Hide New Profile Post Section

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by steph2014, Aug 13, 2015.

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  1. steph2014

    steph2014 Forum Pro

    I don't know about anyone else, but I would love it if there was some sort of option to hide the New Profile Posts section that's on the main forum page. I'm talking about the column on the right, directly under the Members Online Now section. I understand that BP is probably trying to foster a sense of community by having what is essentially a members' news feed, but it is distracting and irritating. I've tried for months to just ignore it, because no one is forcing me to read it, but enough is enough. The posts have become harder and harder to ignore, especially a recent one that started with the word "Help!" It kept grabbing my attention, because I thought someone needed help with something. Give us a way to turn this off, please!

    At the very least, have some sort of settings panel to help modify what/who we see. Perhaps an option to only see posts made by friends/neighbors. As it is now, I keep seeing posts by the same few people (neither of whom I know). They basically just have a whimsical conversation with each other, and everyone else has to read it. -.-Please, BP, give us options to block/delete/hide this stuff. Thanks for your consideration.
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2015
    KaiCat33, Jools, Neon-Lights and 12 others like this.
  2. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    I like your idea!!! And I agree there should be an option to see posts only from some players. Maybe only for the ones we follow them on forum.
    Well if we want to see all the Profile posts we can go to "Members" and then there is a section "New profile posts".
  3. steph2014

    steph2014 Forum Pro

    Exactly, Arielh! If BP wants to have a social media-type news feed, that feed should only consist of friends/neighbors/people we follow.
  4. chookie

    chookie Exceptional Talent

    I don't understand why they introduced it in the first place. I find it annoying too and would love to turn it off.
  5. farmerlily22

    farmerlily22 Forum Master

    I know you didn't mean for your post to be funny, steph, but I have thought this same thing for such a while,:D and to see it here in forum, I just had to laughxD(and hopefully the post-ers feel the same when they see this) I was wondering just why this even started?:eek:
  6. LDCrow

    LDCrow Forum Baron

    I'm in wholehearted agreement! It just adds clutter and is very annoying. In the past I might have posted something on my profile page for friends and followers but you can be assured I would never do so now. I don't see that it serves any purpose whatsoever so please give us the option to turn it off.
  7. TCRooster

    TCRooster Forum Demigod

    Oh yes please, please, please let me be able to turn it off/hide it/block it!
  8. Willow

    Willow Commander of the Forum

    Don't wish to appear unfriendly to those using the profile posting currently - but I find it an annoying distraction. You really can't just ignore something that is designed to catch the eye!

    Please allow it to be turned off/ blocked or allow players to select whom to view.
  9. CaliChrome

    CaliChrome Forum Baron

    Add me in on this thought. All I see is newbies begging for neighbors (should be in the proper thread) and the same person(s) going on ad nauseum.
    steph2014 and Clashstrummer like this.
  10. Clashstrummer

    Clashstrummer Count Count

    Count me in as well. Wouldn't much matter what was posted on there it's an irritating distraction that we should be able to turn off.
    KaiCat33, CaliChrome and steph2014 like this.