Inventory Delete Or Recycle Function

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by Michael1877, Nov 13, 2014.

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  1. Michael1877

    Michael1877 Old Hand

    My inventory (pens, workshops, trees, decorations) looks meanwhile like a big shop of horrors due to stupid buying decisions or out of necessity to get the upper hand for events or quests , to clean up I would like to have a delete function for the inventory or even better a recycle function…..
    Now I can hear already the moderators screaming, yelling and shouting: “Oh, no! Stupid idea, that’ll create thousands of threads pleading to recover lost items…..!)

    Of course there should be a disclaimer warning the farmer that this step is irreversible and to get confirmation that this step is taken intentionally. This way the farmer cannot claim an oops.

    In the long run of course the more preferable way would be a recycler (pens, deco items) or a composter (trees)….. This item could made to be unlocked on the Tree of Wisdom. Then as compensation (if so chosen) it could give random tool rewards or, in case of the composter version, Turbo Mulch.
    I know that this is a simple idea, so please everyone shoot to show what I forgot…….

    I know there is the Gift & Trade Event, also the Trans Seedlantic Express and the San Gigantica Express, but either it is too pricy to use licenses to get rid of low value items or the items are not valuable enough in their exchange values to be used.
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2014
  2. Kaydd2

    Kaydd2 Junior Expert

    Barter, Give and Exchange
    This is better than nothing
    Michael1877 likes this.
  3. jennifersiegel

    jennifersiegel Padavan

    It is very sad to me to see a request to delete items from the inventory just to make it less messy. That said: The fact that secret seedlings/stablemasters seem to be a big part of the rewards given in events, I see the reason why this is happening.

    I just love the Trans Seedlantic and San Gigantica Express. I thought it was one of the best ideas in a very long time and a great way to recycle my useless items. I don't usually grow trees at all but thanks to the express I even look forward to rewards like secret seedlings as they can be exchanged in the train (and I like playing the lottery). But at this point I have been waiting a long time for the Trans Seedlantic Express to come around again. I just hope that the new producer realizes how important it is to the players to being able to exchange some of their hard earned items or at some point I will stop playing events for rewards like secret seedlings/stablemasters. So yes I appreciate the efforts made by the new producer to spoof up event mechanics etc. but please don't negate already existing great ideas.
  4. Jools

    Jools Forum Pro

    I think we have enough options to recycle currently. We have G&T where you exchange items or sell them for CCs as Kaydd2 said and the two trains to win something new as jennifersiegel said and we all love the excitement of seeing what our mystery seedling / pen will turn out to be :)
    JJenks likes this.
  5. jennifersiegel

    jennifersiegel Padavan

    Still waiting for the Trans-Seedlantic-Express. I seem to recall that it was promised to come around every few months and in
    alternation with the San Gigantica Express. Last time the train came around it was the "animal train" and that was in June. So I am very much looking forward to exchanging some of my trees. Because this time I actually have a couple of valuable trees to send off: thanks to the Secret Seedlings rewarded at the last events. :)
  6. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    I have a lot of pens, trees and other in my inventory but I wouldn't like to delete them.
    I have a hope that something will happen with this problem as I read the September newsletter:

    3. Provide More Space
    Having played Farmerama extensively over the last few months, I know one of the biggest player frustrations is the lack of space or real estate in the game. This to me is a problem that has been ignored for far too long. While we would like to launch new playfields, this requires months and months of work and is not easy to implement. However, we’re currently conceptualizing a feature called “Storage Quarters” which will let you all store your stables, Breeding pens without having to turn them inactive. This is just a concept for the moment, more details are coming your way in the next Producer newsletter!
    jennifersiegel and -Mir85- like this.