I'm broke, again! How do I make ccs?

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by farmer_broke, Sep 7, 2014.

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  1. Jools

    Jools Forum Pro

    How is a CAC going to help there, do you want 3x weeds?o_O
  2. farmer_broke

    farmer_broke Commander of the Forum

    @ Jools Good to hear from you. Long time.
    I not growing anything with that CAC, absolutely nothing :)! If you help me with that fine gift, I'll take that CAC, sell it immediately at a fair price in the market, responsibly invest the proceeds so I won't be broke and gift you back.

    With all my friends here trying to help me make ccs ... I can play like with the big boys. xD How about it banker? 8)
    penguilnz likes this.
  3. Jools

    Jools Forum Pro

    In that case - you can whistle for it:music:, As Mr Grumpy said, why not actually try some farming? Maybe it's time for you to park the tractor in the barn and find a different game, Oil Empire sound up you street :p
    penguilnz likes this.
  4. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    farmer_broke everyone tells you to do some farming...:)
    I don't think you will get a loan:oops::p
    penguilnz likes this.
  5. Mr_Grumpy

    Mr_Grumpy Someday Author

    Been there >:(
    penguilnz likes this.
  6. farmer_broke

    farmer_broke Commander of the Forum

    I thought this was a farming community where other farmers would help me out. :eek:

    @Jools, I'm whistling a tune. :music: How about if I do the "Happy Man Dance" when you send me a CAC too? xD

    @Mr_Grumpy, I know you can help me play with the big boys and girls. And would you leave Jools alone and stop double teaming me with the try farming bit? I'm not planting a darn thing. :mad: Mr_Grumpy you came in and you and your grumpy old ways are making sure I won't get a loan. Thank you very much Mr_Grumpy. :mad:

    @Arielh Thank you so much for letting me know how things look. :eek: I'll get over it someday but right now it is hard. :cry:

    Does anyone have any other ideas how I can make ccs so I can take care of the farm wife? This is no laughing matter now. :(

    Is anyone here an agent who will help me to sell my park? xD Need to get to work cleaning up the market while it is quiet. I'll whistle while I work just thinking about what Jools said.

    Come on somebody, help me out! :cry: (Not that Mr_Grumpy, the mean ol man, though!) xD
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2014
    SillyGuy and penguilnz like this.
  7. Brookeham

    Brookeham Forum Freak

    Well you could sell any of the products that boost the island! ...choco pancakes, MOS, langos or red punches still sell for fairly high prices. Donkies seem to be climbing in the market....wonder why...hmmmm:p
    SillyGuy and penguilnz like this.
  8. farmer_broke

    farmer_broke Commander of the Forum

    Thanks a whole lot Brookeham. You have always been so very nice to me. The island boost products seem to be holding a steady market value with bubbles every now and then. Of course all of my trades are shut down and wish I could sell them too. I'm scared to play those boost products though.

    Now those donkeys are another story. :music: Sold a few hundred yesterday.

    xDMy donkey logic:
    1. Donkeys are close to bees when pulling the market up and scanners may as well look at donkey prices. Bees were the most recent breeding animal.
    2. Donkeys will be needed for breeding one day.
    3. Donkeys have no product connected to them. (Donkeys will be needed for the now nonexistent production pen.) Thus donkeys will be needed not only for breeding but for product production which will increased the market price of donkeys beyond that of bees.
    4. Many farmers have not been producing donkeys because:
    a. The pens are costly.
    b. Taking the market price of the donkey and subtracting the feed price and the commission previously left very little for profit in order to recoup pen investment.
    c. Donkeys are virtually useless and the pen is not needed to complete petting zoo or Noahs ark and many do not acquire them.
    5. Donkeys also were being submitted by some working on the animal trophy due to the exchange value/price ratio which drains the supply.
    6. Some have had to submit a few donkeys during event completion, which drained supplies, and more and more are trying to establish and maintain a minimum level of donkeys.

    I choose to play donkeys, the completely milled donkey feed, and dates. (Very little profit in feed at this time.)

    I will sell all my donkeys and feed but not the donkey named Ms Hazel. Ms Hazel only has 3 legs. Thanks Brokeham xD

    What do I do next? I went on a shopping spree again. :cry:
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2014
    SillyGuy and penguilnz like this.
  9. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Attend a shop-a-holic anonymous meeting?:p

    broke - with the comic event coming tomorrow, manure prices have started to climb. Get out those 100 + pens of chickens and parrots and sell manure. I did that on my alternate farm these last events and made some good money. You just have be available at the computer to harvest frequently.

    "Neither a borrow nor a lender be." I will not lend you a CAC but can gift you a little something with no expectation of anything in return but you have to patient for the gift reset time. ;)
    SillyGuy and penguilnz like this.
  10. farmer_broke

    farmer_broke Commander of the Forum

    @puppiesnponies I agree with you and Brookeham that I have a little shopping problem. I like the idea of a shop-a-holic meeting. :D

    I will be the Farmerama Poop Peddler.

    I went to the market, bought the cheapest poop and made 9 listings of 300 @ the maximum price, then dusted off the 128 chicken pens for poop production, bought some cheap feed, and now I have the Broke Poop Shop open for business. Broke's poop, guaranteed to make your crops grow and free delivery.

    pnp, I can wait for the "little something" and can't wait to open the gift. ;) Thanks in advance.

    signed, farmer_broke the poop peddler
    SillyGuy and penguilnz like this.
  11. sglick

    sglick Board Analyst

    I know of a former broke farmer who pedded in puddles. He was a fish mungral and did very well in the market. He choose fish, because he liked fishes. I like your reasoning about the stubron old *** (can't say that word. :oops:) I have been raising a few donkeys on both my farms for about 4 or 5 months. Awhile back, they were needed for some event and they were in high demand. I sold most of my stock pile for a good profit so I had to restock. I kept raising them so I could double my former stocking amount. Just in case they became in high demand again. I do believe you are correct with your belief that donkeys may become a breeding animal in the future. So I guess, I will continue to raise them.

    Another animal that is great for your new enterprises of being King of the Poop is chickens. I have decided to up my stock leaves of chickens to 5K so I have been rolling in the poop - figuratively not literally. I guess I really should go read the FAQ about the next Comic event to see if anything will be worth selling.

    I also have a question for you about your former endeavor as a lettuce farmer and since you are a billionaire of CCs. Why would a Billionaire waste his time growing lettuce when there are more profitable crops like wheat???

    You should be giving all of us goodies instead of begging for ours. xDxDxD
    penguilnz likes this.
  12. farmer_broke

    farmer_broke Commander of the Forum

    @sglick That fish farmer still likes fish but will not come back to the game. He remembers you.

    Donkeys price were down here, sold a few, but now I think I will just watch. I still believe we have a long time to wait for donkey breeding. I need time anyway as I want about 30,000.

    Broke the Poop Peddler is doing great and just riding the market up selling poop :eek:. I'll hold the chickens and crunch them up with the rabbits. Anaconda breeding is a while off too from all I can gather but not ignored.

    On the surface, lettuce doesn't appear too good to bother with. We can grow it or buy it and there begins my analysis. Lettuce is a newbie crop and newbies make lots of errors in pricing. Some feel lettuce is a joke to buy and resell. I buy lettuce every single day because when reselling, in the proper quantity at a fair price, the return is simply fantastic BUT there is only so much lettuce one can sell in a day.

    The ep for lettuce is not good for a high level farmer and it must be harvested too frequently for me. (I'll grow stuff if there is a crop which takes 60 hours to grow.) Wheat is certainly better than lettuce to grow. I would never make the oat bread, and I'm sure you know oat bread, wheat and 1x1 squares is profitable but still time consuming.

    I began my spending with lettuce. There is no better crop one can learn the importance of quantity, price, quantity and price combined, and eventually the use of lettuce.

    One can make errors and the errors are cheap when working lettuce. EVERY other crop or product or animal buying and reselling works EXACTLY like lettuce. One also learns that the market is a place where one either plays or gets played.

    Recent spending problem: Gathered nearly 27,000 bees just like buying lettuce. Sold them in quantities of 200, 500, and 1000 to breeders for bee breeding. Sold them all to -0- in about 5 days and spent it all to exactly -0- in about 3 days and flat broke again.

    And now I want to enroll in puppiesnponies shop-a-holic counseling xD .

    @puppiesnponies An open thanks for the nice little somethings. I'll sell it and hold while waiting for the desperation sellers who will appear shortly.
    I guess I won't be receiving any gift from sglick :cry: but sglick warmly too care of a little friend of mine and I will always be indebted.

    Anyone have any thoughts about tree fruit?
    meba091 and penguilnz like this.
  13. SylvanasW

    SylvanasW Someday Author

    Here's some Durian fruits for you, its smell should please you :) If you don't like them, I've prepared some stinkhorns for ya, but posting a picture of that will get me banned :(
    No broke, they don't grow here, it's too dark in my kingdom. I'm glad you like them, they fit you perfectly! :)
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2014
    meba091 and penguilnz like this.
  14. farmer_broke

    farmer_broke Commander of the Forum

    xD SylvanasW did you grow the Durian yourself? Thanks, stinky but yummy.

    There is a wonderful farmer I send wilsons to regularly. I hope he will have a wilson park. LOL He is always up to something. I sure wish I could send Durians to him instead.

    Now SylvanasW will always be remembered for the Durians. Thanks again.
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2014
    penguilnz likes this.
  15. SylvanasW

    SylvanasW Someday Author

    Oh, the Durians... you mean the mighty inhabitants of Duria, the land in Drakensang Online? hmmm I could use some of those in my kingdom ;)
    penguilnz likes this.
  16. farmer_broke

    farmer_broke Commander of the Forum

    I would sell the stinkhorns in the market while being a Poop Peddler and eat the Durians. Maybe give a slice to my favorite customers :D

    Really, I can't make any ccs selling that stuff in the market. Come on SylvanasW, I know you can tell me how to do it.

    SylvanasW and this Durian stuff. xD
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2014
    penguilnz likes this.
  17. Mr_Grumpy

    Mr_Grumpy Someday Author

    that almost sounds like farming to me - see ... I told you it would be a novel idea for you-.-
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2014
    penguilnz likes this.
  18. Aluntino

    Aluntino Board Analyst

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  19. farmer_broke

    farmer_broke Commander of the Forum

    @Mr_Grumpy LOL Yes, you are right, almost like farming. You know I've got over 1800 animal and production pens. Always producing something here while shopping till I drop. I'm just not growing anything except what is needed for part of an event. I always have some tree in the outlying 1x1s.

    (Told my farm wife I wanted 600 pheromone trees during the g&t event. She sent exactly -0- :cry: and went on about her business.)

    Will switch to 100 beavers or so since RL makes it so I cannot harvest for a while. Thank goodness. hahahahaha xD

    Just for you Mr_Grumpy and I hate to tell especially you: I put out all chicken pens, one field with 40 chicken pens I forgot to feed, went on about my business, came back later and No Chickens and No Poop. Chickens in the pens were just looking at me like they were saying: What an idiot! Guess they were right.

    @Aluntino Thank you and thanks for always sharing your knowledge, helping so many, and helping to shape the forum into want it is. Sincerely, thank you.

    Yes, I was working on the thread you so kindly cited. Thank you. I feel you helped to bring that information closer to many who do and will use it. There was difficulty in getting all the information there and trying to share it in a manner which would be informative and useful to players of different ages and levels and with different goals. I was attempting to gradually begin it here and work with what we have. All of the information is there for making ccs. I cannot repeat all of that information. There is so much more which I find to be quite fascinating I hope to share somehow. (Like how I knew to ask my neighbors on the same market if they wished to sell me cucumbers at a fair price and/or why I knew better than to sell all of them during the last call and wait for this call)

    To answer your question: I need help in order to speed up the process of making ccs. I do not wish to violate the rules of the game, hurt another farm which would help me with my foolishness, or deceive another as to what I would do with the help. And I will not forget it. Rest assured I will make ccs without any help whatsoever as I have paid my dues. Simply answering you has assisted me.

    True example: A few weeks ago while joking around in chat and I asked if anyone wanted to make a CAC loan. Of course I did not expect it nor did I want the very brief discussion to lead to anything which was unhealthy for the Chat room or for the game in general, just sheer entertainment.

    Well, someone who I had never met said OK but wait. A week or so went by and a gift appeared. I sent an igm asking what was expected in return. The individual told me over and over "nothing." I was ready to send it back. Finally I received an answer: sugar. The individual went out of their way and sent it and I send sugar each and every day as a gift. The individual wants nothing. I cannot ignore the sincere kindness. I made a note of the amount I sold the gift for. Invested it. Kept track of it to be sure I had doubled it. I keep track of nothing now because I think I know what I am doing. Of course I still send sugar, but one day there will be other things which will appear as gifts to that farmer. That farmer gave to me from their heart and I will also give to them from mine, with no expectations.

    Did that farmer do the right thing? Am I behaving as I should with regard to it?

    Why bother with this? I try and stay fully invested and therefore try and have -0- ccs. Some investments require a lengthy holding period as one progresses where it is virtually impossible to make a profit immediately. I depend upon turning over investments to make ccs. It was not by accident I began to acquire 1.5 million apples or continue to maintain well over 1 million pheromones. Time, and ccs, were needed in order to acquire both AND apples were held in the barn AND funds were sunk which could rarely be touched without taking a loss. See why and how funds are used and achieved?

    Thanks again, I'll be broke in a minute. :cry:

    Anything I should consider with regard to tree fruit?
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2014
  20. spotsbox

    spotsbox Forum Demigod

    You and tlc got married???!!!o_O Nobody told me :eek:. Nobody invited me!:cry::cry::cry:
    meba091 and penguilnz like this.
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