Harvest Helper Subscription

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by BerthaL, May 5, 2020.

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  1. BerthaL

    BerthaL Forum Apprentice

    I was just wondering if anyone knows when the next harvest helper subscription discount might be offered. I want to buy it but would much rather pay less than more. LOL
  2. racheliz

    racheliz Forum Inhabitant

    Hi BerthaL, the harvest helper subscription comes around often. In the meantime you could go the Shop-O-Rama (coin shop) which has a special offer this month. 168 hours of all harvest helpers for 60 BB. If you buy this 4 times (the limit) you will have almost the same as a monthly subscription. It's a good offer!
    1Kay58 likes this.
  3. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    Harvest Helper comes round each month, towards the end of the month - you have just missed the last one by a few days. If you put a "watch" on events and mini events, you will get an alert to tell you what is coming up. ;)
    1Kay58 and Cassie101 like this.
  4. 1Kay58

    1Kay58 Advanced

    How do you put a watch on events and mini-events?
  5. squigglegiggle

    squigglegiggle Forum Overlooker

    By going to the mini-events calendar for the month and "watching" the thread (ie. click on the thread, and in the top right - just above the first post - click "watch thread")
    racheliz likes this.
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