happy workshop day

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by upa70, May 30, 2022.

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  1. upa70

    upa70 Forum Expert

    this is the most ridiculous event to run simultaneously with moonlight mania event.
    its brilliant in its own right and i love it .....on my normal farms and bahama farms....
    ........but on moonlight world-.-

    considering moonlight mania usually runs for a very short limited time we have to make the most of this and put production to its max.
    i have all my spooky workshops out and they all have short production times ...slime mill 3hrs, backlight assembly 3hrs 30m and fairy wand boutique 4hrs....until today...
    ...now they take 9hrs>:(:mad::(

    even using power feed i still cant produce them as fast as before happy workshop day began.

    if YOU have the power and technological expertise to turn off certain things throughout the game so they will only effect certain plants or fields or stables or workshops or givers, surely its a piece of cake to be able to make happy workshop day not effect the moonlight world????????
    you do it all the time for the event field as an example...turn off boosts and effect things like CAC etc. whilst still being able to use them on all other fields!!

    i think i speak for most players of this game....that would be the single most useful thing you could do to improve the game right now and stop frustrating your players!!
    and i'm pretty sure it would be a simple fix.....

  2. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    Well Said upa70, it is so unfair about Happy Workshop Days, Especially Moonlight Mania Workshops, From my perspective this is not great event in Practice unless you have Workshop Boosters Buffs

    You have to take into consideration the costs of Animal feeds and some animals needed per workshop, some workshops are worth doing some are not worth doing it is cheaper to buy certain products in the market

    We cannot buy Moonlight Mania workshops why make it more unfair increase them up to 9 Hours

    Best time for Moonlight Mania workshops is put them out in the last 18 hours of this event as i doubt BP cares about Moonlight Workshops :p:p
    marlenef24 and upa70 like this.