Harvest Helper/automatic planting

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by nm561, Feb 25, 2015.

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  1. nm561

    nm561 Forum Mogul

    It would be nice if when you got the harvest helper with the seeding option if you could have it harvest and then plant the same seeds again (if during the time period the harvest helper is in effect).
    If I have a 36 hour harvest helper and my crops are ready to be harvested in hour 10 they should replant themselves (when I am not online) and then harvest and replant themselves if time allows before the 36 hour period is up.
    This would be a big help and greatly appreciated by players (especially during timed events)
  2. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    It would definitely be convenient. That said, the game providers benefit when we pop in regularly -- that is part of why they have fuzzles, for example.

    What I can see working is offering this as a limited option, or in conjunction with the vacation mode -- maybe as a "vacation premium". If they offer it as a "straight" option (that is, apart from a vacation mode), then I can see them doing it with a limited time frame -- maybe only 1-2 repetitions or a time limit, or even with a cap on the quantity (to stop people from getting 1 million lettuce, for example).
    I also think they would have to "charge" for this -- maybe add it to a new, higher level premium or some such (with the limits I have described).
  3. nm56

    nm56 Forum Duke

    You might decide to plant l million lettuce but that would make it hard to complete the quests and special timed events. I think people would still check in to see what new events/quests were available and to change the crops they are planting. I think if someone planted one crop continuously for a long period of time that they would find that it would be a disadvantage to playing the game unless they plant corn because everything needs that. Even the high priced crops would not create an advantage because a lot of people would probably think to plant them and cause a glut in the market resulting in sales prices being dropped.

    I'm just saying it would be nice because in the example if you log in and only have a limited amount of computer time and availability 2 hours-once a day-short library hours--and not on all days) then the 36 hour harvester is actually equal to 24 hours.

    If not with the harvester; your idea of attaching it to the vacation mode would also help out somewhat.
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2015