Harvest Bonuses from the Wheel

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by nm56, Sep 20, 2019.

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  1. nm56

    nm56 Forum Duke

    When you win a harvest bonus on the wheel it should tell you in the Reward History what it is for and how long.

    Currently it says something similar to: Harvest Bonus +1 The +1 could be trees, stables, workshops, etc. The duration of the bonus is different too.

    I know you can check the type and time of the bonus in the buff icon on our fields but the way I use the farm wheel it would just be easier to have the type and time listed in the Farm Wheel Rewards History.

    When I use take my spins it is easier to keep a new EP or to get a harvest bonus so I have multiple spins and employ the spin--escape-spin again method to save time as it takes to much time to do them individually. It is easy to forget which ones you have received by the time you are finished spinning.
    ChayaAvery and sebe96 like this.