{info} Changes

Discussion in 'Headquarters Archive' started by teddy.bear, Nov 7, 2013.

Dear forum reader,

if you’d like to actively participate on the forum by joining discussions or starting your own threads or topics, please log into the game first. If you do not have a game account, you will need to register for one. We look forward to your next visit! CLICK HERE
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  1. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Howdy Farmers,

    Today we want to inform you about some changes regarding our landing page. These changes include the following topics:

    • Registration: icons and hints are shown upon entering incorrect data
    • Login: hints upon entering incorrect login data
    • Password recovery: Change of the process to improve account security
    • Change of Password and Email-Address: the process to change your email-address and password are even safer now

    These changes do not affect the game itself, but aim to improve the account security. Additionally the registration process is improved, by pointing out wrong entries.

    We hope that you like these changes and that you enjoy Farmerama.

    Your Farmerama Team
  2. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Howdy Farmers!

    As some of you have already noticed, it's not possible to change your farm name since the implementation of the new registration and account data system.

    There are a few reasons for this:
    - Some names were changed to avoid infractions
    - Standardization of all BigPoint games
    - Unique game and forum usernames

    However, the suggestion to reinstate the ability to change farm names has been passed along to the higher ups.

    Your Farmerama Team
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