Idea Rewards

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by nm561, Dec 12, 2015.

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  1. nm561

    nm561 Forum Mogul

    Whenever Bigpoint adopts an idea I think it would be nice if they they gave the person(s) who suggested it or added more ideas to the original suggestion a reward of Harvest Helper coupons.
    tiageorge and wolfeyesone like this.
  2. wolfeyesone

    wolfeyesone Forum Veteran

    You can never have to many of those coupons!
    but isn't having our ideas implemented enough of a reward ?
    tiageorge and GuineaUp like this.
  3. nm561

    nm561 Forum Mogul

    Having your idea implemented is good but having it implemented and receiving a reward is better. You can never have too many of those coupons.

    If Farmerama is made better or more interesting because of someone's idea why shouldn't they be rewarded? I don't think it is being greedy to ask for a coupon for an idea.

    It might encourage more people to submit their ideas.

    Just trying to keep from doing all of the clicking.
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2015
  4. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    Honestly, I am not sure BP really wants to encourage more suggestions. A few good suggestions goes a lot further than a bunch of suggestions people are rushing to make up in hopes of getting a reward. Also, if they started doing that, it might be hard when several people give similar suggestions.
  5. nm561

    nm561 Forum Mogul

    If Bigpoint didn't want suggestions I think they would do away with the "Player Suggestions" tab.

    Some suggestions do not merit receiving a reward but there are others that add to the "playability" or make the game more interesting that should (in my opinion) be rewarded because someone took the effort to suggest it.

    As far as similar suggestions; the reward could be given to the first player suggesting it or multiple players.

    I would have suggested receiving one of the new pens available (at time of idea implementation) but I thought that everyone could use the coupons. Maybe that could be an alternative reward -- if you suggested it you are the first to get the new tree, stall or pen and if it is for some other function you would receive a coupon.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2015
  6. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    I never said they did not want them. Its just that having a reward might spring more not-so-great suggestions without really improving on the good ones. Also, it can take a long time and a lot of requests before suggestions are implemented. I see many people starting a new thread for basically the same ideas. Mods combine them when they are posted in relative close succession, but some suggestions have been around for years (literally). Here, on this site, I think the discussion over ideas is as important as coming up with new ones. An idea may start one way and wind up having many different variations suggested. That give and take affords the team a chance to really digest the ideas and perhaps come up with a bit better idea of what players think (though those who post here are only a small portion of those who play and the mods do play their own farms). If anything, it might actually be more appropriate here to reward everyone who participates. But that would lead to a lot of folks just logging in for the reward.

    That said, I am just expressing my opinion. Nothing wrong with rebutting and challenging what I have said.
    GuineaUp likes this.
  7. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    While I can understand your suggestion, I don't think it is practical from an administrative point of view. Many ideas have been suggested over a period of time and it would be impossible for BP to track individual players and suggestions across all forums in order to credit the player (s) with a reward. There may be players who made suggestions years ago that no longer play. I do know suggestions were also discussed in chat when it was an active feature. I do think that any suggestion that is incorporated into the game making it either easier (the new breeding window makes less clicks) or enhances the game experience is reward enough. The time, effort and resources needed to track each suggestion to correspond to a certain player would be better spent on future development of the game (coral reef) or improving already existing features.
  8. nm561

    nm561 Forum Mogul

    I realize suggestions have been made over a period of time because I have made numerous suggestions in the past myself.

    As far as tracking the suggestions; I would only count those that were offered in the "Player Suggestions" forum. This is a computerized world so they should already be sorted by date and they also have a name for the thread to limit the searches.

    If it still proves to be too much of a hassle then maybe Bigpoint could implement the rewards for suggestions offered after a certain date that are deemed worthy. It is not my intent for Bigpoint to give rewards because someone suggested that an animal or plant be purple in color.

    I also realize that some of the suggestions may have already been suggested by Bigpoint employees but just haven't been implemented yet or the player hasn't reached the level to know that it already exists.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2015