Information about upcoming events

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by Doc425, Sep 14, 2015.

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  1. Doc425

    Doc425 Exceptional Talent

    I couldn't find any place where veterans shared information about upcoming events from their experience playing Farmerama. If there is somewhere please let me know and I will have this closed, or removed.

    It would be extremely helpful for all of us newcomers if the veterans could post some information about upcoming events when the monthly calenders come out. Obviously, some require no prior information, like breeding events, but for others, like the Goddess event we just had, it would really be nice to know in advance that they are events where you grow event crops and use drops to meet quotas, or whatever they require. The more information the better, and the further in advance of the start date, the better.

    I would imagine Oktoberfest is an annual event, but since I just started playing in June, I have no idea what to expect, or how to prepare for it. Any information would be nice instead of just finding out a couple of days before it begins what is required to complete the event.
    Thank you very much for your words of wisdom.

    Doc425, farm name Doo401
  2. suezoroc

    suezoroc Advanced

    Have you tried the Grapevine (it's under Users+Game)? It gives clues about events that will happen, months before it starts. They don't post stuff like what to grow 24 hours before the time. I guess it is one of their game rules. And I guess they want the events to be a surprise...
    Doc425 likes this.
  3. Doc425

    Doc425 Exceptional Talent

    No. I've never been there. If it does then this thread is a waste of space am I'll request it be closed. Thank you very much.

    Doc425, Farm name Doo401
  4. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Glad you found where we can speculate about upcoming events.

    ~closing as requested~
    Doc425 likes this.
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