FAQ Island Farm Work 101

Discussion in 'FAQ Archive' started by shooger.sweet, Jul 18, 2023.

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  1. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Reminder! All the info in this FAQ was correct at the time of testing. Some info could get changed when going LIVE, the FAQ will be updated as soon as possible with correct information, so thank you for your patience and understanding, and don't forget to refresh every now and then to check for updated info (particularly translation of names).

    Island Farm Work 101
    19th of July 2023 - 25th of July 2023
    Difficulty: Medium
    * From what level can we participate in this event?
    From level 3. Level 10 required to finish.
    * How can I access the event?
    You can access the event from the news page, event timer and the event building:​

    event entry.gif

    * What is special about this event?

    info layer 1.png
    • There will be two special event crops:
    Farmer's Purse
    Time: 5 hours and 30 minutes
    Gives (2x2): 220 EP
    Plantable on the Main farm only!

    Time: 5 hours and 30 minutes
    Gives (2x2): 220 TEP
    Plantable on The Rainforest only!
    Every player will get 5 of each seeds at the beginning of the event. If you drop under 5 plants the system will check every 5 hours and replenish up to 5 seeds.
    • There will be a special drop:
    Watering can
    You will get these drops when harvesting your main land and green meadow from crops and trees only.
    • There will be a special Mill product:
    Sack of Fruit
    Ingredients: 260 x Kenaf + 15 x Pineapples + 15 x Bananas
    Time: 15 seconds
    It can be produced in the main and tropical mills - Events feed tab!

    * How can I get more drops?

    • They can be gifted to/from neighbours and friends, for free as long as it is one of you 5-7 free daily gifts, or for BBs each after. You can receive up to 20 gifts per day.
    • You can buy drops in bulk from the Shopping Centre (see below)
    • You can get some in the event baskets.
    • If you have a Magic tree it will give 1 x Watering can per harvest during this event.
    * Is there anything else I should know?

    info layer 2.png

    Yes! You will need to train some animals and improve their skills to earn some special rewards.

    When you enter the Event layer, a pop up will inform you that the four required animals to train have been booked to your account to participate in the Event:

    On the Event layer, you need to click on the animal to add them to the Event:

    You can add them one at a time to the event or all at once:

    Now that you have donated your animals, it is time to start training them in the required skills.
    game layer.png

    The required skills are:
    category_icon_seed.png Seeding which require Farmer's Purses
    category_icon_prune.png Pruning which require Watering Cans
    category_icon_harvest.png Harvesting which require Mangoes​

    Each animal has 4 levels of training that need to be completed to earn their skills.

    The necessary skills in each category are represented by the coloured dots required to complete training for each level.
    Example: To complete the Parrot training requires 5 x Seedling training, 5 x Pruning training and 4 x Harvesting training in total to finish all training for the Parrot.

    Levels need to be completed in order before the next level of each animal is opened.
    Example: Level 1 Parrot requires 2 x Seedling training, 1 x Pruning training and 1 x Harvesting training before level 2 is opened.​

    To begin training, click on an animal and drag it to one of the required training areas.
    Each level of training takes a certain amount of time. Once the timer has finished, click on the animal to complete his training and remove him from the event layer.
    Once an animal has finished their training, they need to rest.

    To wake up the animals so they can train again can be done in two ways:
    wake up.png

    By donating 1 x Sack of Fruits or 2 x Power-feed and clicking on the "Wake up" tab of choice.

    Each time an animal is woken, you will receive a reward from the lootable prize pool.

    Your animal is now ready to begin it's next lot of training.

    Once your animal has completed the necessary skills to complete a level, you will see a "Finish" tab. Click on it to receive your rewards:
    finish tab.png
    Here is an animation to better understand the process:

    (animation for instruction purpose only)

    * What are the requirements and rewards?

    Note: Charts show the total amount of each resource to finish that level.

    Rabbit needs a total of 200 Pumpkins for level 2, which is 2 x Harvesting training requiring, consisting of 80 + 120 Pumpkins).​


    rewards 1.png


    rewards 2.png


    rewards 3.png


    rewards 4.png
    Please Note: Not all dots need to be completed to finish all levels on some animals:
    You only need to complete the training of the amount of required skills necessary as shown by the coloured dots on level 4 of each animal.

    Possible Lootable Rewards:

    lootable rewards.png

    * What special items are offered as prizes?

    You'll find this Sticker in your Sticker Album!

    Thirsty Flowers
    Gives: 9000 EP / TEP
    Time: 22 hours
    Size: 1x2
    can be placed on the 3 main and 3 tropical lands, park, sunflower hill, shipwreck bay, castaway coast, lighthouse, cloudrow

    A Snake’s Nemesis
    Gives: 4950 EP / TEP
    Time: 12 hours
    Size: 1x2
    can be placed on the 3 main and 3 tropical lands, park, sunflower hill, shipwreck bay, castaway coast, lighthouse, cloudrow

    Knockout Crocodile
    Gives: 8300 EP / TEP
    Time: 20 hours
    Size: 1x2
    can be placed on the 3 main and 3 tropical lands, park, sunflower hill, shipwreck bay, castaway coast, lighthouse, cloudrow

    Cleanup Patrol
    Gives: 4200 EP / TEP
    Time: 10 hours
    Size: 1x2
    can be placed on the 3 main and 3 tropical lands, park, sunflower hill, shipwreck bay, castaway coast, lighthouse, cloudrow

    Island Farm Work 101 Magic Stalk Row
    islanf farm work 101.png
    Cooldown Time: 36 hours
    Rewards: 5500 EP x Farm level, 1 x Crate O' Kung Fu Tiger
    Requires the four event items
    * What drop item packages can I get in the Shopping center?
    • 1 Watering can - 2 BB
    • 50 x Watering cans - 85 BB (15% off)
    • 100 x Watering cans - 150 BB (25% off)
    • 200 x Watering cans - 270 BB (33% off)
    * Will there be any Event Baskets during this event?
    Yes, there will be 6 "Farmhand" baskets:​

    Small Farmhand Basket
    50 x Farmer's Purses
    15 x Watering cans
    40 x Super-grow
    Buyable multiple times for €1.99 or equivalent in your currency

    Medium Farmhand Basket
    120 x Farmer's Purses
    50 x Kenaf
    40 x Watering cans
    60 x Super-grow
    Buyable multiple times for €4.99 or equivalent in your currency

    Large Farmhand Basket
    250 x Farmer's Purses
    120 x Kenaf
    80 x Watering cans
    60 x Super-grow
    60 x Suzy's Super-grow
    1 x Event Plant EP Booster
    Buyable multiple times for €9.99 or equivalent in your currency

    Giant Farmhand Basket
    400 x Farmer's Purses
    200 x Kenaf
    120 x Watering cans
    80 x Super-grow
    80 x Suzy's Super-grow
    3 x Fruit Sacks
    Buyable multiple times for €12.99 or equivalent in your currency

    Deluxe Farmhand Basket
    1000 x Farmer's Purses
    400 x Kenaf
    200 x Watering cans
    200 x Suzy's Super-grow
    22 x Fruit Sacks
    100% extra EP/TEP when harvesting "event" crops for 24 hours
    Buyable once only for €24.99 or equivalent in your currency

    Epic Farmhand Basket
    2000 x Farmer's Purses
    500 x Watering cans
    35 x Fruit Sacks
    +1 extra revenue when harvesting "event" crops for 48 hours
    Buyable once only for €34.99 or equivalent in your currency
    Note: Bonus starts as soon as basket is purchased!​
    * What will happen with the leftover event goods?
    All the leftover goods will be exchanged after the event:
    • 1 Farmer's Purse = 7 EP + 5 CC;
    • 1 Kenaf = 5 CC + 7 TEP;
    • 1 Watering Can = 29 EP + 20 CC;
    • 1 Sack of Fruit = 874 EP + 1165 CC + 874 TEP.
    MeadowCrossing likes this.
  2. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Howdy Farmers,

    When the 2nd run time begins on the 4th of August, these following changes will take place:
    • Farmer's Purse will be plantable on the Magical Glade only.
    • Kenaf will be plantable on Crystal Falls only.
    • Watering Cans will drop from the Magical Glade & Crystal Falls from crops and trees.

    Best Regards,
    Your Farmerama Team
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