I'm broke, again! How do I make ccs?

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by farmer_broke, Sep 7, 2014.

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  1. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    1 cooking pot is 45.000 CC in my marketo_O
    Whoever is selling them will be very rich
    Last edited by moderator: Nov 13, 2014
  2. solotime

    solotime Count Count

    Ummm... What happen to all the Pheromones? Did BP run a script that buys them all up so we run out? o_O
  3. Jools

    Jools Forum Pro

    still loads availalble on my market, happily selling them at a 250-300% profit :D
  4. solotime

    solotime Count Count

    @Jools, I use them not sell them ;)

    They're coming back slowly on my market.
    Had like 17 offers left when I posted. But now back to 370 offers.
    Arielh likes this.
  5. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    647 offers for pheromones on my market and the price is getting lower and lower.
    I am trying to sell them but they are not so wanted...
    solotime likes this.
  6. farmer_broke

    farmer_broke Commander of the Forum

    As accurately predicted, the Brown Pig sliding market index is now active. Sales price from the initial advance notice is now 3 times (correction -- 4 and 1/2 times) the original investment. Haflingers approached it on this market and exceeded it on several others. Speckled goats did exactly the same while Albino Bats increased slightly in price. There are now 3 of 128 breeding animals where the sliding market index is not moving, YET! When they will move I do not know.

    Anyone feeling otherwise with regard to cheap breeding animals might want to reevaluate their thoughts as the profits generated prove to me that such a line of reasoning is deeply flawed.

    There is increased market activity for tree fruit. High prices are rarely exceeded and any quantity at reasonable prices are being accepted.

    With attention diverted to breeding animals, several Baha crops are well under their normal market prices. This should not last but until the end of the current event.

    ---edit 2---

    You know it, flat broke again with exactly -0- ccs! I need a plan but first I need to attend puppiesnponies help counseling. Thanks for the pheromone Aluntino ... but I can't even list it to sell it. Baby Boom is over and ... I may as well go fishing and catch a boot! What do I do now to get started again? I'll follow instructions. :oops:

    ---edit 3---

    Not at -0- and not going to puppiesnponies shopping help counseling today either. But I should go.

    We laughed at the Market Giraffes listing Haflingers at their sliding index price (and the exchange rate). Now the Market Giraffes have taken over the market for Haflingers with the low being 23 pages at 1400. A power feed sale would surely help to convert RL cash into ccs in order to satisfy the Picasso demand created by the new quest and move the price of Haflingers beyond the initial sliding index price. Only a matter of time now.

    Albino bats have begun their upward move. A note of caution: There has been no demand created for the highest level breeding bat. There is risk and the risk taken will prove rewarding just as with Haflingers.

    Timber price increase has far surpassed that of Peanut Butter as expected. Both carry risk and there is a lower risk of buying Peanut Butter as there is an alternative use for donations which exceeds the benefit of Timber.

    Wheat has been indirectly called for the last 12 months. Barn supplies of Oat Bread have fallen and cheap Oat Bread is being replaced with that of higher priced Oats. Oat Bread should approach its suggested market and surpass it in the near future.

    -----> A Broke Alert <------

    Advise acquiring any cheap Apples for use. Several Apple based feeds are sound investment, specifically cheap Parrot and Elephant feed, hint hint hint. Analysis is also pointing to an increase in CAC prices specifically. This is an advance warning and it will not happen within the short run. The groundwork has been laid for this to happen and there are sufficient recipes in the hands of makers. Returns of 75 - 100% on present purchases of CAC are at least a year away but on the way. One should hold a few animals as close to their exchange value as possible. A call for animals is overdue.

    None of us in our group is able to go in all directions at once. I suggest one begin somewhere which is comfortable and have an objective in order to accomplish a goal. No correct way to play, so change it if not happy.

    ---- edit 4 ----

    Several different types of players will or will not engage in the next event. Once the early buying/selling is done then one will have a sense as to where the mass is with working the quest. Some have no ccs and will work the even with whatever they have with no regard to efficiency. Again, no wrong or right way but there is an efficient way.

    If one knows how to play lettuce one can earn lots of ccs during the event by being cautious and doing so and have little or nothing; begin somewhere.

    Those holding ccs may do so and not have a barn and will spend. Their ccs are easy to take but caution: DO NOT TRY AND GET RICH QUICK BY TAKING ADVANTAGE! Many do not know the uses of items. But if they are willing to buy then just take it. Be aware there are distress sellers already. Turn into a buyer from the distressed rather than a distress seller or buyer. Begin slowly and deliberately.

    Now too late to buy the cheap breeding animals. On one class the return was 300% and on another the return was 1100%. But take the 5-10% right along with it. The breeding market is now in a grand state of chaos. This event will assist in achieving a new order. There is more on the way. On some markets there is a price adjustment taking place for breeding animal level 2 for breeding animals which were previously regarded as giveaway cheap. Again, these could have been purchased for the price of less than 2 chickens or 1 rabbit.

    Finally, aim for those with ccs one wants them too. Going from -0- to 300M in a week is easy if one has prepared a barn wisely. Begin with what you have.

    Again, make certain one understands the .90 computation thoroughly. Take what is available and have something in a week.

    Let me know how I may assist you. If you need ccs to get started, just say the word and they will arrive in the form of a gift. One condition: Return it in 3 months. Add a super sheep and your credit is good!

    PS Those breeding animals sell just like lettuce. Forget the 1's and 2's and sell in large lots and get rid of um while the crops are growing. If one is just beginning then look for the errors but mistakes are costly.
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2014
    wolfeyesone likes this.
  7. solotime

    solotime Count Count

    I just spent 4 million buying everything for the event.

    Now... do I want to spend like 10 to 20+ million to be in the top 1000? o_O
  8. farmer_broke

    farmer_broke Commander of the Forum

    @solotime :)

    I need an answer too and your thoughts are valued. My thoughts of your dilemma first:

    Congratulations on having the choice of spending or not and this leads me to several observations. In the end you must answer only to yourself.

    You wrote "... do I want to spend" and that signaled to me that your barn stock at the moment is not adequate in order that you will not have to spend anything OR you may not wish to donate the items you presently have OR that you feel you do not have enough of any item(s) you consider donating.

    (1) I would not do step 7 if not going to compete seriously for a Top 1000 position. The reason why not: I feel the breeding animal requirement is too high and the crops to grow and too much and too many, respectively, for the reward. (One's first decision if one has not donated or grown the crops already.)

    (2) IF you are willing to spend NOW to be part of that competition that alone signals the you are considering being in the Top 1000 AND MORE IMPORTANTLY: You have made the conscious choice to do this, knowingly or unknowingly, SOMEWHAT to VERY inefficiently. If Solotime spends those ccs they will be gone IF the choice is made to donate what is purchased. Holding many ccs and spending for an event tells be one has not previously prepared AND THAT IS OKAY as in ... up to youuuuuuuuuuu not me!

    CCs will be gone (more on this), and your farm will have to go through a recovery period in order to return to its present state. AND THIS WILL TAKE PLACE WHETHER YOU ARE SUCCESSFUL OR NOT! Again, this is solely up to you. I don't know what is in your barn and cannot judge what degree of pain you may feel. You must answer to yourself: Am I willing to bear the discomfort for a length of time and for this reason?

    (3) If ANYONE, ANYONE, is buying now to compete then the CCs being spent are being spent inefficiently. The prices for the tree fruit you would buy are the highest in the game, EVER. Again, I do not know what is in your barn and you may have to spend nothing, I lack the knowledge.

    If you do not have to spend then you hold sufficient resources already and have the ccs to make even more ccs.

    When we initially discussed spending for this event here, months ago, .... 20 million would have bought 110 - 125 million in exchange value tree fruit. BUT you would have had to buy it very slowly and with purpose. (We can discuss this in much more depth later if you wish.) Spending the same now AND say 20 million .... (depending on your market) I will say you will be fortunate to get 85 million in exchange value tree fruit. So if you need to spend at all then with certainty: YOU WILL BE THROWING AWAY EARN CCS ONLY TO THROW AWAY WHAT YOU PURCHASE. Buying to throw away to me equates with: working for nothing.

    I do not know the manner in which your farm will survive after you donate in step 7 and after the results. Are you prepared to deal with being unsuccessful in your attempt whether you are successful or not?

    WHAT EVER YOU DO IS OKAY as in ... up to youuuuuuuuuuu not me!

    (4) You will answer this, I guarantee: How efficiently do I want to be in donating items to compete? I have the resources to donate more than the 1000th person and I will do it. I must answer the same question to myself: How efficiently do I want to donate? (I will ask a specific question and consider the advice of others here and in another thread in making my decision.)

    If one is buying now then I know they are doing this event inefficiently. With enough ccs, one can buy all of my tree fruit and keep me out of the competition completely. Some who have been preparing for a year have not even appeared in the list yet ... AND THEY WILL.

    This brings me to my own true experience with the event for you to consider if it even matters to you at all. You are now experiencing what I experienced and have the same questions to answer as a result. (posting so I may continue)

    Last year I grew the crops somewhat carelessly and got all of the drops the day before the event ended. The end was drawing near and I looked in my barn and I had enough to donate in order to compete but I knew I would be giving away tree fruit.

    I watched and contributed everything but not to the Top 500. I gave -0-. I knew I had enough to do it competitively. BUT to give what I had away would have destroyed my farm and right along with it THE EARNING CAPABILITY WOULD HAVE BEEN CUT DRASTICALLY. CUT .... CUT ... LOSS OF CHOICES ... heyyyyyyy wait a minute ....... I don't like that .... EARNING CAPABILITY CUT .... So what? Heyyyyyy I can do so I'll do it! BUT .... LOSS OF CHOICES ... HEYYYY .. I SEE EASY PHEROMONE CCS AND NO GROWING ..... BUT NO CC MAKING TO BUY THEM CHEAP .......... So what? Who needs a pheromone anyway and no one will listen to the logic. But I know better. BUT I WANT TO DO IT!

    I look in the barn. I find a 1 million apples and 1 million plums I can just throw away into what I viewed then as a black hole. And I could do it with no guarantee of success but I had more. But ... (posting so I may continue)

    WELL I CAN GIVE AWAY A MILLION LETTUCE TOO! (what a joke I thought.)

    One million apples times exchange value of 60 is 60 million and 1 million plums times the exchange value of 90 is another 90 million. 60 million plus 90 million is 150 million. YEAHHHHHHHHHHH I CAN GIVE IT AWAY AND JOIN. but LOOSE CHOICES ...... so what? ..... I WOULD GAMBLE THE ABILITY TO HAVE MOOBOY REASON WITH ME and my unreasonable way of making ccs ... So What? BUT I COULD PROVE TO MOOBOY AND ANYONE ELSE HOW UNREASONABLE I REALLY WAS!!!!!!!! (posting again)

    But I would join the Top 500.

    Worth joining that bunch ...... at that price ...... and the CUT CUT CUT ..... and recover ...... in time ..... AND LOSS OF CHOICES ..... but I would join that bunch!

    DO I DO IT? What are my choices? hahahahhhahahahahhaha

    (a) Pay 150 million in exchange value tree fruit which were bought at nearly the WORST and most inefficient rate.


    (b) Pay 60 CCs and buy an apple only to get it returned to my barn in 7 days and then I would be a member of ....... well...... for 60 CCs not 150 million of anything .... I would join the ...... guess what group? ....... :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D



    AND FOR LIFE ....... hahahahahahahaha

    (posting to write further)

    What do I do? Time is running out. CAN I WAIT another year and come up with a defendable plan I could support to ANYONE and join that TOP group FOR ABOUT AS MUCH COMFORT AS JOINGING THE MARKET GIRAFFES? And do it efficiently and have no loss of choices or recovery time in doing so?

    Up to meeeeeeeeeeeeeee, not up to anyone else.


    I'm going to join the ELITE MARKET GIRAFFES ....... And I did and am proud to be a member of that fine group ..... today I know they are just a little ahead of their time and exhibit it, knowingly or unknowingly.

    I waited and am now much much better prepared in many ways and can explain defensively to anyone.

    (5) Just because one is able to complete any quest does not mean one must do it right then.

    AS IN REAL LIFE: I do not mind paying for whatever it is I want .... BUT ..... I do not like overpaying.

    YOU, as I, must only answer to ourselves this question:




    We will all know your decision and ....... up to youuuuuuuuuu ... not me.

    I will support you in whatever you choose to do with this event. We have lots of people here who will support us.

    PROOF: Last year I asked for no help and got exactly none.

    This year I have more than sufficient resources to play, efficiently. Being confident I even set a 100,000,000 lower limit of the 1000th player in order for me to play.

    I asked for donations of drop items, and not because I cannot easily get them ... BUT we have a wonderful family here in the EN Forum and I wanted to make everyone in my family a part of my efforts, successful or not.

    Less than 2 two hours of writing in Illy's SOS thread I received 9 - 10 drops from a single player one drop item behind the next.

    That action by a single member of our family changed my actions completely.

    I now have no minimum limit requirement to play on the playground
    and even more
    I am prepared to give my entire farm to remain on that playground with the competitors.

    The above is all I know that will answer you. Together we have helped others making exactly the same decision. What I am doing is up to me. And as you know:

    Whatsoever you do ............. up to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!

    Last edited: Nov 23, 2014
    msmeow and solotime like this.
  9. Aluntino

    Aluntino Board Analyst

    I would strongly recommend not to spend a single CC buying now any stuff for dumping into the Top1000 abyss. (Though I wouldn't, either, ever).

    Firstly, for the reasons farmer_broke has just very well summarized.

    Secondly, because Top1000 rewards are not good enough for such an effort and the gigantic risk it implies, unless your aim is just getting into this ephemeral Hall of Fame. Most of the things the prize pkg includes can very easily be achieved/gotten in pretty little time with way less resources. Only the cloud row makes some difference but not so much, either. Just by saving the CCs that would be spent in buying the stuff to dump into the abyss, and purchasing instead rather cheap artisan products to get more or less same B-EPs (I wouldn't bother about EPs) when eaten, there you have a much more efficient way of achieving the same thing.

    (Last comment doesn't apply for you, f_b: it's obvious you're running just for the Hall of Fame -which is perfectly OK and I fully support it-; none of the items of the prize pkg can be enticing enough for a player who doesn't farm at all).
    farmer_broke and -Mir85- like this.
  10. solotime

    solotime Count Count

    I only have around Ten Million in fruit value.
    I got hit by that 800k crops only which I thought fruits could be donated too. Also that 2,500,000 in breeding animals
    which TOOK all my colored animals :(

    I had to buy some more animals, crops and breeding animals.
    My stock of crops is 20k for the first ten and then 10k all the way to Cranberries.
    Every other crop after that was 2k but I didn't want to keep wasting them so I bought more.

    I'm working on part seven and already gave all the colored animals and 2k crops.
    I'll be done tonight sometime with the crops but the drops will take till tomorrow.
    Going to place all Maple Sap Tree's down on every farm.
    farmer_broke likes this.
  11. farmer_broke

    farmer_broke Commander of the Forum


    I like your description of donating using the word dumping. Dumping stuff on the market is like playing it to me too.

    Rewards to winners? hahahahahaha I don't even have the stalk opened and not because I cannot. I buy the craft products giving ep ... not to use them .... but to resell them in lots of 40, not 1's and 2's. I totally agree that funds can be used to buy and eating the craft products ........ so I can continue to buy and sell them and make ccs..... hahahaha .....

    Ignoring how we both feel, what if we both are completely wrong about the rewards? Are you able to think of ANY action taken by developers to make them worth the price? Anything in your wildest imagination?

    Hall of Fame? ....... I sure hope not that place forever. I want to play on the playground with that fine bunch. There may even be a circus there as it takes so many animals to get there.

    Question: If I am successful, am also I able to send any of that stuff to you during the next Gift & Trade and you store it in your barn or clouds or wherever you want?

    One more thing: As a Market Giraffe, the Market Giraffes will be represented too. I know you won't join .... have a change of heart

    And one more thing: I don't know how people grow all these crops all the time in such masses. How in the world??????!!!!! Never again. This game is promoted with something like "The Craziest Farm Game." I will be proud of myself when I finished growing all that stuff. Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyy I will then be a proud member of not only the Market Giraffes, but The Crazies too! I want to join both of those Halls of Fame.

    Are you saying 10 million in actual tree fruit or 10 million in exchange value tree fruit?
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2014
    penguilnz and solotime like this.
  12. solotime

    solotime Count Count

    Exchange value.
    I kind of sold off a few million exchange value cause I never planned on going for the top 1k.
    But this was when the event first started I sold them cause prices were very high.
    Now things are dropping pretty fast including breeding animals.

    If I would enter it, I will wait till only two days left and just donate like crazy and pass up some players.
    Would probably try to be on when the event is ending so I know if I got passed up or not
  13. farmer_broke

    farmer_broke Commander of the Forum


    I now see and respect what you are doing. I hate you gave away the breeding animals before we chatted but what has been done has been done now, no returns. Let's get together here as to where we are. Here, almost finished growing crops for level 6 and have all submitted but the crops. I will submit them.

    Now the game begins and you have 10 million exchange in tree fruit and some crops. Let's forget crops for now, they are the worst to donate due to exchange value. I have over 10 million tree fruit and millions of crops and on and on.

    Our decisions to make are exactly the same to a point. Perhaps we may wish to leave our choices open from this point on yet be prepared as best we can to do this efficiently. Please let me know if you disagree with anything so I may consider a change also and I value your opinion.

    I plan to complete entirely level 6, grow all the crops for level 7 beginning today, and submit nothing to level 7 until I have all of the crops. If anything unforeseen happens then I want to be able to cut my losses and the farm survive effortlessly.

    The entire list of 1000 must form completely before submitting anything for level. If it does not form I will send a CAC to anyone who sent me a drop item before reaching enough needed. (It should form or the event turns into a joke. The developers thought this event through long ago; the effect on the game were hypothesized years ago with no doubt. And they must evaluate the effects afterward in order to extend the lifecycle of the game and keep it on a planned course.)

    You have ccs and I am cautiously turning (buying and selling as routine) and hold nearly 10M to work with.

    I seriously doubt that 10 million in exchange value tree fruit will get one into the Top 1000 and remain. <------ here lies your dilemma
    It is reasonable to expect you will have to spend unless you reason otherwise.
    Been down that road and know where it is leading you now.

    What is your best guess at this time as to what the 1000th player will have to submit in exchange value in order to remain? What do you think? But I will tell you what I think in the next post. I'm trying to tie you down with this and the next question.

    Next question: Are you willing to spend anymore on items to prepare and what is your limit?

    My answer to that: Yes, I will spend more and every cc I have and I have 10 million at the moment and can generate another 150 million in 24 hours without a doubt.

    If either of us makes the choice to buy tree fruit now then we should clearly understand that we could have bought it much cheaper the longer ahead we prepared. We can spend if we want to do it and on anything we choose .......up to usssssssssssssss.
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2014
  14. solotime

    solotime Count Count


    Here's the problem I got. I don't like to be selling crops as they take so much time and work to grow and stock up.
    Right now I'm making back my lettuce because I sold 10k for 5.25 CC. The price has came down now to 4 CC but
    I don't know if I want to keep growing it and selling it.
    If I were to sell all my crops, I don't know what they would bring it but it would be a lot of CC.
    But I can't let them go. They're for making animal food and events.

    Tree fruits I don't care much about and always cash them in once they're at 2k stocked up or more.
    But only WHEN i'm bored sell them all. I know what not to sell and what to sell.
    For example, I never sold an apple, pear, peach, plum, since 2012 (Not all listed)
    What I do sell is, Banana's, Christmas Decorations, Chestnuts, and rowan.

    I place down 5 of every type of tree on the game. This way I always have them stocked up
    for events and those farm orders.

    I noticed I said I save my stuff for events, well I DO NOT count barn draining things as events.

    I'm disappointed in how many millions I'll have to spend on animals to make myself happy.
    All because I donated my Peacocks without paying attention. Just found out I only have 50 left.
    I guess when I was near the end I clicked Peacocks, lol.

    I can grow my crops back and stock up on fruits again without a problem.
    But I'm not a farmer who likes to keep animal pens down.
    If someone saw the kind of pens I got, they would loose their mind.
    I got many upgrades and never use them o_O
    farmer_broke likes this.
  15. farmer_broke

    farmer_broke Commander of the Forum

    I see a lot in your approach. We differ in many way here. Hope to discuss in detail after this event. I saw your name on the Top 1000 list and am very happy. Thus far estimates are between 100 - 130 million needed as a minimum to stay. I said 130 and hope wrong.

    Need about 250 more crops. Will grow something else and not bother with that stuff for a while. Holding step 7 breeding animals. I'll watch you play for a while and join the game later.

    Sitting in the stands cheering you on with the pom pom girls.
    solotime likes this.
  16. solotime

    solotime Count Count

    I done that so I could take a screenshot :D

    I have only been donating drops and probably about 200 fruits. Looks like Maple Saps aren't really worth it.

    Jocote give 300 (Best Tree Unlocked)
    Maple Saps give 170

    Maple Saps cost 55 to 65
    Jocote 90 to 110.
    farmer_broke likes this.
  17. farmer_broke

    farmer_broke Commander of the Forum

    Congratulations, sincerely! You and your snapshot! Mighty expensive snapshot though. (crops, lots of animals -- the peacock sale included, breeding animals)
    but ............ up to youuuuuuuuuuuuuu Still have not given the breeding animals for step 7 even though they were no more 1 or 2 rabbits each. (later for that again)

    Anyone buying tree fruit now for this Top 1000 competition is DEFINITELY overpaying for it, DEFINITELY. And giving crops is an even worse waste of ccs. Last year I was fairly certain I had enough stock ....... but ..... it was not in the right places to compete efficiently. Much cheaper then to complete the step before competing. I choose not to tear up my barn inefficiently. I'll use our experience.

    If buying now I would be overpaying simply because the items are highly demanded and listings do not pop up as fast as the tree fruit is needed. Prices rise. Say one want to buy anyway. Which would they rather buy, Jocote or Sap? Using the highest you state for each:

    price to exchange % (current market price / exchange):
    Jocote 110/300 = .3667 or 36.67%
    Sap 65/170 = .3824 or 38.24%

    I would use the lowest % and buy Jocote every single time for this purpose
    And not be so quick to pay more than 110 because that action likely will drive up the price further
    Say one buys and buy and buy and the price rises.
    (One can determine the price point where it is better to begin buying SAP)
    Buying 10 and no big deal
    Buying 1M or 20M and it becomes more of a concern.

    Say apples cost 30 and we know the exchange value is 60 (and fixed)
    apples 30/60 = .50 or 50%
    One would be a fool to buy at that price to give away when we computed 36.67 for Jocote and it would be cheaper.

    Prices about the same as yours given here so I'll give an actual decision to a point and stop:

    I set a buy percentage to buy for a year after last years event, regardless of holdings and we may discuss how I determined it later. THIS RATE CANNOT BE USED ACROSS ALL MARKETS!
    I set my buy % rate at 22.67.
    Multiplied it times every tree fruit exchange value.
    Rounded that number up to the nearest whole cc
    And that was my buy price for a year.

    For instance: Apples exchange value X My determined rate 60 x 22.67 = .1360 ... 13.60 .... 14
    Cherry 125 .22.67 = .2834 ...... 28.34 ....... 29

    Did the same for ALL tree fruit and wrote the numbers on a sticky and I would pay NO MORE

    Results: Had a million to begin with but could never buy any apples at that low a price to give away now. NO WAY
    Cherry Bought 1.5 million
    Sap 1.4 million
    and on and on over a year

    Cherry, pay no more than 29
    If I will pay 29 then I know I will pay 20 or 28.99 ..........But not 29.01

    Oranges: Buy Price 30 as determined by same method
    Got to 900k oranges
    Oranges went to 80 for a while.
    You bet I was selling um.
    Took the profits and bought more junk.
    Only 775k oranges now.
    And cannot buy .... I'm always broke and prices too high

    RIGHT NOW: I will not buy any because all I bought are in a solid profit position. (And I will sell to those throwing away there ccs in a day or so) xDxDxDxDxDxDxDxDxDxDxDxDxDxDxDxDxDxDxDxD .. :)

    Now I must decide how much profit do I want to give away to play with the Top 1000 bunch knowing what I know and having what I have. And determine how much of which.

    Slowly but surely and if not one thing then another. Got to the point it made me feel stupid.

    I'm glad I waited. I want all the ccs. My Forum Family has supported me and win or loose, we're going!!!!! Forget the ccs. ............................ up to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    Make any sense?
    solotime likes this.
  18. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    Were you in the top 1000?
    Can you still be one of them or it is very difficult for you?
    not completely:pxD
    farmer_broke likes this.
  19. farmer_broke

    farmer_broke Commander of the Forum

    Arielh, please help me to make sense! Pleaseee. Are you able to tell me where I loose you?
    Sorry I have not starting playing with the Top 1000 gang. Need to pay my breeding animal admission price. Will do it right now and then update how I play in the strategy thread.
    The first game I want to play is a game of tick tag. Will post shortly in the strategy thread.
    Thanks and Pleeease
  20. solotime

    solotime Count Count

    Hello @Arielh,
    I am no longer into the top 1000 since players need more than 7 million.
    It seems to be going up pretty crazy and a lot of people are at 20 million hoping
    they can complete with that amount.

    I know I can get back into the top 1000 without spending a cent.
    But if I do that, I would have to complete against everyone and hold my

    Just in case I decide to join the top 1000 race, I'm setting my island up with new tree's and
    a field full of maple saps. This will bring in around 2 million worth of goods during the next three days.
    (All trees are placed down on every field)

    I'll admit something, when you make those very large post I read the whole thing but then forget some parts since the post are so big. :oops:


    I somehow missed your new post @broke.

    What you've typed does make sense and thanks!
    It'll help me figure out what to do and think stuff over.
    I know spending like 3 million on tree's might seem like bad idea but think of the EP I would be getting for my island. I still don't got the Shipwreak Bay and want it for the extra space so I can earn ore ep. I only earn 20k EP a day! :(

    Now back to the money stuff....

    Apples didn't go up in value on my market, they stayed at 20 bucks.
    I haven't really checked other fruits because I don't sell those or ever buy them.

    So, once again I messed up failed to buy when I knew it was coming.
    I had a dream that breeding animals were to rise in price. Here I look at them and I'm like, Snuggles for 200k? Na, that's too much for me to invest in.
    Here, I read the forums and heard about the event. I STILL didn't buy the breeding animals. Next day, event starts and I looked at them, 340k for one snuggle! They been selling fast too.

    And 'm not joking about the dream, it was like two days before the event started.
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2014
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