Increase payout for event items

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by woody, Dec 20, 2014.

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  1. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    Call it inflation or whatever, but I think its time to increase the return of leftover event items, particularly any item you have to produce.

    Right now, the return is well below that of market prices for almost any crop. This doesn't impact higher level players, but lower level players, who are also the least experienced and least likely to know full impacts of what they do, wind up having to choose between growing profitable crops and working on events.. events where its easy to build up stocks and then fall short. As you keep adding events, this gets to be even more of an issue.

    I am not suggesting that the prices be equivalent to anything in the market, but something like 10-20CC per leftover item would make a HUGE difference. Something like 20-30CC for crop items and 100CC for any product would be a true boon, something like a halfway decent "booby prize" for those who cannot complete the event. Its not enough that higher level players would stock up on event stuff instead of regular crops/products, but it would really help lower level players. Then again, if higher level players want to do extra crops/products after finishing an event, why not let them.. its not as if they can be sold, no risk of them "skewing" the market.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2014
  2. squigglegiggle

    squigglegiggle Forum Overlooker

    I disagree entirely.

    Firstly, low level players aren't going to fall in a heap if they learn how to play the game by making their own mistakes. We've all been new players at some stage and we've all managed to make our way through. Yes, low level players will make mistakes, but they will learn from them, and anything they do wrong can be easily remedied with hard work, patience, and help from other players.

    If we were to increase the exchange value of event crops and products so drastically, imagine what would happen. Players would grow their crops and their products and not donate them, so that they could make hundreds of thousands of CCs each event. Players would be far, far richer, and with widespread richness would come a push of a more expensive market. When players can afford to sell higher, they will. And when they know that other players can afford to cash out more for their products, they'll willingly make them more expensive. Over time, everything on the market will become more and more expensive. If we're really worried about the new players, we should be considering the full time implications of things - such as the price of items on the market. If they want to purchase something on the market, will they be able to once the prices have been pushed up?
    penguilnz and CaliChrome like this.
  3. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    You have a point. That is why the amounts I suggested are low. Its a bit higher, but not high enough to skew the market. Almost any other crop will yield more than these amounts, even for a low level player. The lowest price sunflowers in my market right now are 13CC, and the lowest price corn are 23CC. Honestly, anyone not able to get high enough to grow those crops is not likely to even know enough to , as you say, use this as a boost. For anyone else, its just a loser. Its a booby prize, not a real prize.

    5cc is less than even carrots many times.
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 21, 2014