I'm broke, again! How do I make ccs?

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by farmer_broke, Sep 7, 2014.

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  1. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    Well done!:D now how should I call you only farmer? Because you are not entirely farmer broke:p

    How many CC do you thy selling the monkey?
    And about the peanut butter I feel disappointed of it's price... but I think it has low price because there are not any quests demanding it..maybe for that...
    penguilnz likes this.
  2. Jools

    Jools Forum Pro

    You know very well there are 32 markets and probably have a farm in most of them -.-

    Why do you keep asking questions you know the answer to?

    Exactly!! -.-
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2014
    penguilnz, farmlily3 and Arielh like this.
  3. farmer_broke

    farmer_broke Commander of the Forum

    Nice to see you again Jools.

    Okay 32 market huh? Since you think you know everything :), how do I find my market number then?

    It's official: Not a single one of the CC makers will help a poor farmer with determining market number. :D Official!!!!!!

    I have lots of stuff I want to know? Any CC making tips today?

    Arielh, that big monkey is still on the market looking at me too! :mad:
    meba091 and penguilnz like this.
  4. sglick

    sglick Board Analyst

    Broke, I will not give up on you. I see you for what you are, I know that underneath your krazy antics that your true motive is to teach us market scardy-cats how to play the market like you smarty-pants types.

    I am still a scardy- cat type. I try to be a Market Scavenger and buy up all the low hanging priced breeding animals, but the people in my market just continue to flood the market with low priced breeding animals. I can't afford to buy them all. It takes forever for the market price to get back to normal. I am too impatient to wait so now I am broke (OK, broke for me) as I hold onto all these breeding animals waiting for the selling price to get back to normal.

    I seem to make just bad buying decisions. I wish you could teach me how to be a Smarty-Pants buyer and seller like you and Solotime. I need to make millions and millions of CC's so I can buy the top breeding animals so I can donate them to the Breeding FS Quests.

    The answer to your question. To find out what market number you are in go to Golden Leaf tree. Scroll till you find the listing for 88.88. Look at the amount. That number is your market number. I am in market 20.
  5. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    So do you mean that I go to the market and search the offer of 88.88CC and the amound that is offered by a player is my market? (Then I think I am in the market 18 )

    farmer_broke Hope you sell your monkey soon! Another tip for you is to spin the farmwheel everyday!
    Today I got one breeding sheep and I sold it in the market for 160.000 CC:D
    meba091, penguilnz and farmer_broke like this.
  6. Aluntino

    Aluntino Board Analyst


    You don't need any further help because all the one I could provide that may be of some use for you is related to the bread animals markets. It's already given, in pretty ample detail.

    Then, in order to refine my help, you first need to establish a CCs-stock floor (a wealth floor) and keep it. If you don't, I cannot help any further.

    I'm touched by the fact you'll keep this pheromone I sent as a cherished one. You'll probably be able to sell some of the ones I'll send you from time to time. At least, with the proceeds from those you should be able to buy your morning cup of oatmeal... You may be always broke but you need not starve...
    meba091, penguilnz, heidels and 3 others like this.
  7. solotime

    solotime Count Count

    I wish I was on your market :(
    My most snuggles was around 40.
    Same for snowies too.
    penguilnz likes this.
  8. farmer_broke

    farmer_broke Commander of the Forum

    :cry::cry: booo hooo hoooooo! I did not visit the rich and famous here first but ... but went shopping first. I should have come here to say hello and :cry: again! Yes again! Flat broke with exactly -0- ccs. :cry: This foolishness must stop.

    sglick thank you so much for not giving up on me .... yet! I found my market number just as you suggested. I am on market 40 for whatever it is worth. I don't need a market at all right now. xD Now I know how to get the market I'm on. Thank you very much for your help too. And no thanks to Jools and it is official. :music:

    Again, thank you for the wonderful wedding gift.

    broke and tlc sitting in ah tree,

    K - I - S - S - I - N - G

    :inlove: :inlove:

    Arielh thanks for telling me about spinning that wheel. All I get is that ep and I can't sell it.:oops: If I could, I would probably only have one point total anyway. o_O

    And I sure don't want to say anything about those breeding animals to you with that big monkey still looking at me on the market. Sorry I let you down and went back to my old ways and have -0- ccs. :( I promise to do better ;)

    Aluntino, I really like the idea of having a "wealth floor." Yes indeed, a "wealth floor" and no more broke floor sounds good. I am determined to get me one of those wealthy floors too. :)

    Thanks for the other pheromone you sent to help me. Now that one can go for sure. The way I figure, if you were to send me one pheromone a week .... and I sell it for 55.56 ccs ... then .... ah hum ... I would have ONE MILLION CCS in about 55 years :wuerg:
    I don't think that is a large enough "wealth floor" to even carry your bags but I feel this is a mighty fine beginning. Only one pheromone a week and sell it for 55.56 for the next 55 years --Please think about it.:)

    Only one hold up. I am flat broke at the moment with -0- ccs and don't have enough to list a pheromone yet. I'll start tomorrow. :)

    solotime, I am listening to both you and Aluntino about those breeding animals. What? You had 40 snuggles! o_O I wish I could sell one apple and even better, one chicken. Thanks for giving me something to aim for.

    Thanks farming friends for allowing me to pay you all a visit when I am flat broke, again. This is a very nice community and I really want to live here for the rest of my farming days. :)

    I am trying to get a nest egg of ccs for my wealthy floor. How much do you spend in the market everyday? Come on, you can tell us. Don't be shy! xD
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2014
    meba091 and penguilnz like this.
  9. mud_pie_man

    mud_pie_man Junior Expert

    mud_pie_man, please meet the nice farmers here.

    This is one of the farmer_broke's small farms. It is level 63, has a couple of millions ccs, and leveled up by error and out of Brookeham's chickadee roost. :cry: The farm is named such in order to provide teddy.bear an alternative to chocolate.

    The farm is on market 32. It seems every mistake possible has been made here. CCs are made through turning special animals and feed. Approximately 12M was the high in ccs. When watching the farm daily, about 3M was easily being spent each day. Each visit I now spend slightly under one half million excluding any breeding stock.

    Each market is different although there are trends which run throughout the game. Most markets have been inactive the past day or so with desperation sellers in a few parts of the market.

    Fresh mud pies for everyone.
    penguilnz and Brookeham like this.
  10. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    It seems the Market Trends are changing as what they use to be I have notice the price of most of the crafts have fallen, they are not selling as high as they use to be do to more sellers in the market needing cc so they care lowering the prices in craft markets..

    But the Crop Prices on Main Farm and Island have increased to what they use to be, I cant seem to make much cc makiThe ng and selling florist crafts like i use too. I am finally Level 5 Confectioner So I Make and Sell EM Cheaply but cost me 100 sugar in the process. The Price of CAC has fallen to under 60K here now guess more people can make them and sell them, Than before.

    I have notice that the price of crops have gone up a fair bit to what they use to be, Does than mean less Farmers not got the time to grow and sell. Also There seem to be more Buyers than sellers crating a short fall of items for sell in the markets, Again Pushing up Prices

    So Profit margins are alot harder than they use to be since i played this game, Also notice it getting hard to sell items now too, for those who want to make a decent profit......I have a new rule to sell them quickly and make a smaller margin than i would have liked

    When it comes to selling Breeding animals it crucial to sell them at right time as reasonable price too, The Animal Market really moves prior to event starting or pending

    I am still making cc lucky as seem to know where the supply and demands are at times markets can be at stand still ....

    Some Markets do better than other markets it very random !!!
    penguilnz and julie1013 like this.
  11. farmer_broke

    farmer_broke Commander of the Forum


    Prices for many craft products have declined from their already terrible shape a few months ago. I agree that many farmers are finding themselves needing ccs and they have all the product they can use. They sell the trash for whatever they can get. The shortened time between events may have contributed to their need for ccs. I see the names of a few farmers continuing down that give-away path as they sell in the animal and crop markets.

    Some Main Farm crops are improving and some have been stable for months and there is no quick fix to them except for a massive call, especially the higher level crops. I have noticed a time lag between a specific crop price increase and that increase being reflected in feed prices or for a very short period, if at all, in craft products. Yes, I see Baha crop prices on the rise with increased speculation regarding needs for access to a new island. Several Baha tree fruit prices are beyond my buy price now but not yet into the profit region.

    Just got a big money (gorilla) back in the barn after it visited the breeding market. Net profit after this loss was nearly 120k from fooling with a total of 4 of them. Profit percentage was about 12% after the loss. I just bought and sold them like lettuce. Buying breeding animals to hold and wait reminds me of buying donkeys and waiting. I am only limited in doing this by the number of ccs I wish to sink and forget about. The day of the peacock and the beaver are on the horizon also. And timber requires sinking ccs into in order gather.

    I agree with you, one should learn their specific market behavior if they intend to continuously operate in it and eliminate haphazard decision making. But, each to their own.

    I play animal feed also. A few months ago I advised to acquire sheep, pig, cow, and horse feeds for easy ccs in a few months. Time has passed and the ccs are being made. Now I am finding potato supplies are not as high as some would like. To make it very profitably and successfully to the end of a call, say potato, I try and have about 250,000 to dump in the course of a week-long event. Simply a game of buying to sell.

    Thanks for provoking my thoughts.
    meba091 and penguilnz like this.
  12. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    I still consider myself a 'newbie' in the market. I understand it all in theory but I spent weeks raising rabbits, chickens, and monkeys since they are a quick turn on the farm and saved them to sell during Baby Boom. I know other farmers do this regularly and make enough CC to carry them through each month until next BBD. I thought my animals were priced fine and were even on page 1 when I listed them. However, they continued to move further to the back as others underbid me. I wanted to use the proceeds to buy longer timed animals. My monkeys never did sell and my chickens and rabbits have now kept the anacondas happy. I don't know what I did wrong (if anything) but got discouraged enough that I drug out the long animal stables and now feel like I am watching paint dry since they take all day and I like to putter around the farm more often than just once or twice a day. My long term goal is to have 500-1000 animals and when the animals were selling I was able to buy enough other animals that I felt like I was really making progress on that goal. Now....well, maybe by Christmas? Or maybe not....
    meba091 and penguilnz like this.
  13. Aluntino

    Aluntino Board Analyst


    Don't waste that money you've got!!! Keep it!!! This must be the foundation of your wealth floor.

    I've got moved by the bread roll you sent me. Thanks so much. I couldn't help picturing you at the brink of starvation, and even so taking your bread out of your mouth just to honour me with such a generous gift. I suggest you to keep your bread rolls -either eat them or sell them-. You not only may need them for your breakfast: you can sell 1 and buy 10 pheromones now with the proceeds which, at their turn, will easily sell at 200% above purchase price -including the 10% sales tax- and, thus, you'll be able to buy 3 bread rolls... Bread multiplication seems not to be limited just to Israel in 4 BC.... Right?

    I think the reason why crafting products prices went down depends on the product, but, as a general rule, as in real life, some markets are more offered when more people are able to make the produce: as more time passes, without changing the number of levels or expanding the artisan crafts, the more people are leveling up in them, and start producing and selling the higher level produce, thus pulling prices down. This is particularly true for the more profitable ones to make, a handful, generally lvl4or5, still clinging in the profitability zone, like CAC and EM. Some others get knocked down because they're given as prizes in events and -as always- people don't have a clue on how to price them and, therefore, they undercut the lowest price they see, just to make a bunch of CCs. Examples of this? SRJ, Pink Jelly, GB; they won't rise back until the glut is cleared (exactly what happened with those pandas given away by BP). Others, instead, are in high demand and have run on to the profitability zone from the dark lands of loss, just because demand got high and hot: ChPck is the best example of this. By rule (my own, for me), I buy what I need that is ruinous to make -after having assigned a cost to the crafting basic product needed-, I buy what's cheap and I know will sell later at a higher price, I sell what's profitable to make or because I bought it cheap and there's an awesome margin to catch at sight.

    By the same token, several crops/fruits/products -particularly most of those used for crafting products- have permanently risen their price floor, for exactly the same reason why most crafting produce went down.
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2014
  14. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    Something relevant here is that the number of players with the possibility of making chocolate pancakes is not increasing, probably decreasing due to players leaving the game. New players have no way of acquiring the recipe.

    Did you watch the prices on beforehand? And if so, did you also watch it during a previous BBD?

    I am also a market newbie, but what little experience I have is that it is crucial to watch the prices for some time, and maybe also have offers out to see how they sell. For example, I like to raise parrots and sell them. The first pages of offers are usually very small batches prices between 750 and 900. I always offer my parrots at a price of 999 a piece, in batches of 50 or 100. They are nowhere near the first page, but they always sell, not necessarily the first day, but after a few days. Enough players want to buy big amounts of parrots and can't be bothered to buy them one at a time. Even if I see batches of 100 priced at 900 a piece, I always offer mine at 999 and they have never returned to my barn.

    It is a lot of work watching the market, so I limit my investments (the things I hope to resell). The parrot market is fairly stable, I don't have to watch that. But the tree fruit market is not so stable, meaning greater chance of making a profit, but when I do it I check several times a day.
  15. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    I agree with what Aluntino and Mir85 is saying it will never be profitable to Make Pinkie Pie Pie or White Innocents, They cost alot more to make than the Market selling prices, due to the Fact those who have supergivers can generate this crafts for free. Some of you dont actaully use this crafts or not understand how to make the best of these crafts using Buffs. All the Surplus to requirements then put up for sale in the markets to make cc.

    Those use use supergrow, Using White Innocents is very effective when using them for Buffs. On My Market they are selling for about 400 to 6000 cc each. I Always buy them when i need them when using supergrow. I only use supergrow during MM Events.

    I dont have a Supergiver that gives White Innocents so I buy them from the markets as cheap as i can. I Done stock up on these as long Term Investments

    At the Moment Pinkie Pie Pie are selling for twice price of White Innocents, Due to the Facts many farmers uses Buffs, which helps your buffs to be 30% for Effective when using Buffs

    As to what Aluntino was saying the only two Buffs really worth Crafting is CAC and EM both Requires Sugar, you can make Big profits CC Crafting EMs and Selling Them But Make less profit Crafting CAC do to high craft requirements costs EM has much lower craft requirement costs.....But During Events and Doing Farmer Society Quests or those who buy Baskets are offered CAC as Rewards, Plus More Farmers are level 4 Confectionary for these Reasons are slowly bring CAC Prices Down.

    When CAC First Came out they were sell for 200,000 to 250,000 cc now is down to 60,000 to 55,000 in the markets

    You can Make good investments in Animals and Breeding Animals, if you stock up Animals few Weeks Before the next BB/Breeding Event Starts. All Those Breeding Base Animals do go up a bit just Before and During BB Why because when using Base Animals using Breeding They have the Best Chances of getting Really Good Skips, or it is cheap to use 16 Base Animals than using 1st Level Breeding Animal Except for using Goats, Bat and Horses These are cheaper to buy in the Markets for Breeding than Base Animals ATM !! under current market conditions

    Please Note There are Two Animals Feeds such as Spider Feed and Anaconda Feeds That are selling Higher than the cost of buying Spiders and Anaconda, This Does not make Sense it should be the other way round But you do need one glowworm feed to make Spider Feed, Glowworms have always been selling for high price for quiet a while now and still it mmm
    penguilnz likes this.
  16. farmer_broke

    farmer_broke Commander of the Forum

    :cry::cry: -0- -0- -0- flat broke again! Aluntino I will try harder next time. I need steps to get to that wealth floor. puppiesnponies your help program is not doing me any good. Now how do I make a cc and get out of the mess? :cry:

    --edit-- (Aluntino, I'm trying to sell brown cows in quantities of 1. xD Spamming!)
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2014
    meba091 and penguilnz like this.
  17. Aluntino

    Aluntino Board Analyst


    Please explain to me what you did with those 120K CCs, in detail, and why, aimed at what exactly.
    penguilnz likes this.
  18. farmer_broke

    farmer_broke Commander of the Forum

    Aluntino I am working on that wealth floor. I can explain but give me a minute. Moments ago -0-. Now over 5 million. I'm working on it. You taught me well. Please don't be too hard on me when I explain.

    --edit-- RL got me and have to stop at a little over 8M. I want to do some shopping but I'm going to do better. :oops:
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2014
    penguilnz likes this.
  19. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Mir - yes I watched the market beforehand...several times a day. My focus has been on animals for months so I have watched the patterns but just could not make the magic happen.

    broke - you have to attend a meeting for them to work! LOL You don't need any advice on how to make money if you went from 0 to 8M. What I want to know is when you are flat broke, what are you doing to get CC to then list what you have in the barn? FHO? FSQ?
    penguilnz likes this.
  20. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    That's too bad :( maybe you were just unlucky :cry: I wish you better luck next time :D

    This reminds me of a failed investment I did some months ago. The roasted garlic and olive pesto recipe was on sale in the pirates cove. I checked the market price and found I could make a big profit on it. So I bought the recipe, made my first batch and offered it on the market. It never sold. It turns out the price at the time I checked was not representative, I have never seen it as high again xDxD I can still make a profit on it, but much less than CAC :sleepy: which I finally got :D
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2014
    penguilnz likes this.
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