How are things going on your Farmer's Market?

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by dumbunny, Jan 5, 2021.

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  1. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    I have farms on Market #9 and #13.

    Market #9 is practically barren. Kinda looks like our Wal-Mart did when the whole pandemic thing started last March...

    I have a couple theories: #1 theory: Unity issues caused a stoppage in sales listings, which caused median prices to crash (because of the dynamic market pricing BP uses). And #2 theory: there were a lot of farmers that quit farming in the last couple weeks due to the Flash/Unity issues and/or the BFG issue and at least some of those farmers were very active sellers at the market.

    Anyone else have a different theory? Is it as bad on your market(s)?
    FrootloopGrove likes this.
  2. IpsiDei

    IpsiDei Forum Connoisseur

    In my own market, prices are at a traditionally high level. So a few players have started stock purchases again for the upcoming december harvest party. (Autum Magic 2021) xD;)

    The supply, on the other hand, with buyers comes to the market all the time.
    The problem somewhere may be that Unity is making it a bit more difficult to sell, at least initially.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2021
    FrootloopGrove likes this.
  3. mindy1701

    mindy1701 Count Count

    My market is still pretty slow, but most prices are high. It could be the Unity issues. It could also be players leaving the game - I lost one neighbor a few days ago and 3 more are blinking red and will probably be gone later today.

    I have noticed fewer offers in the market and more items with no offers at all. For example, right now we have 5 cucumber offers, 5 orchids, 2 basil, 3 bean, 4 lily of the valley, and many others. That's very unusual.
  4. Clashstrummer

    Clashstrummer Count Count

    My market is not bare but it is lean. The crops and animals for the upcoming event have obviously been hit as there are few offers there. I have not adjusted to the sky-high prices for even the most common goods yet so it's hard for me to judge pricing. With sheep selling at 40,000 a head though I doubt I will resist selling off some of my stock.
    dumbunny and FrootloopGrove like this.
  5. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    13 seems to be faring better than 9 - a lot of 9's crops are grayed out...I have to wonder if the mainstays of 9's crop sellers - the ones that sold thousands of crops in one item listing and at high prices - were BFG farmers or decided to give it up with the switch to Unity.
  6. Clashstrummer

    Clashstrummer Count Count

    Is 9 the one your "sewlinglady" farm is on? It's possible that BFG players were not mixed in with everyone else.
  7. PrairieMaiden23

    PrairieMaiden23 Regular

    Yes, Clashstrummer, it is! I had wondered that myself. (PS - it's me - dumbunny/sewinglady/prairiemaiden23 - sometimes I come here when I have this farm active, and it's just as confusing to me as it is to everyone else).
    Clashstrummer and baw815 like this.
  8. imalattanhalka

    imalattanhalka Forum Expert

    Hello my neighbor. The 9th market has been broken for 2 weeks. I am trying very hard to stimulate the market. I put hundreds of thousands of products on sale. However, I am not successful with some products.
    My opinion is that some players who don't want to play Unity are breaking the market with all their money before they quit. I guess they are protesting this situation somehow.
  9. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    I wonder if all of these things are influencing the market downward? I have gotten some outrageous bargains on market 13 in the last month. I figured it was people emptying their barns before they 'blew outta town', too, imalattanhalka. I get why they would do this. But, honestly, after the introduction of the Unity Client, game play via Unity got so much more stable, why quit? Of course the BFG farmers may be a different story, but if they can't access their farms, they can't flood the farmer's market with cheap goods, either.

    On #9, I just transferred some crops from one of the baby farms to sewinglady's farm. The max I could price carrots at was 4CCs. A few weeks ago, you couldn't buy carrots for less than 275CCs (on average). And there were several farmers that always had 5 to 10 lots of 9,999 of the basic (first page) crops listed. Heaven forbid a farmer on #9 needed hay - they'd grow broke buying it. Now there's none for sale at any price.

    I think market #9 is so broke now that it may not be fixable. I listed some tree fruit, colored animals and bahamarama animal feeds this morning on sewinglady's farm - most have sold - because there wasn't any competition, and the prices I could list them at weren't exactly profitmakers. Imalattanhalka, I think we just have to "grow and throw" at #9 - hoping it's not a vain attempt. I do appreciate your efforts.
  10. Lea2191

    Lea2191 Forum Inhabitant

    I am on 90. I don't see any difference in the market lately. You can buy pretty much anything you normally can buy, and at similar prices. Some things are more expensive than usual, some cheaper. It doesn't seem like anything out of the usual.
  11. PrairieMaiden23

    PrairieMaiden23 Regular

    #9 has had a bit of a rebound last couple days. Haven't checked breeding animals lately, but with the exception of 'beginner' crops, most items are back to 'normal'. However, I do notice that there are some regular sellers still missing...wondering what happened to them.
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