Is Dragonblood Tree Useful?

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by rivak, Aug 15, 2020.

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  1. rivak

    rivak Forum Baron


    I finally have enough Farm Coins to have several choices in the Shop. :) I don't have a Dragonblood tree, but is it a good purchase? Do we need it to make animal food or fulfill a FSQ with great payoffs? If so I'll get one, and if not I'll keep waiting until I have enough for the Red Bat stable upgrade.

    Thanks for any advice you can share!
    PeepsPlace and ctindaldavies like this.
  2. squigglegiggle

    squigglegiggle Forum Overlooker

    Dragonblood fruit is indeed used in FSQs (can't remember which ones specifically). If you're an FSQ player or just want the extra bonuses it's definitely worth it. Personally I think trees are always worthwhile, because they take up just one square on the farm each. You can put them out, don't need to use any extra resources (feed, water, manure, crops to make feed etc.) but just by having the tree out permanently you can collect fruit. Even if you don't use it for anything specific, it can be donated to EV-based donation tasks (FSQs or events) so you can get some pretty great rewards.

    Because of this, when I was opening things up in the Temple, I made sure to get all trees opened first. I could have them there passively collecting fruit whilst I opened the rest of the statues.
  3. FrootloopGrove

    FrootloopGrove Exceptional Talent

    to add to squigglegiggle (all perfect info) just when you don't think you need something they come up with an event that needs it. Better safe than sorry
  4. -matselleste-

    -matselleste- Forum Duke

    whichever you choose NOT to get, if you will message me, I will send you at the next G&T :) Personally, I'd go for the tree first, but I like to have two of everything, useful or not :)
  5. missyww83

    missyww83 Forum Apprentice

    The Castaway FSQ needs it.
  6. rivak

    rivak Forum Baron

    I decided to get the Dragonblood Tree and wait for the Red Bat Roost. It's happily growing fruit for me now.
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