I want to complete my confectioner

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by OneCrop35, Mar 18, 2015.

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  1. OneCrop35

    OneCrop35 Someday Author

    when I go to deliver there is 2 slots on the deliver screen. Amount and exchange value. Now this exchange value, Can you make it so you can buy the individually parts to build it? They are both worth 3 cc's, I'll buy them per 1 for 1000 cc I just want to start on making productions. roof 105, bricks 145
    IVANCICA30 likes this.
  2. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    not a mod, but Unless I misunderstand your question, these are tool items that are given randomly. You can buy or earn toolboxes, but there is no way to select specific building items. The CC value is for comparison/donation only, not sales.

    if you are suggesting that this change... Nothing wrong with suggesting it, even though I don't agree. (making the game too easy would also make it boring and this would tend to just make it easier for people who can spend real money) However, I highly doubt the farmerama team will adopt it, since essentially random tools are a feature integral to the game.

    (the mathematician in me makes me say "essentially random" -- its not technically truly random, but is unpredicatable by intent).