spins
    20 Super Grow
    3 Carrot Apple Chutney

    The code is valid from now until 23:59 CEST tonight and can only be claimed once per user account.

    Happy Mother's Day and enjoy a peaceful Sunday.​

    Best Regards,
    Your Farmerama Team
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