Improved/More Rewarding Breeding Quest

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by Mooboy, Jun 14, 2024.

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  1. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    I am long time player, I have noticed that when New Breeding Quest is introduced it is no longer that appealing or rewarding

    This New Tiger Breeding Quest is just so unrewarding if you compare this to older breeding quests, That gives coloured breeding animals, BB, Good Amount of Power Feed donation Level 8 Breeding Animals

    As takes loads of Power Feed to complete a breeding quest, as we hardly get any great skips from breeding events anyway as it does not inspire me to work on this quest as they are becoming less appealing and rewarding

    For Example; We can easy get 100% Stables or 100% Workshops from Crate O Buffs :wuerg:

    Another Example Tiger Slipper Workshop II, This only gives 1 Tiger Slipper Product now prices of tigers and Tiger feeds will be expensive It just not make sense to gain this Orange Workshop, Maybe at least Pink Workshop.

    The other thing that makes it hard to complete new breeding quests. we can hardly buy any new breeding animals in the markets >:(

    These are several reasons Newer Breeding Quests becoming less rewarding

    Why cant Bigpoint inspire us to keep enjoying playing farmerama

    By all means put your feedback and suggestions here for developers team to have serious rethink ;);)
  2. -matselleste-

    -matselleste- Forum Duke

    I agree. I am working on breeding quests simply because I have accomplished everything else that I want to do that takes PF - have pink workshops for all available animals and have a surplus of PF easily maintained, and because I enjoy the breeding when opportunities like Baby Boom and Discount Day are in place. But the newer quests are just not worth the effort. The combination of lower prizes, and fewer higher level animals available, makes it tedious. Skips are rare, which is fine, but the breeding requirements (events and such) just keep happening and while we are now given much more PF than in the past, and things like Discount Day make it possible to breed with just 1PF, there is still SO much to get done, and not much incentive to do so. Please make the rewards commensurate with the requirements, not just with regard to breeding, but all quests - the ones that ask for tens of thousands of crops with a paltry reward will languish forever in my "uncompleted" category.