I'm Back!

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by sglick, Aug 26, 2014.

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  1. sglick

    sglick Board Analyst

    Hi everyone! I just goy home from 5 hours of flying about an hour ago. TygerLilly has finally stopped rubbing me. HaHaHa

    I am too tired to write much now. I will explained what happened in the morning.

    I see you can't manage with out me. HaHaHa I leave and you'all tear up the forum. It is very confusing when tired and I doubt that it will get less confusion in the morning.

    I guess there is another event in the mourning. Great! More 8 hour crops to put me too sleep.
  2. smiley2emc

    smiley2emc Someday Author

    welcome back sglick so good to have you back love your butterfly
  3. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    Welcome back sglick! Hey, how have you managed to sort out your avitar already - I am so jelly!

    Edit: Yay, got me an avitar (well two actually but one on each farm!). Wahoo!
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2014
  4. farmerumf

    farmerumf Forum General

    Glad to see you home safely sglick. Farmerumf AKA FW.
  5. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Welcome back sglick! We all missed you and am glad you made it home ok. I am sure TygerLilly is most pleased you are home. Get some rest and we'll see you back later...
  6. farmingfreebird

    farmingfreebird Exceptional Talent

    Welcome back! *hugz*
  7. Banjoman

    Banjoman Forum Ambassador

    I missed you.... Looking forward to bantering with you soon.
  8. TCRooster

    TCRooster Forum Demigod

    Welcome back sglick.
  9. JJenks

    JJenks Forum Ambassador

    Welcome home sglick......We missed you :)
  10. spotsbox

    spotsbox Forum Demigod

    Welcome home sglick, it's nice to see your lovely self again - you have been much missed and much loved in your absence. Hope you get rested up quick!
  11. Brookeham

    Brookeham Forum Freak

    Woo Hoo....my twisted sis is back home!!!! Tygerlilly has her Mommy back! We've all missed you soo soo much! This new (and a bit confusing) forum is definitely brighter with you in it!!!! I hope you will go back to the "old forum" and see all the nice things people said to you while you were gone! Hugs!!!!!
  12. sglick

    sglick Board Analyst

    Thank you all for your warm greetings! It is good to be back on the farm after 25 days away. I was at my techno-challenged Mom's house. I have no laptop or tablet so I had to rely on her computer. Somehow she has been managing without Anti-Virus software on her computer for about 3-5 years. I was shocked that her many friends and family allowed this to happen. One cousin did put Sybot's free version on.

    The cousin works for defense in a techno advanced place near Washington DC. Plus, she is the Queen of Paranoia. Her thoughts is the damage has been done so there is no point buying a real time software at this point. I agree. I did manage with a lot of effort and determination to remove a few trouble-making programs. Which finally allowed me to run the free Ad-Aware software. This removed some of the games that would pop-up when we logged on to a new web page. Now I just have to get mom to use these 2 to scans. I made about 5 How to guides, but........ I did back up her docs and pics, but she refuses to get a new computer.

    This is the reason that I did not dare to come on the forum. Every time, I would click on the farm or forum or another web site, another advertisement web site would pop up. This happened for every click on the forum. So I just stuck to basic farming. I did finish the event to get the textile mill. Thanks for everyone who helped. I did have to buy 100 drops. Oh Well! This used up most of my BB's so I could not buy PF for the breeding event. I did some of it, but was not able to get the orange pens. Boo-hoo. I did not dare to use my credit card with all of mom's issues and could not get a gift card. Plus, there was too much to do with the family.

    The reason that I left for my Mom's so suddenly was because my older sister died suddenly. 3 weeks prior to her passing she was diagnosed with small cell lung cancer. A large tumor was found on her epiglottis. This made eating and breathing difficult. She used oxygen. They did all kinds of test and the cancer had spread to her other organs. She decided not to have any treatment and was given 3 months.

    My sister suffered with Schizophrenia of the paranoid kind for 40 years from when she was 17 till her death at 57. My mother tried to get every kind of help for her, but..... She lived in a caring assistive living facility in rural Virginia that had a great community outreach program. The director sent notes from herself and the others of this program who made many comments about my sisters cheerful optimistic joyfulness and willingness to help others. These words were a great comfort to me. my mom and my sister's only daughter.

    After the cancer was diagnosed, my mother brought my sister home to be cared for. While she was at my mom's house. I got to have several beautiful conversations with her. I was struck by her optimism and joy. Occasionally for brief seconds she would be scared, because she did understand what was happening.

    On July 30th, I decided to fly back to VA. She seemed strong. On the 31th, I called my mom about arrangements for flying on Aug. 1. My mom was concerned since the hospice nurse said that she had taken a turn for the worst. I just knew this was the end. I slept uneasy knowing I was gone to get the call. She passed at 2AM EST. They called at 4 AM MST Her daughter held her hand with my mother was by her side. My mother and I feel it is a blessing that she did not linger or suffer more..

    I want to thank all of you who have shared your stories of your fights with cancer and other horrible ailments. They helped me to handle and accept my sister's illness and passing. I hope each of you has a happier outcome. I am at Peace with my familie's loss knowing she was loved and well taken care of. She is with God who has always been with her.

    I want to share a picture with you of her. It was taken days before she died. It was used on her Memorial program. I am taken by her joy and strengthen. I hope that when it is my time that I can have this kind of joy and acceptance.

  13. blessedlady2

    blessedlady2 Old Hand

    sglick, WELCOME HOME.
    You and your family have been in my prayers. It is amazing to me the peaceful loving spirit that evolves from our loved ones when they are faced with this journey. Those loving conversations will remain with you always as a source of comfort. I understand the mixed emotions of not being there in body, but rest assured you were there in love and spirit and your sister knew this. She is free to run through all the fields of flowers in heaven and will be so excited to show you all the lovely places she has found when you meet again. Call me strange if you will, but sometimes I feel my brothers so very close to me I can almost touch them. May Our Precious Heavenly Father wrap His loving arms around you and your family and comfort you as only He can do.
    rosehaines53 likes this.
  14. SuzeeRabbit

    SuzeeRabbit Old Hand

    Welcome back, sglick!!!

    So sad to hear about your sis's struggles. At least now she can get some rest. She does look like a gentle spirit. It does sound like she had a peaceful passing. Bless you and her loved ones for being with her.

    Poor TigerLily must have been frantic. I was worried about her too. I'm glad she let you back in the house.
  15. poor_didums

    poor_didums Forum Apprentice

    hugs to you sglick even though i dont know you that brought tears to my eyes and goosebumps to the rest of me
  16. sglick

    sglick Board Analyst

    Thank you Blessed, Suzee & Poor for your kind words. Sorry poor, I shorten everyone's name. If there is another nickname that you would rather go by, please let us know. It is good to have you on the forum.

    Suzee, last night TygerLilly had to sleep next to me and kept insisting on cuddling. She has the attention span of a nat so she keep moving around and waking me up. I let her do it to reassure her that I am here. Tonight, I want sleep so the bed will be mine. HaHaHa

    Here is a picture of her.


    She has been sleeping on my suite case all day. I think she is trying to tell me. That if I leave again, I have to pack her, too.

    In the background is a picture of my Mom about 10 years ago and Cindy as a little girl.
    rosehaines53 likes this.
  17. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    sglick - so good to see a picture of your sweet kitty. It is always nice to put a name with a face (even one with whiskers). You may find her more needy now that you are home but that will get better once she realizes you are really home and not just passing through.

    Thoughts and prayers (and hugs) remain with you and your family as you remember your sister. Thank you for sharing your pictures. I'm glad you were able to have some good chats with her that will give you memories to cherish.
    rosehaines53 likes this.
  18. smiley2emc

    smiley2emc Someday Author

    lol at the cat sleeping on your bag yep not leaving without me is what is going through that kittys head lol
  19. poor_didums

    poor_didums Forum Apprentice

    p_d or pd either or is fine with me lol
  20. baw815

    baw815 Forum General

    sglick, sooooooo good to see you back safe and sound. I know the circumstances were sad, but I hope you had a good time seeing your family. Sounds like Tigerlily needs some TLC. ;) :inlove:

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