Competition International Christmas: Details and rules

Discussion in 'Headquarters Archive' started by teddy.bear, Dec 13, 2015.

Dear forum reader,

if you’d like to actively participate on the forum by joining discussions or starting your own threads or topics, please log into the game first. If you do not have a game account, you will need to register for one. We look forward to your next visit! CLICK HERE
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  1. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Howdy Farmers!

    Hard to believe, but another year has gone by and Christmas is almost here again! And what would a Christmas holiday be without a forum competition? This time we have prepared a special competition between multiple communities!​

    The competition will take place not only in our forum, but also in the DE and CS/SK forums, and will be among the three communities interconnected.​

    Christmas is associated with a number of beautiful traditions. Some of these customs are common to many countries, others are slightly different, while others differ completely. Your task will be to find information about Christmas traditions from German and Czech/Slovak speaking countries and prepare a photo with the theme "Comparison of English traditions with the Christmas customs of German and Czech & Slovak speaking countries". You can highlight both the differences and similarities of our Christmas traditions - it is up to you!​

    Apart from the Czech Republik and Slovakia, please note that for German-speaking countries we count not only Germany, but also Austria and Switzerland, for English speaking countries we include the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Australia, Canada and the United States - so you have a very wide range of possibilities. Of course, all forum members are welcomed to participate :) .​

    Be sure to include your user ID and username on the competition entry, on a piece of paper or something similar. Each player has the opportunity to submit one entry (even if you have multiple farms).

    Members of the moderator team will not participate in the competition. Contest ends on the 24th of December, so entries posted after midnight will not count.​

    Entries need to be posted into this thread - please post only your entries here. To discuss the entries and the competition, please use this thread.​

    This time, the winners of the competition will not be decided by the Mod Teams, but by your votes. After the end of the competition (25th/26h of December), we will post a secure google form / poll through which you can vote.​

    Please note! You can only vote for the entries of the DE and CS/SK players. Your entries will be voted / rated by DE and CS/SK players only, not by EN players. We want you to vote based on the quality of entries, not by personal sympathies, so this way we hope the votes will be objective. Each player may only vote once for an entry from the DE community and one from the CS/SK community, even if you own multiple game accounts. Votes will be disqualified if they are spotted to be from the same player (multiple farms).​

    Voting will be closed on the 30th of December at midnight, so the votes that arrive after this date will not be counted. After a few days, we will announce the winners!​

    What can you win?
    • 1st place - 100% EP for 48 hours, 1 Piggy bank, 1 Santa's helper, 1 Kitten Caboodle
    • 2nd place - 100% EP for 24 hours, 1 Piggy Bank, 1 Santa's helper
    • 3rd place - 100% EP for 12 hours, 1 Piggy Bank, 1 Santa's helper
    • 4th place - 1 Santa's helper
    We wish you a lot of inspiration and we look forward to your creations.​

    Best regards,
    Your Farmerama EN Team
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