In-Forum Messaging

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by Griff303, May 2, 2015.

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  1. Griff303

    Griff303 Active Author

    Something that would be awesome to have would be in-forum messaging, similar to that of in-game. This would allow users to message directly to other forum-goers without specifically dealing with messages relating to in-game topics...

    I am sure this has been brought I know you have considered it. I would love for this to be made a real possibility, if it isn't for a specific reason, please share with me...I would love to hear about it! ;)

    Forum Messages!!!
  2. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    Since we are allowed different forum and game IDs, I can see a LOT of reasons for this.... though, of course, mods would likely need to be excluded. (That is easy enough to do by inserting a "hidden" character or code in their name that folks cannot just copy).