I'm in Heaven . . .

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by baw815, Aug 28, 2014.

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  1. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    8)LOLOLOLOL!!! Brookeham - Love the humor.......laughed till I was blue in the face.....even - almost - took off my sunglasses!! 8) *Thank you, and would you care to share some of that caffeine?? (I'll share next time, with coooookies:p)*

    Seriously, Baw815 - Congratulations! You give me hope that maybe, someday (if I live that long).....I, too, may join your exalted ranks. Your hard work and happiness is contagious:inlove: thank you for sharing with us.:) It really is.........er,
    ..ummm,..*gulp*:wuerg:....aaahh:wuerg:...B-B-BAWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!!xDxDxD:p:oops::oops::cry:8)8)8)I'm so sorry - I just couldn't help it!!
    I really hope you have a good sense of humor! The beauty of your avatar shows a very lovely person inside. Please have fun with mine if you want: farmlily = farmsilly (at least tonight! It must be that caffeine-.--.-....o.k.....8)who put what in the caffeine!?!)8)8)

  2. CJAT

    CJAT Forum Expert

    Congrats baw! I remember how happy I was to open that rune! I lugged trophies around just to increase my sugar and tool drops... and I was amazed at how much time it freed up each time I harvested!

    So way to go!!! :)
  3. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    o_Ops, sorry, Mod! Same reason as 1st. one. My apologies.
  4. Brookeham

    Brookeham Forum Freak

    Thanks farmlily3....I'm glad you like my "uh hum" lame kind of humor....every once in a while I come up with a good one!:music::wuerg:xD......I would gladly share a cup of tea with you....anytime!
    farmlily3 likes this.
  5. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    8) Hi Brookeham! You come up with good ones all the timexDxD...and they're not lame! I really enjoy reading your comments.:D.

    Now that the wonder about stables is over, would you like some tea? 'Ancient Cherry' green tea? Earl Grey? (I'm a Star Trek fan;))
    What are your favorite coooookies?? Did you see Nick's yummy-luscious looking chocolate chip ones??:inlove:
  6. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    well your name farmlily reminds me of family... The first time I saw it this is what I thought your name was:p;)
    farmlily3 likes this.
  7. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    8) Thank you Arielh! I hadn't thought of that - it's a nice thought. :)8)
    Arielh likes this.
  8. CJAT

    CJAT Forum Expert

    Hi baw! It's good to hear that I'm not the only one who get sidetracked by other things! ;) You might want to consider upgrading your points for the artisan trades first, as that way if you "trade in" your 5 daily crafting products (pinkie pie pie, chocolate shakes, white innocence, etc.) that doing so will help you level up faster... and then snag all that salt, etc.

    I also thought I read somewhere on the old forum that doing the upgrade runes would also increase how many points you get when you "cook" recipes, but you might need to ask to clarify that as I'm not sure if it actually was implemented or just a figment of my imagination...xD:p

    @farmlily ~ you can also make text bigger (and therefore darker) on your screen when you read it by holding down the <Control> key and pressing the "+" sign on your number pad, or by holding down the <Control> key and using your mouse scroll button to zoom in or shrink it down. ;)
    farmlily3 likes this.

    DBAYES Count Count

    Well Done baw! Now you have two free 1X1's
    Banjoman likes this.
  10. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Those two free space across all fields yields you an extra 8 1x1 so when BP sponsors and event that asks for 40k of event crops instead of 20k, you will get it done in no time!:p:DxD
    baw815 and JJenks like this.
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